Shad Bala 7 Facets ...
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Shad Bala 7 Facets of the Planets

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Hi Ernst,


I am listening to audio #5 of the Shad Bala Course where you discuss Ayana Bala which is how we deal with conflicts. Mars is ruler of this Bala which makes perfect sense. You said Mars prefers to be in the North yet Mars is exalted in Capricorn, the South. So if i have an exalted Mars that means i am not good at resolving conflicts? Am I missing something here? Thanks!



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Ayana bala is how we deal with conflict. How good a person is at fighting is all of mars, not just one part of mars. Mars in the north fights when it needs too, its aware of why its fighting and only fights if the victory is what it really wants and needs. Mars in the south is quick to fight and often will find itself fighting for something and when the fight is over think, was that worth it?

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Then why is Mars exalted in Capricorn in the South? i am still quite not clear? They seem to contradict each other. Thx!



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This is the way I understand it -

Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon. The Moon is about adapting to our environment. That is the best defense, and a healthy option for our immune system. A good commander knows to conserve his energy until the time is right to launch an offense. So he has to pick and choose his fights - what is worth spending his focus, his will power upon? If he can adapt, he will adapt. If he has to fight through, he will fight through.

Capricorn is the physical reality of Saturn, the outer boundary. Saturn is a defense mechanism in his own right. Mars exalted in Capricorn becomes a strengthening of that defense system to keep threats away naturally.

Hence, even though Mars is exalted in Capricorn where he uses his ‘will power’ and fights against a real threat to survival, he prefers to use his ‘won’t power’ in Cancer to ensure that everything is at peace and running smoothly.

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@manisha thanks - i will think about this. I have an exalted Mars so i can appreciate what Ernst and you are saying....



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I guess we all have our own fights with bringing our planets into balance, teach them the right way to behave as if they are little children before they run us down. I have Mars DB in Cancer, and sometimes he has been chilling out way too much for my own good, and there have been times when he has been fighting the wrong way about the wrong things. Still learning...

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@manisha  When we fight we think we have won but in reality we actually lost and sometime we thought we have lost but we actually won....Life is funny that way!

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Very true.

Textbook knowledge is all well and good, but while using it on myself, I find blurred lines. What is right for me? How much of it fits me? Where do I balance it with Jupiter’s debilitation? What about the Moon’s need and where can I keep Mercury happy? And the only way to know it is when it comes back to bite me and causes me pain, and then I adjust it marginally and try it again next time.

But through all these making waves, the balance keeps shifting. Who has won, who has lost? No-one and everyone. It seems the only way to deal with life is to laugh at the absurdity of it, give in to the madness of love for the Divine like Rumi where logic plays no role and control is given up.

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"The Earth is divided into two hemispheres, the Northern and the Southern. The Northern Hemisphere is the realm of the Devas" while the Southern Hemisphere is the "realm of the Asuras." Thus the North is the realm of ideals, while the South is the realm of difficulties and hardships. Some Gralhas operate better when following ideals, and thus have Ayana Bala in the North, while others operate better in face of the harsh realities of life, and thus have Ayana Bala in the South."

I think that the question is the reference point: Earth Hemispheres (Equator) for Ayana, and the dignity(ex, db) reference are the Eclitic (Sun); Like Houses and Rashi. ????  Two point of view for the same Thing.

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As I remember it - I hope I don´t repeat anything now that anyone else has said - one of the reason Mars is strong in Capricorn is because he´s allowed to react to a real threat there, that is: not being pro-active, starting a conflict for a made up reason. To begin with it´s a feminine, receptive sign. Meaning: it comes to him. Secondly: it´s the thigh, where the leg really aches after an effort (even if it´s actually the gluteus (Sagittarius) that does the work). So the need for action is real, and he´s being called upon, not creating a war situation for fun, just because he´s Mars. Things have to be dealt with. Nice for Mars!


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I have a sibling with exalted Mars retrograde conjoined her 10th and 11th cusps. She's the most prosperous family member, by far ????

Everything stated above very much rings true in her case as well. 
