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Shame and shyness

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Being shy till the point of rather hide instead of sharing one's good skills and achievements. Is it connected to a shamed planet?

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It sounds more like Ketu/Moon conjunction to me, but I guess it could manifest that way too. (Ernst will say.) With that said: I´d say it´s (more?) often manifests in an overcompensating way. Boldness etc in an attempt to hide the shame.


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I think overcompensating boldness and brashness is more a shame by Rahu.

Shame by Ketu can be shy, quiet, hiding... Secretly licking ones wounds type of thing.

But of course, it depends

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@xyzabc Using myself as an example, I have Jupiter shamed by Ketu in the 5th house. First I was shy and insecure with women. As many young men are of course, but it was not until after 35 that I stopped dressing in too big clothes in the traditional geeky way that is often portraited in Hollyoods movies; apologizing for their existence. And then I became bold, little by little, and finally a little too bold.

So it can go either way, I guess.


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One thing I believe I remember from the Shad Bala course is that a low shad bala and/or chestha bala Mercury can give shyness and social awkwardness, especially in youth. 

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@nkan Thanks, I went through the shadbala course, which still I hadn't taken it. It's a great tool, it gave answers about myself and also the answer to my question about Shame and shyness.
The shame doesn't seem to play as I was asking, but rather a low chesta Bala benefic.
And it says the low chesta bala Moon to be the one who produces the social unrest.
(Also in Rahu and Ketu Course. Ernst said both Moon and Sun connected to Saturn to create an antisocial attitude.)
Anyway this low chesta Moon will create the field where a low chesta benefic will behave by hiding.
Rather a severely low chesta Bala. When combust. And I guess if several benéfics have low chesta Bala it gets more ingrained.

And here there is a chance for it overlapping, the case of a combust benefic who is also with Rahu or Ketu. Then we have the low chesta Bala benefic who has also shame, making the whole experience more painful.

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@marianela this is very interesting indeed. I'm looking forward to the next lesson by Ernst as part of the PAC course as he delves deeper into the balas - Ernst mentioned in the most recent class on Strengths that Cheshta is one of the more important ones. When I analyze charts I often do a quick summation of the total cheshta bala score - anytime it's less than 200 I assume this may be a person with low confidence when it comes to actually applying their skills. But thankfully we can consciously work on improving the chestha bala!

In my chart Moon has high chestha bala (38 -> 128%) but the total points for all planets is 192. I do tend to be less confident in many aspects of life, in some areas fearful even, but I've gained much more confidence with age - by forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone, as a conscious habit. My Mercury is at 13 points (26%) and is with Rahu. Thankfully not combust or shamed. I had severe social anxiety in my teens, it was debilitating. Made a lot of progress in that area in my 20s, again, very deliberately forcing myself to do things that scare me. My partner conversely has 3 retrograde planets and an overall chestha bala score of 306 - very high. He is always so confident when approaching new skills, new sports, new games and consequently almost always excels - manages to put his best foot forward.

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@nkan I didn´t know that. Just a clarification; when you talk about 200 as a score, do you refer to percentage or varupas? 


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@staffan varupas

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Oh, you did great, so young such a conscious improvement. I'll copy your strategy.  
Looking at people, majority if not all, get more confident as getting older. After 50 for sure, isn't it? The age of the Sun, Chesta Bala ruler. Is it that chesta bala improves just by aging? I love the freedom some old people have, they just don't care, they just express themselves. 
I have a super low Chesta. Only Saturn meets the requirement. I can be pretty invisible and sometimes it's ok, kind of safe. But sometimes it's so sad to see how often one's voice is not listened. Sort of feeling there is no room in this world for oneself. 
Once I fell in love with an alcoholic poet. What attracted me was how this poet was speaking loudly, saying whatever, the most stupid thing, but so loudly, in public events. People were in fact so tolerant and accepting of the even annoying behavior... But there is also a point of generosity anytime we open our mouth. 
I spent one year trying to hunt the drunken bear, but luckily, beer was the only honey for that bear. 
Jupiter is my lowest chesta, barely 5 virupas. It's combust in Pisces and half shamed by Rahu in Sag. The faith that my projects are going to work well... Oh my pain... I am trying to consciously say it, think it...
And what about your Drig Bala? In the course Ernst says Chesta helps a lot to deal with negative Drig Bala. It makes sense that it also works the other way around: Positive Drig Bala helps to develop the Chesta. Does it tell you something? 
To me, Drig bala doesn't help. Same story than my Chesta, only Saturn has positive Drig Bala. All the other planets pretty minus. 
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@marianela I guess it makes sense for it to improve in most cases, as we get more confident with practice and experience, right? Or perhaps with time we realize that unless we do something about it, nothing will improve, so we sort of force ourselves into practicing even when it scares us. 
And yes, I also love how we (in many cases, not all unfortunately) become freer to be who we truly are as we age. Fewer and fewer Fs to give 😉 

Drig bala is kind of average for me. 3 planets with negative points. I do sometimes come across charts with very high drig bala (all planets with positive values + several planets with 40 and above positive points) and you can notice the general support they receive by circumstances and environment, no matter what they do. It's quite fascinating to observe. I think you are right that it probably helps a lot to compensate for lower chestha bala - who wouldn't get more confident when time and time again they receive praise and support from people and circumstances 🙂
