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Concentration of bad Avashtas

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I currently have a man’s chart who has Saturn, the Sun, Rahu, Venus, and Mercury in the eleventh house in Aries. A lot of shame and other bad Avashtas in the sign and house. How does one deal with this when it occurs in such a concentrated form? My own approach would be to lay out and understand each individual Avashta and prioritise the shame, naming the helping factors etc. But apart from that, is there another technique to organize or connect these many concentrated, over all bad Avashtas in any way? 

thank you!


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4 planets in a house so that house is thrashed. I have 3 planets and Ketu in my 7th House so I have a very exciting 7th House with proud, delight, shame, combust avasthas going on. My life path revolves around people and i have to take care of people as my Lagna Lord is in the 2nd House. Even if i escape in the jungle, someone would find me and i would end up taking care of that person. That is the life path that God has given me. With 3 planets and Ketu there is a past life obligation/responsibilities that i need to finish up in this life time...

I have always known my personality, the best, the medium and the worst. After i started to study astrology, i see it even clearer. I list all of my planets avasthas as i do experience all of them at one point or another and some more than others. Then I contemplate on the one that i really want to "improve". I want to concentrate and improve one planet at a time, but by improving that bad Avasthas, it affects other conjunct planets sort of like a domino effects. For example Mars Mercury conjunction, by improving my exalted but combust/shame Mars i also improve my Mercury (communication with others). It is not easy to do, but with the commitment of improving my life, i am still going at it. That frustrated, impatient, direct Mars will always be a part of me, but i am controlling it better...




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I respectfully disagree 4 planets in a house make it trashed :), that is just too much of a brutal way to think lol. 

It just means a person has to deal with a lot of things at a time, often times conflicting. I do have Su with 3 planets (AK and Su included) in the 6th. It's just a lot to manage the seemingly stressful difficulties, and often times comes at the same time. Same with the positive side, all the good things come at the same time!

But I agree, effort to improving one avastha, has positive domino effects!

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@jam1 that rule came from Ernst's teaching....



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@tuyetv "For example Mars Mercury conjunction, by improving my exalted but combust/shame Mars i also improve my Mercury (communication with others)" : I think possibly the art is to initiate the right steps following a specific Avashta to get the domino effect...Like in the image of a Newton´s cradle where the balls are the planets, maybe even in the mathematical order 1(Sun), 2(Moon) etc...I don´t know 

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@tamarap I think like Leela said the person has to know what they want to fix because they know themselves best. For me personally my Mars although exalted, it is an afflicted exalted planet. Mars is a great planet for me in many ways but it also creates many problems for me. I find that when i try to improve Mars, some problems disappeared overtime.  I did a lot of contemplation regarding the roots of my problems in the 7th House, and many but not all came back to that Mars...





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@tuyetv thank you, it is always interesting to learn how ambivalent these planets can be!

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@tamarap with my Mars i am a very methodical person but i don't know if it is like step 1 step 2 step 3 here to fix all the Avasthas. Sometime you fix planet 1 and it might help to make planet 2 better. Or sometime it does not. Each individual will have to decide what area is giving them the most pain and concentrate on improving that. I also think it is a lifetime process and even if I could improve a planet, certain characteristics of that planet will always be part of me...



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The response might not be relevant as such to Avasthas as such. 

Yogananda said, 25% is effort, 25% is guru's blessings, and 50% is God's grace. Similarly, I heard one of the monks say, you have to trick your mind, 1 hour of meditation investment is a return of 4 hours!

Astrology also conforms to the same rule, 25% of work changes the rest. (5 element theory). Universe wants to help! Just thinking that way helps me make the effort. 

When it comes to avasthas, I believe doing the theoretically easier things (like paying attention to a starved avastha will help other avasthas).I don't know how easy it will be to try to heal a shamed avastha without improving starved ones. The issue I see though is all avasthas are playing out together and not separately.

My approach is to heal is to observe myself each day at the end of the day and see what's coming from within. Another one is to write down my thoughts! 



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@jam1 is it more productive to concentrate on the starved ones before the shame?

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I believe yes to start with, it is simpler, but depends person to person.

Unless it's shame due to being in 5th, it is most likely starved first along-with being in shame avastha. I'd go that way if someone has a strong Me because they are able see things separately more easily. 

Personally, I do not have shamed planet in my chart, but my mother does have Sa, Ma, Ke combination and I have seen her improve tremendously over the last few years once her Sa,Ma avastha improved. The shamed part is hard to forget, but they're more able to talk about it and release, which helps them manage it better.

Another quick technique maybe to see where Ra is transiting at the time and focus on improving that lord if it is in a bad avastha. (or) improve and focus on habits of the dasha planet first as that energy is influencing to a high degree. I have not tested it, but either of the techniques seem logical enough to try. 

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Having lived with/through Lagna, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Mercury combo with lots of shame happening, I can say that getting the individual very firm in what thier true talent/gift/quality/intrinsic value is of primary importance.  When they are going to process the shame and move past it, when they are in the depths of feeling shame and/or when it just begins to come on they will need to remind themselves of thier intention in the situation and thier worth.  This is not as easy as it sounds because Sun/Satrun/Rahu will have a good dose of arrogance and puffed up pride to go through to access genuine appreciation of themselves that is able to also appreciate others as well.  Getting them to feel good about themselves in a way they can also feel good about others will be a powerful antidote.
With this placement they likely have a lot of ambition and goals/desires, so framing the obtainment of what they want in the form of accessing honest appreciation and letting go of shame habits will most likely give them the appropriate incentive to do the hard work. They maynot respond to "shame" in the beginning, depending on how aware they are, they may externalize it all and bringing them through the granularity of how the shame is formed maybe necessary.  

Amit Bhat
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The first planet to break is the weakest planet, so need to identify that planet and heal it. Then move successively for other weak planets and heal those.

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@amit yeah, Saturn (as it seems in the chart in question) is my weakest and that is where I started.  Going through the bad habits of Saturn and consciously moving to the good habits through the Lajitaadi Avasthas course was foundational in being able to be in a shaming situation (having these Avashtas the opportunity to be shamed keeps arising for you to bite, you have to continuously choose not to) and transform the energy out of shame paradigm.  

If Saturn is failing then the person will defiantly have the experience of not respecting boundaries of others and themselves and from this causing pain dissapointment that they will try to cover up/blame on others yet is undeniable.  Focus on how bad boundaries hurts them can be a segue into how it hurst others. 

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