Mars starved Saturn...
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Mars starved Saturn ordering of different aspects/conjunctions- which is worse?

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Given the current political climate and the mandate of vaccines in Australia (where I am from) I am wondering about how the vaccines will affect all of my friends. I have a few friends with mars/saturn conjunct and a few that have aspects (as well as myself) and a few that have saturn in mars sign. 

Is there a way of determining which placement is the most severe between aspect, conjunction, or in the sign of the starvation planet (mars)? I remember in one video Ernst saying about how a conjunction is like having the bully sitting next to you, where as an aspect is like having the bully death staring at you from accross the lunch room- to me that sounds like a conjunction between these two planets would be more severe? I'm wondering if this is the case? And how does saturn in mars sign would fit in to the severity of this?

Also- what is the effect if mars is strong or saturn is strong? If saturn is in own sign does that make it less of an effect?

Above which value (out of 60) would be considered a significant starvation? 

And what can we do (because we have all had to get the vaccine) to mitigate the negative affects of this? Is there a remedy that you can recommend either spiritually or homeopathic?

Thank you 🙂 

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Ernst Wilhelm
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anyone with a mars starving saturn is more likely to suffer vaccines , if Rahu is also involved the effects can be very severe. So the worst is a mars saturn mars conjunction, or saturn and rahu in the sign of mars. I have seen children with this who have suffered serious physical diseases and autism shortly after vaccines. 

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@ernst I´ve got Saturn/Rahu in Aries and am still around...... Confirms my belief that the 5 of Spades in the Jupiter position in my CoT spread (5C) is a true guardian angel. Fell from a bicycle the other day, everything is aching but nothing is broken. Haven´t spent a night on hospital in my life so far (knock on wood!).


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Thanks so much! So a conjunction where mars is starving saturn seems to be worse. And is this predominantly for when it is found in the rasi chart?

If someone has taken the vaccine (as many children will in the coming year) and they have this placement- what is the best thing to do for a remedy?

Thanks again!

Ernst Wilhelm
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conjunction is usually worse. the best thing to help process the negative effects of the vaccine is a homeopath made from the vaccine substance. However, as of yet, no one is making that. 

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My brother has Saturn-Mars-Ketu in Aries. He got both doses earlier this year. His symptoms were mild, slight headache after the shots and then arm pain for a few days. He's a 7 of Clubs birth card for context, and his 7 of Spades Jupiter card was present in his year spread this year.

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@kam That sounds very similar to my experience, 5 / 7 of Spades as a saving grace on the Jupiter card. This makes me curious about Ernst´s spread, after all he had have all these accidents and diseases... I see that he has Rahu there, so less of the saving grace I guess. Neptune too; remember him saying how happy he was after having fallen of the cliff; the Neptune card is 8H, "self love through accidents"? A litle extreme as an explanation, but there seem to be some truth there.


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@meyes Good observations 🙂

To be honest, I was initially weary of this birth card for my brother because of all the stories of accidents Ernst has shared from his own life. But, my brother only has Pluto (6 of Clubs) and his 8th cusp in the Jupiter card. Plus he is very much a Taurus with his Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, and Rahu falling in his Venus card, so his main focus in life is money— hoarding, spending, and earning it. Maybe there's a possibility that his accidents or mishaps will be more financially related.

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@kam Yep... Struggling with wrapping my head around the manifestation/separation indications. In other thread Ernst speaks about a manifesting planet in a 5S Jupiter card; that would mean, he says, that the problems get manifested. So in this case, having Rahu there would separate him (Ernst) from problems it seems, not as I said from the "saving grace".

To my actual understanding: We don´t care about the position when we consider the manifesting/separating capacity of a planet; we just look at the card symbol and what it stands for. So in Ernst´s case: hardship avoided. It´s good to have a separating factor in such a card.

About your brother´s chart: 8th cusp stands for not always pleasant surprises, sounds like a recipy for accidents? But then the position (5th) maybe saves him?

About your brother¡s interest in money. I would not have expected that. Two of Clubs is a connecting card, "I find ways that works". Venus might be the good life, but money per se I don´t know...?


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Posted by: @meyes

About your brother´s chart: 8th cusp stands for not always pleasant surprises, sounds like a recipy for accidents? But then the position (5th) maybe saves him?

Yes, that could be the case too. I know he's had some minor accidents as a child, like a sprained forearm that required rehabilitation, and then he once fell backwards and hit his head in the winter time. He's also had some mishaps while being active, i.e dropped a weight on his toe (lost the nail), sprained his leg while playing baseball, ended up quitting etc.


Posted by: @meyes

About your brother¡s interest in money. I would not have expected that. Two of Clubs is a connecting card, "I find ways that works". Venus might be the good life, but money per se I don´t know...?

Venus itself is in the 9 of Diamonds Mercury card with the Moon and his 2nd cusp. That could likely be the trigger, as Mercury is also his AK. And then of course, there's his 5 of Diamonds Sun card, which is manifested through the conjunction with Mercury.  

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@kam Yep, Mercury and Moon in the Mercury card, for sure, that sounds like a recipy for using money as a strategic thing in life. And it´s a Diamond card, but it´s a Diamond card that goes beyond the worldly matters... So maybe he´ll burn through it in some way, or live the abundance in a spiritual way. Most people have to choose between God and Mammon, but with enough spiritual consciousness you can have 100 RR:s I guess (like Osho...)... Maybe that is your brother´s case? (Not the 100 RR:s but rather a spiritual outlook onto money?)

5 of Diamonds... I haven´t seen that as a materialistic card neither, but of course it can show up that way. Especially, as you say, with a indication for manifestation; yes I guess it could go that way. But at least as a BC it´s very much "my value", not just value. But for sure; "improving in the valuable"; his 4th cusp is there, I guess? Secure in value.

The path of Seven of Clubs is material security, so as long as he´s not into luxury and extravagant wealth I think it´s a natural thing for your brother to feel that need.

Interestingly enough they have the very card for simplicity, 2S, on their Uranus position, so he could well survive in the desert if he had to. Maybe he likes money, but he certainly doesn´t need much of it, if he´s a normal 7 of Clubs.


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Posted by: @meyes

Maybe that is your brother´s case? (Not the 100 RR:s but rather a spiritual outlook onto money?)

Not at the moment. Maybe after Mars maturation...

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