Focus/Relying on Sw...
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Focus/Relying on Swashtha Planet

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Hello Ernst and avashtha adepts,

In the video on swashtha Venus, you encouraged people who have it to focus on this Venus to help them with their other, more fearful and afflicted L. avashthas.

But what if this swashtha Venus is in the 6th? A 6th house venus cannot be relied upon to make decisions that work out in life, right? Does being swashtha not make the 6th house Venus symptoms as bad?

(Lol, could we just gaze at one of those upward/downward/Shiva/Shakti 6-pointed stars for balance? In Graha Sutras you associated this shape with Venus and it is the symbol of the heart chakra where Libra/Taurus are.)



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Ernst Wilhelm
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That's a good question. In my experience I have seen venus in 6th house in svastha feel very comfortable making tough and frightening decisions. The thing with venus in the 6th is that you never get what you expect, but that does not neccesarily mean that it was the wrong decision, it just means, it wasnt worth it in the way you thought it was going to be, but its worth it in respect to something the person did not think. I have seen people with this get married under very tough situations and the marraige was very good for them in ways they never expected, and the thing they expected from the marraige, that they did not get but they were still thankful for the marriage. 

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You also say Mars in the 8th is not ideal. What has been your experience with that? 

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@ernst Thanks. I guess the experience of it, and the ability to manage the outcome, would depend on a healthy Mercury for trying new things and a strong Jupiter for having faith in it ending up right in the bigger picture of life.

How do you feel about the role of a planet near the midpoint between Ketu and Rahu? If swashtha, is it a point of balance, or a crutch and escapist distraction? May have covered this at some point, but I'm not clear.

Amit Bhat
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Hi Ernst 

In Nakshatra course, you touched somewhat on karakas on dusthanas and I remember like you said malefics do better on those positions due to their cruel nature to handle difficulties.

For man, Venus is woman in their chart. So if its in 6th house, she will act like an enemy to the path of man? And how the dignity of venus affects the enmity? 

Is it like say an exalted Venus in 6th means the woman on a well dignified path becomes enemy to man and its more difficult to handle that vs a debilitated Venus in 6th means a low quality woman becomes enemy to a man and that's less of a problem to him?

Thank you 

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Ve is in 6th for me. I never felt any woman was an enemy to me. The way it played out for me is that every woman I liked had a relationship ongoing. So, I didnt get to have a romantic kind of relationship with those women. I was also running Ju/Ve dasha then which is tricky.

But  (in a genuine way), I love every woman that is on my path and they like me too. We've shared a lot of things that helped me make a better person and the women have told me the same. All this with a lot of fun in common interests. Thats a pretty good deal to me :D. I definitely got good to very good returns for the effort I put in. 

It hurt when you'd know that there is not much chance of having a romantic relationship, but that was coming from some starvation from Mo. Once that is resolved; and self worth is developed that the person is a viable option for any woman; it is pretty simple to deal with and fun too. 

Amit Bhat
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thanks for sharing your experiences. 

Yes I agree, good LA 6th house Venus won't suffer like bad LA venus. 

You got good Venus in D9, that should help. How about your Venus in D40 and D60?


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@amit  Yes, thank you! that definitely helps. Its good in D40 in Ta, not great in D60 with Ke in Cn.

Amit Bhat
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D40 has got you an auspicious Venus too that makes all troubles even less...

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@amit What about Venus in Pisces in the D40, would you consider that a good thing?

Amit Bhat
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Exalted Venus in d40 should be amazing especially if it rules key bhavas in d40 like 4th cusp, 4th from Moon etc... Otherwise whatever it rules, those areas should become auspicious...

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@amit Thanks Amit! It's in the 4th sign from the Ascendant, but with the 6th and 12th cusps there.

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@scoobydoo I have had mixed experiences with women, but mostly friendly, positive and fun. But with a few occasional dark hurtful surprises, contradictions, and unfinished business. Never complete emnity to my knowledge though. At least not from my side.

But my Venus is not only in the 6th, it is 3rd from the Lagna Pada, and so a death indicator. Since swashtha is good dignity, I figure this means I will be killed by a very dignified woman in a very agreeable and dignified fashion. Nothing to worry about ???? 


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@mitryendra80 Hmm..interesting. Haha, a good Ve can intuitively navigate itself through death (read symbolically) if it wants to. 🙂

Ernst Wilhelm
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Mars in the 8th very easily breaks a person's path. They can be onto something, doing great, building a career, a relationshp, etc. and then all of a sudden, they stop or some kind of disaster stops them. A bad lajjitaadi Mars in the 8th is particularly troublesome. 

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I have Ma in 8th and it is also my AK. It only receives mudita from other planets plus it is forming a nice yoga in my chart. Despite that, their has been some instances where my life suddenly shifts but I would say always for the better (though in the moment perhaps it didn't seem like that). 

In Mars' age I broke my arm when I was 1.5 years old. When my Mars matured at 28, I got deeply into Vedic Astrology where as before it was only a 'hobby'. 

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Should we consider house cusp or equal signs equal houses for this?

What if Mars is in 8th cusp but 9th sign from asc?



Ernst Wilhelm
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@anand I like to look at the cusps, but keep the house from asc in mind as well.

Ernst Wilhelm
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In the course I talk about the planets on angles from the nodes being the most valuable for balancing the nodes, of course, if those planets are in bad shape, their ability to do so will be less. 

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@ernst Thanks. That's what I thought.

I'm not sure where I heard something about the planet nearest the middle between Ke and Ra being a crutch or distraction from evolution, but I'm pretty sure I heard it from somewhere. I guess it was someone's misinformed opinion.

Ernst Wilhelm
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malefics do better in the 3/6/11 positions, one of which is a dusthana and the other two of which are not ideal houses. Malefics here give strength to the chart. But any planet in 2/3/11 is harder to manifest, planets in 6/8/12 are most difficult to manifest, and planets in angles and trines are most easy to manifest. 

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Does it mean challenges/obstacles/efforts are more easily manifested if 3rd and 6th lord is in 9th, but less easily manifested if it is in 6th house?

btw, is 3rd and 6th lord in 6th cause a vipreet yoga?




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