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New Lajjitaadi Course

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Joined: 12 years ago

THe sun is certainly us and a focal point in the chart. I dont see the sun as bad in any sign or house, those are the areas we will be found. 

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@ernst  The new course was a great way to get back to astrology again after spending time with the Cards course.

The ‘Habits of the Moon’ was perfect and confirmed a few things that I had come to realise. When I look at what others have been going through, I find that I have nothing much to complain about. Not many people realise the trauma that some people hold within themselves, and expect them to fit into the normal way of society in an instant, when all they really need is a little extra time to catch up with reality.

Amit Bhat
Posts: 885
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Hi Ernst 

In Nakshatra course you explained to judge the moon in various ways to see how productive the moon can be. Like one of them is influence of inimical planets on moon as they are 3 signs away which makes moon unproductive because of inimical circumstances resulting in lot of stress on the moon.

So it means if moon has all stressful influences but only good lajjitadi avasthas means it won't be much productive yet happy going and easily adjustable?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Joined: 12 years ago

yes, correct, and the moon is the most involved planet to judge, you also want to examine the lunar based yogas that impact wealth which all help a person to be open to options that really take them places. I covered these most lately in the Concrete predictions with jaimini course. 

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Amit Bhat
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Posts: 885


Okay, thank you Ernst.

Have you programmed all these wealth bearing lunar yogas in Kala? Like i can't find vasumati "rich" yoga coming up in chart where me is in 3rd house, ve in 6th house and ju/ke in 10th house?

Thank you 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Joined: 12 years ago

I just uploaded video 13 to this course. I wll be travelling for a week so will continue cranking out videos in about a week. I will post here when the next video is up. 

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