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Interplay of Deeptadi avasthas/ dignity with Lajjitaadi Avasthas

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Hi Ernst and group,

I was reflecting recently about the interplay between the deeptaadi avasthas, dignity and the lajjitaadi avasthas. 

1) My understanding is that the deeptaadi avasthas describe the manner in which a graha is experienced, constituting the environment of a graha as karaka, bhava lord and the rasi in which it is placed. On a pragmatic day-to-day level, the deeptaadi avasthas seem to me to be of overall importance when it comes to the experiental well-being of the facet represented by the planet in a person's life.

Apart from kopi and vikala avastha, there is also a significant overlap with dignity. The subtle difference between dignity and deeptaadi avasthas seems to me that dignity is more concerned with the effects in areas of life represented by the houses. So the focus with dignity is less on the experiences, but more on the concrete bhava effects in areas of life. Of course, since deeptaadi avasthas and dignity are more or less the same, this converges.

Would you generally agree with this differentiation between deeptaadi avasthas and dignity? 

2) Secondly, when contemplating on why it is so important to focus on lajjitaadi avasthas instead of deeptaadi avasthas, it comes to mind that it is more important from an astrology perspective to focus on whether a planet can produce its agenda. The experiences the planet has are secondary, which is a tough statement to make.

But if in the end the planet's agenda can be produced despite the lajjitaadi obstacles of its enemies, then fulfillment is achieved regardless of the struggles on the way. Which would be fine from an astrological counseling perspective, because it is not denied that life can be hard and unpleasant. Whereas if bad lajjitaadi influences on a planet are too strong, then the planet cannot produce its agenda. This refers to a structural unhealthy strategy that does not conform to mental, emotional and physical laws of nature from an astrological point of view. This habitual neglect leads to more or less continual suffering, which is why astrological guidance on changing unsuccesful strategies and habits as per negative lajjitaadi avasthas is a more effective tool.

Would you generally agree with that interpretation?

3) Now weaving in the dignity, I was wondering: what if a good lajjitaadi avastha planet is in bad dignity? According to theory, the planet in bad dignity on its own should only produce low results as per its characteristics, while at the same time feeling low as per deeptaavastha.

For example, a sun as 2nd lord DB on its own would possibly produce inconsistency with managing financial responsibilites, low wealth and problems with authorities in the area of finances. Having good lajjitaadi influences on the sun would then be like having good friends supporting in the managing of wealth and the fulfillment of responsibilities. Despite the DB sun, the effect of this support is that good results are achieved nevertheless. Of course, this depends on the supporting friends influences being activated through dashas, so there may still be an up and down.

Would that be an appropriate interpretation of the interplay between dignity and lajjitaadi avasthas?

4) If it is, then dignity is not that all important, isn't it? 

5) And what about the feeling of lowness (deeptaadi avastha) in the above example: despite being helped by friends, the person would still feel low in the area of finance, wouldn't he?   

Thanks in advance for your interpretive guidances,


3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Dignity indicates the circumstances. So if a person has a bad Lajjitaadi Avastha but the circumstances are good, those buttons do not get pushed. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Dignity is a strength, not a condition, not an Avastha. A condition is what you have. A strength is a force. Deeptaadi Avasthas are largely based on dignities, so dignities are an Avastha when it comes down to it. We should only read Avasthas, not dignities. Dignities is a calculation that is used to determine Avasthas, but its not a technique, its a calculation used in many techniques such as shad bala, yoga determination, Subha phala, vimshopaka, and most importantly, deeptaadi Avasthas. 

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Thanks for clarifiying
