Interplay of Jagrad...
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Interplay of Jagradaadi Avasthas with Lajjitaadi Avasthas

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 6
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Hi Ernst,

I was wondering about how to incorporate the Jagradaadi Avasthas with the Lajjitaadi Avasthas. 


If the consciousness of a planet is awake, I would generally expect that:

  • the planet is better able to take care of the affairs of the house(s) it rules (after considering the lajjitaadi avasthas on that planet)
  • the planet is more able in terms of lajjitaadi avasthas to influence other planets 


My observation is that the "Shadbala" lajjittaadi calculations don't discount for the fact that planets may be in svapna or slumbering avastha. However, I do remember that in previous Kala versions such a discounting of the shadbala values had been taken into account. So my question is:


Would you recommend to disregard considering jagradaadi avasthas in the context of lajjitaadi avasthas for non-predictive purposes? What about predictive purposes?  


Thanks in advance


