Shad Bala and Varga...
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Shad Bala and Vargas

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Hello Ernst and all

All the Balas that we discussed in the Shad Bala course, do they apply to vargas such as D-9, D-12 and so forth or do these Balas only apply to D-1 Rasi chart? Thx!




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Ernst Wilhelm
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Shad bala is all about the planet. The planet has that strength in all places, at all times. 

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In Kala we have a Shad Bala chart that covers all the planets in all the Balas. Is there a shad bala chart of each varga or do we take the Balas of that planet in D-1 over to all the vargas? If Mars is exalted in the Rasi Capricorn, but that Mars is debilitated in D-9 Cancer, how do i interpret the strength of Mars Balas in D-9?



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@tuyetv Are you referring to the Lajjitaadi Avasthas screen in Kala that shows different ShadBala based on the Varga you select? I was wondering the same but my understanding is that Ernst now focuses on Lajjitaadi avasthas in the Rasi only. I assume this extends to the ShadBala as well but I may be wrong.

@Ernst, when you say:

The planet has that strength in all places, at all times

do you mean that the ShadBala of a planet in a Rasi permeates all the Vargas and no per varga calculations necessary?


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@mona  When I go into Kala, right click and it has a menu of options, ashtakarvarga, vargas, table, and pop ups. Under pop up there is an option for Shad Bala. I played around with Kala and i think there is only one Shad Bala chart for D-1. I don't think each varga has a separate Shad Bala chart, but i could be wrong. I learn new things about Kala all the time. That is why i asked the above question


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@tuyetv Oh yes, that pop-up is definitely related to the D1. What I was referring to is on the Lajjitaadi Avasthas screen (from the screen drop-down menu), there is a table called "Lajjitaadi avasthas calculations", and when shadbala is selected, that reflects the shadbala values from the D1. But, on the right hand side, you can select the Vargas and those values change. That's is what I am not sure about. But, after Ernst's recent comments, I think it is fine to ignore those.

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@mona  I am picking your brain here. Ernst said "the planet has that strength in all places, at all times." That implies to me you carry over the Balas for each planet from D-1 over to all the vargas. So if one has a strong let's say Sun Sthana Bala in D-1, does that mean one will also have a strong Sun Sthana Bala in all the vargas irrespective of where the Sun is located in the vargas? 



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@tuyetv That is my understanding as well. Also, because, am thinking that, for the calculation of ShadBala, astronomical factors are taken into account for the calculation of some of these strengths and that can only be indicated by the moment a person was born, therefore the Rasi.

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@mona  thx!

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Hi Tuyet, Mona,

in the lajjitaadi drop down screen the values in the lajjitaadi calculation box when selected "shad bala" are

= values of shad bala * aspect values from the "planetary aspects table"

on a scale of 60 (virupas), meaning 60 points in the aspect table equals 100% of aspect to another planet. you can compare this by selecting "dristhi yuti" in the lajjitaadi calculation box with the planetary aspect table, they are basically the same.

So if the Moon gives an aspect of 30 Virupas = 50% to the Sun and has a shad bala strength of 300, the sun gets delighted by 150 points from the Moon. lets say the sun has a shad bala value of 350, this will yield a green value of 500.

in the boxes on the right side what happens is basically the same, but the shad bala values are altered by vimshopaka values on a scale of 20 before (right click drop down menu, third column, last row). so lets say the vimshopaka value for both the sun and the moon is 10 (=50%), the sun then starts with 175 points (350/2) and the moon with 150. 50% aspect of 150 = 75, so the Sun ends up with 250 in total.

this explains, why you get different results if you choose "shad bala" here, even if you choose D1 for one of the charts of the right side.

depending on which varga you are looking, you have to take the vimshopaka values from either shadvarga, saptavarga, dasavarga, shodasavarga. thats why values in some vargas stay the same and change in others. Ernst explains this in his course "Predicting with Avasthas".



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@christiank  thank you! I am planning to take the Predicting with Avasthas" course next after i am done with Shad Bala. I am still learning how to read that LA Calculations table....Your comments will be very helpful as i take the Predicting with Avasthas course next


