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Lajjitaadi Avashas vs Shadbala values

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I’m wondering why is there a difference in strenght shown in shadbala rank vs lajjitaadi calculations, for instance in this chart, the moon appears to be the strongest graha with 101.4 but then why is not strong according to shadbala details and it’s in number 6?  The same happens in other charts, so why are they not equally strong? 

thank you ✨⭐️????

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These 2 tables are not to be mixed or compared. Kindly note the following points:

1. The Shad Bala table, which shows Moon's rank as 6th, is the baseline strength of a graha. It's based on the individual 6 types of strengths as shown in that table (like Sthana Bala, Dig Bala), but it has no influence of Lajjitaadi Avasthas.

Moon's rank is 6th because it's Shad Bala value is 305 (2 rows above the rank row), which is 6th in the order of all 7 grahas.

2. The Shad Bala strengths in the Avastha table are calculated based on the effect of Shad Bala of the influencing graha over the Shad Bala of the influenced graha.

3. Incidentally, the table you have shown is not the Shad Bala strength table of Avasthas, rather it shows the net value of aspects and conjunctions by friends and enemies of that graha (On the right-top it's written: Drishti-Yuti). So for Moon, the net aspect of friends is 101.4 (60 + 41.4; in green)

To find the effect of Lajjitaadi Avastha on Shad Bala, click on the 'Drishti Yuti' icon, you may get the Shad Bala value table'.


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@rajan hello and thank you! Took a few days to reply because I was away from my computer and I was waiting until I was able to look for the drishti yuti value and I notice that a graha w strongest drishti yuti in the rasi, it’s usually the strongest or weakest (or weakest) in the rest of the charts

and just to confirm- “Drishti Yuti represents the effect of Lajjitaadi Avastha on Shad Bala? “

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Posted by: @veronica

“Drishti Yuti represents the effect of Lajjitaadi Avastha on Shad Bala? “

I'm afraid not exactly Veronica. Drishti Yuti is independent of Shadbala.

Drishti (i.e aspect) and Yuti (i.e conjunction) just shows the impact of one graha on other based on:

a) The percentage of aspect on the 60 point scale. So a 100% aspect will show 60 value in Drishti Yuti. And 50% aspect shows 30 value and so on

b) The conjunct graha or the lord of that house will always give value of 60 irrespective of the aspect value (I'm guessing in the chart for which you attached the table, Sun is conjunct Mars and Mercury)

c) The colour coding depends on whether the influencing graha is supporting/afficting/indifferent (Green/Red/Blue) to the planet being influenced.

To reiterate --> DrishtiYuti shows the nature (good/bad/neutral) of effect and the relative impact (on 0-60 scale) of the influencing graha

As suggested by Ernst, you can effectively use the DrishtiYuti values alone to assess impact of the Avasthas.


Now, the Shadbala value in the Lajjitaadi Avastha table is an additional layer by which you can assess the impact. It shows:

a) the inherent strength of graha being influenced to withstand any negative avastha influences (baseline Shadbala of the graha ) and

b) the proportionate strength thrown by the influencing graha: its a combination or multiple of its baseline Shadbala and its percentage DrishtiYuti value.

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@rajan thank you for explaining this ????????

(@Anonymous 20963)
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Very nicely explained!  Where can I find out more about Drishti Yuti and Uccha?  

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'Drishti Yuti' features in the Kala software issued by Ernst, as part of the Lajjitaadi Avastha table. I don't think you'll find in any other software directly, though you can find the inter-planetary aspect values (and then add lordship/conjunction on your own). You may look at the videos in Lajjitaadi avastha course for more info on this table

'Uccha' just means exaltation of a graha. If looking for 'Uccha Bal' (Exaltation strength), refer to the Shadbala course.

(@Anonymous 20963)
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Thank you again Dr. Rajan! 

First for hinting to look at the table in Kala which HAS revealed a lot of 'hidden information' that I feel I NEED to know to do a proper diagnosis.   Just by inference of the numbers I've been able to deduce a lot of personal insight.  I can't wait to actually 'learn' the technique!

Secondly my thanks for providing both the direction AND the impetuous to desire to ingest that many more hours of information.  My plate and schedule of learning is already full however this has now been added.  From the little I've gleaned of Lajjitaadi Avasthas 'LA' classes thus far these avasthas are critical for understanding 'how functional' a planet is working within an individual and to thus assigning a proper remedy( and so much more). 

I'm glad to be finally able to follow along with a class as it's being presented with the LA Masters course and will circle back to the previous LA courses in the course of time due to your recommendation!  =)    

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@rajan Which Lajjitaadi Avastha course is it that explains the LA Tables more and what is the class number that covers the Tables? Thanks!

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If you combine them, the ShadBala and the Lajjitadi Avasthas... And also take the elements into consideration (as indicated by the ShadBala)... and for concrete manifestation the dignities and cusps... You´ve gone a long way to understand that planet!


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I agree with Mattias, those 2 things go a long way to understand oneself/interpret a chart. Also, a good thing to keep in mind is that: 

1. ShadBala will indicate a planet's strength and how that planet will be able to fulfill its responsibilities. That's its baseline so to speak. It's interesting to go into each strength as well to see how that plays out. 

2. Lajjitaadi Avasthas indicate whether that planet will get a little help from a friend. A planet may be strong and have planets helping/hindering him fulfill his responsibilities. And a planet with low ShadBala may be able to be productive because he is helped by friends.  Obviously, the toughest scenario is when you combine a weak ShadBala with enemies getting in the way. 

That being said, even when a planet is "beat up", once you see what is happening, you can always try to consciously redirect the energy of a starving planet in a more fulfilling direction (for example, if the Sun is starving Saturn but delighting Jupiter, try to redirect that energy more towards Jupitarian things and less than onto Saturn + focus on the help Saturn gets from Mercury to develop/strengthen that ability to discriminate better for example) 



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