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Jupiter - Venus relationship

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Hi all,
The more I think about what each planet represents, the more I'm struggling to understand why Venus is an enemy to Jupiter, and why Jupiter with Venus + Jupiter in the signs of Venus can be so troublesome. I would love to hear how you interpret that. 
- Venus is exalted in the sign of Jupiter - ok that by itself is not so strange, seeing as we even have planets exalted in signs of enemy planets (Mars) and other planets that are debilitated in the signs of friendly planets (Mars, Venus).
- both Venus and Jupiter are Brahmin planets
- both represent abundance and fulfillment, however Venus is worldly and material fulfillment, while Jupiter is emotional and spiritual fulfillment. At the same time Jupiter rules money 🤔 When I think of worldly and material fulfillment, money is pretty much top of the list. 
I can totally wrap my head around a person trying to find complete happiness through things of the world (romance, social status, entertainment, material posessions and comforts, luxuries) when Jupiter is starved by Venus. What I don't get is why then Jupiter is the planet that rules money.

Appreciate your input 🌻 
(and yes, I do have a Jupiter starved by Venus so it totally makes sense that I would struggle to understand this fully, I guess lol)

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One reason would be that Venus is the guru of the asuras. And as you say: Venus makes you look for true fulfillment in worldly things, where there is non. Jupiter rules material abundance, yes, but remember that the 2nd house, even though most astrologers see it as the money house, is actually the house of obligations. Having abundance doesn´t mean that we should be attached to it or get in the way of our dharma.


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Perhaps one could say that it´s Venus that tends to give us a false idea about abundance and money.


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@staffan Thank you for bringing up the houses, yes, now it becomes even more interesting.
So Venus material abundance is meant to serve to: 
- 2nd house - an artha house - fulfill our material responsibilities, be resourceful, have a healthy sense of self-worth, ensure a stable foundation for our lives
- 7th house - a kama house - abundance/beauty for the sake of fulfilling our desires and productively partnering with others

While Jupiter material abundance is for the sake of:
- 9th house (dharma) - to enable us to follow our dharma, expand our horizons, and focus on philosophy, higher learning, morals, spirituality
- 12th house (moksha) - to enable us to be free from material concerns so that we can focus on our spirituality, be charitable and creative

Hard to really devote yourself to 9th and 12th house things healthily when you're struggling to survive materially! I think I'm starting to get it, thank you 🙂

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@nkan I´m far from an expert on the vedic tradition, but it´s a wellknown fact that a man (and in our times women too, I guess) is supposed to focus on his worldly duties like having a spouse and raising a children until they are grown-up, and only after that focus completely on his spiritual life. I guess that illustrates how the tradition looks at the dilemma of money/abundance in relation to moksha.

Obligations, especially towards children, have the preference.


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I will share my thoughts on this. Venus recognizes the value of good things and desires to possess or enjoy them. Venus is the planet of fulfillment of all the things that can be enjoyed in the world. Venus looks for things that are high worth. Venus rules diamonds in the context of diamonds are the most expensive gem. Venus rules luxury cars. Venus always rules the high end material luxury out there...

Jupiter is purpose, wisdom, knowledge, children, money, husband. If a lot of goodness is coming through a person, a person feels good, happy, joyful and they have wisdom. A wise thing is a good thing. So joy, wisdom, goodness, virtue, merit, all these things are Jupiter. A person who has a lot of money with goodness flowing through them (delighted Jupiter) is going to use that money for good purposes, using that money to make the world a better place. 

That is why Jupiter planet comes before Venus planet because it is important to have the goodness flowing through you first, the inner joy before experiencing the outer joy, the material things in life. Finding joy externally leaves Jupiter feeling starved because the only joy that delights Jupiter is the joy that comes from within. Jupiter starved by Venus because Venus looks for luxury, pleasure, good food, all the luxury things out there in life, human love, relationships, but none of them give you the inner joy unless you have purpose and goodness flowing through you. The inner joy can only come from within and that is a delighted Jupiter. 

You basically have a pleasure seeker when Venus starves Jupiter. The goal of Jupiter is to find the purpose of life and for goodness to flow through you. The purpose of life is for wisdom and goodness to flow through you. That is what Jupiter represents. Venus will give happiness but it is external and temporary. These momentarily joy can't replace Jupiter, the inner joy...

Jupiter comes before Venus, and if Jupiter is not satisfied then how can you feel satisfy with pleasure? If goodness, purpose are not flowing through you then the enjoyment and pleasure will be temporary. With a Jupiter Venus conjunction, you are trading Jupiter's goodness flowing through a person for the temporary external reward of Venus...

I don't have Jupiter Venus conjunction. But i have Venus aspecting Jupiter. In my own experience, Jupiter is about doing the right thing, following the law but when Venus is aspecting Jupiter, it starves Jupiter. So as the result, I am strict with the rules and i lack diplomacy/flexibiltiy in dealing with people. There are many grey areas in life, and it is important to use that Venus appropriately so you can have a win/win situation. Isn't that what Venus is all about win/win? That will contribute to one's inner happiness too, diplomacy to resolve conflicts...



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@tuyetv I think my main issue with comprehending Jupiter ruling money/wealth while also ruling goodness, wisdom and generosity is due to my personal limiting beliefs about money. I have simply witnessed way too many people who are financially well-off or motivated exclusively by money who are greedy, materialistic and superficial, and on the other hand so many generous, charitable people who are struggling with financial abundance. But I think that's more to do with this being a societal issue - Venus starves Jupiter in so many people's charts that it makes sense why the norm is to focus on material possessions, appearances, spending and consuming, rather than on charity, higher learning and wisdom.

I come from an Eastern European background and let me tell you, the standard attitude there towards things like beauty, appearances, possessions, clothes, cars, food, holidays is so antithetical to anything I would ever associate with Jupiter (or a healthy Venus for that matter. A healthy Venus is about natural and sustainable materials and practices above all). So I believe I have a lot of work to do when it comes to my subconscious attitude towards money, and the people who do own enough/a lot of it. It's just hard to deprogram when you have so many first-hand experiences with self-sacrificing noble and generous people who have very little wealth, and materialistic selfish people who have a lot of it...

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@nkan Unless they have several factors against it, is it often the case that Jupiter Venus, are actually going to have abundant money?
So the risk, as they'll have so many opportunities to expend money freely here and there as attempts for fulfillment, just one click and they get a new scenario. 

I know one case (Jupiter in Taurus) like that. A compulsive shopper, fancy restaurants, hotels, etc. and married with a rich man, who treats her badly.
Eventually she got the courage to separate. Some years later the husband died, and as they had not divorced, she inherited and got rich again.

But also Gandhi had Jupiter in Taurus, in 8th.
And mother Theresa in Libra, in 11th.

Ernst says Venus is the easiest thing to come, right? Also our easiest action. It's easier to please than to confront. At least in the immediate moment, it requires less energy.
Jupiter then would be making grow, this attitude to attempt through the easiest.

Already 40 years ago a Spanish visionary artist, Jorge Oteiza, was saying: "Comfort is killing the spirit of people".

Money, as well as power is bigger responsibility. In this sense I venture a good Sun can help the starvation of Jupiter by Venus.

Ernst Wilhelm
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To answer your question about why Jupiter rules money. To be more specific, Jupiter rules WEALTH. so if you meet someone and you ask them how much money they have and they open their wallet and say, 500.00 and a credit card I just paid off. That's their RESOURCES, Venus. that will get them through the next few days. The card is a resource, they can borrow money if needed and go into debt, saturn. 

BUt if you aks someone, how much money they have and they pull up thier bank account online and say, 150,000, 50,000 etc. 2 million, 65 billion in stocks. Thats Wealth, thier lives can go all wrong adn it gives them the buffer they need to be ok, but the person wiht 500 in his wallet, if things go wrong for a few days, t hey loose thier jobs, etc. they are in TROUBLE. 

so Jupiter is the EXTRA that gets us through, fat, faith, money we are not living on day by day. the money we live on day by day to meet our needs is taurus. 

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@ernst Thank you, Ernst, I understand the disctinction now. The metaphor with the fat reserves of the body is very helpful.

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On a slight tangent.

So if someone has Rahu in Taurus (which I do), they should focus on what?  acquiring resources? Understanding resources? Using resources? Being resourceful? Being a temporary resource to others?

Or building resources? But then, building resources is like wealth, no?

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@xyzabc Be resourceful, if I may chip in. Learn about trust. God provides.


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It's also interesting to see different astrologers interpretations of all this.

I used to read this blog, and like the depth she brings to her interpretation of Venus.


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@xyzabc Thank you so much for sharing this. It certainly makes sense considering the Brahmin nature of Venus. The "tough lesson" of Venus giving you Venusian experiences only to show you how they can never be truly fulfilling in the end, and they leave you feeling like "something is missing" definitely resonates. I have the Venus Jupiter conjunction in the 10th, conjunct the 11th cusp (mentioned in the article) and devoted myself to astrology in Venus/Jupiter dasa - after some very painful losses, as this dasa is known to give. Then again, Venus has very low dig bala here, and Jupiter meets its dig bala requirement so perhaps this is why I chose the path that I did in the end. 
Another interpretation could be that I have the Malavya yoga of Venus in own sign at an angle and my Venus has great Lajitadi Avasthas - which helps me sometimes make the right decisions, despite my extremely weak Mercury adult planet 😀 

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I also have Venus-Jupiter conjunction, but Venus is my Rahu lord so I see it as a good thing.

Th article resonates with me a lot more than the "pleasure seeker"  thing everyone keeps harping on about. Maybe because Ketu is rasi aspecting the conjunction.


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@xyzabc which house does the conjunction fall in for you? 
Definitely a good thing for your Venus-ruled Rahu, yes. My Rahu instead is in Pisces so - a bumpy ride so far 😀

Posted by: @xyzabc

Th article resonates with me a lot more than the "pleasure seeker"  thing everyone keeps harping on about.

Yeah, I hear you. Back when I was into western astrology, everyone went on and on about how I would only be interested in wealthy men, due to my Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. Never been the case. My DK is Moon so the emotional connection has always been my number one priority - someone who feels like "home", someone who is gentle and kind. In all cases the entire chart should be looked at, "thumb rules" don't usually work, as Ernst likes to point out...  

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For me it's in the 6th

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@xyzabc Wow...! I have Jupiter inmy 9th, ruling the 5th and 12th, you may guess whether this text spoke to me or not. Thank you!


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