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Lajjitaadi Avasthas - Kshobhita Avastha

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Please, I have a question on Kshobhita Avastha.
I first took the
1) beginner course Interpretating Avasthas, and recently I have started the
2) intermediate course Lajjitaadi Avasthas - The Heart of Parashara (2) - 9.Kshobhita Agitated formation.
I am getting confused because it seems to me that both give the different information.
1) it says
i) "When a planet is joined by the Sun, or
ii) aspected by cruel planets that are its enemies."
And from videos for each planet it is obvious that it is meant aspect by ANY cruel planet that is enemy. That would be any of these - Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, Mercury when with enemy.
2) it says
i) "When a planet is with the Sun (conjunct), or
ii) When a planet is aspected by an enemy AND aspected by Sun, Saturn and Mars.
So, when ALL three malefics aspect as well."

Q1: Please can you explain which one above is right?
Q2: In below examples, are the planets Kshobhita? All are Kshudhita, first one perhaps rather Trishita (?)
a) Sun in watery Rasi, aspected by inimical Saturn, no aspect by Mars.
b) Venus in Rasi of Mars, aspected by inimical Sun, by friendly Saturn, no aspect by Mars but in its Rasi.
c) Saturn in Rasi of Sun, aspected by inimical Mars, by inimical Sun and in its Rasi

Thank you!

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Hi! In the manuals we have following information: 

1. L.A. Heart of Parashara: "Kshobhita Avashta is in effect when a Graha is joined by the Sun OR is aspected by all three Kruura Graha and least one enemy, thus there are two possibilities for Kshobhita Avashta"


2. L.A. Masters Course: "Kshobhita Avashta is in effect when a Graha joins the Sun OR aspected by a Kruura Graha who is ALSO an enemy, thus there are two possibilities for Kshobhita Avashta".


I understand that Kshobhita is when a Graha joins the Sun OR is aspected by at least one malefic planet which also is it´s enemy. That´s what I also understood from some L.A. videos from the Masters Course about Grahas with Kshobitha.

Maybe that helps...



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

So a is thirsty

b is kshobhita and also mudia from saturn

c is kshobhita from sun and mars


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@ernst Thank you!
