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Natural ages

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Hi Ernst,

The bad avasthas make us do a lot of things in our life. So, basically our life is ruled by emotions, which matches the start of life with the Moon’s natural age period.

As we understand and start resolving the bad avasthas, the distorted forward momentum is halted. There is peace, and space to gauge our reactions before responding. What then? How do we continue to move forward? Do we live more in the spaciousness waiting for the right things to come by to respond to, and just twiddle thumbs the rest of the time?

You say there is no Free Will, and yet we have to live as if there is. But if there is no forward momentum, how do we exert our will? If things are fated, do we wait for fate to align and move us forward? 

How do we step into the Sun’s natural age?

4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
Joined: 12 years ago

Saying our life is ruled by emotions based on bad avasthas is not correct. Bad avasthas make us make decisions out of our wounds. Emotions don't make good or bad decisions by themselves, wounds make bad decisions, inner self makes good decisions. 

I dont think there is any free wheel relevant to the things of the world. Think about it. If I use my free will change something in the world around me, it changes the destiny of EVERYONE attached to that. Do I have enough power to change everyone's destiny? I think its very arrogant to think so.

Mars is the planet of free will. He is the unmarried planet, a lifelong celibate. He is not involved with getting the things of the world. 

He is fighting the battle.

We have will because there is an obstacle, there is an opponent, there are problems, and we have will to overcome all of them. 

But the obstacle, the opponent, the problem, its in ourselves. Our free will works on the level of the relationship we form with ourselves. Whether we act out of our true self and wisdom, or out of our wounds and pain. Thats the only battle that exists. The rest, its all an illusion. THats where there is free will. But we are so focused on trying to use free will on the outside, that we never win the battle that we can win. 


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Some people are fated to have such a rough life yet some of them fought through to have a better life. I admire those people greatly. I do believe the minute we are born, that is the chart of our life so yeah our life is fated. But how we deal with that fate varies by each individual. That is free will to me. Things that are going to happen in ours lives, they are going to happen. How we deal with the situations that is our free will. You can have the exact same situation and give it to 3 people and they will deal with it differently, and as the result they will get 3 different results in life.

We all have different wounds and psychological issues and they shape us into who we are as individual. If we are lucky enough to recognize our problems and that we want to change, the decisions we make will lead us to have a happier and more fulfilling life. Take for example the charts of 2 people who are destined to be single. One accepts it and move on to find fulfillment in other areas of life other than marriage/partnership. The other gets upset and feels sorry for himself/herself. Life will not be happy for this 2nd person. Fate is one thing but we all have the free will how to deal with that fate. i do believe we have the free will to change our fate so that the end result will give us more fulfillment and acceptance. That is within us to do. The battle is within the inner self....



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I will try to rephrase my question. Bad avasthas cause us to make decisions based on our wounds, and thus begins the integration of negative emotions, and things build up. Most of our life is lived in response to these negative triggers.

When we start neutralising the triggers, life becomes peaceful. The negative emotions of fear, anger, regret, etc still surface, but there is no external stimuli to trigger a reaction, or there is space to decide which way one should respond. There is no external struggle going on, but we are still working on it on a subtle level and the work will carry on on more subtler levels until we die.

So, as the external struggle ceases, and we become aware of the internal struggle, is life lived more in the spaciousness of time? In the gentle flow of tides instead of the crashing of waves on rocks? Instead of trying to make things happen based on our wounding, we wait for things to float by and see if they stick and why? But sometimes, could that waiting also be the waiting of an eternity, where we are getting more and more specific on what we want based upon who we are, without the need to take any action? Where we understand ourself on more and more subtler levels?

I hope I am making sense.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, that is all very true. In addition, the wounds are LOOKING for trouble. So if a person has a wound of feeling unloveable. A person can do 9 loving thigns to them, and then when they show up late to a day as the 10th thing, the person sees that bigger than the 9 loving things and feels unloved. OUr lives are not as bad as our wounds make us feel that it is. 

My monk used to say, what hurts? The ego Hurts, WHO CARES.

Thats harsh, and its not true, so I dont use it.

I use, what hurts, the wounds hurt! Heal them. 

And its really TRUE, only the wounds hurt. Even if our loved one dies, and we mourn, that is not HURT of the type the wounds great, that is a natural process in live that is a huge loss that takes time to adapt to, but it does not HURT in this wounding way, unless of course a wound is connected to it. 
