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Venus’s Avasthas

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Hi Ernst and everyone,

I am trying to understand and resolve Venus’s Avasthas created due to the Sun. Any input or experiences or tips will be much appreciated. Today clarity has been lacking.

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Did you watch the videos on that?

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@ernst  Thanks, Ernst. I understood the root cause, but I was trying to understand the experience. The visual I was getting was a mass of snakes slithering in a tight knot. I have been having some weird dreams, so I guess the subconscious is working on it. Just waiting for things to become more clear, so I can separate the energies. I thought someone else might chime in with their experience and give me a tail to grab on.

Amit Bhat
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Venus is relaxation, rejuvenation and entertainment,  vacation etc... Sun is work.

So Sun starving venus means person gets so involved in work and that costs him no time for venesian things. So the person will have the feeling of starvation for all things that comfort us. 

When Sun agitates Venus means boss is really frustrating us with loads of work. 

Venus is nutrition. So having starved venus means compromised diet.

Unless venus has good delight by other friends, starved venus person can be physically weak due to bad food  habits.

For men, it is even worse because they could choose a starved or agitated women and then she will show him what it means!!

Just some basic ideas. 

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@amit @venkat_r  Thanks, guys. Any thoughts on Sun agitating Venus? I am finally beginning to understand the Sun with Rahu shaming Venus, and taking steps to rectify it. With Sun agitating Venus, it had been funny how I really didn’t want to see what I was doing  ????

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Amit Bhat
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Sun agitating venus is worse because not only venus is starved but also agitated now.

So starvation of venesian comfort is accompanied with agitation too.

Sun is some authority who is controlling like father. So we can say like father is such a controlling figure in this case that the child is not able to enjoy venus (stuff), so he feels deprived of those things, with agitation - he gets frustrated at this starvation too. 

With Sun Rahu shaming venus means person is not even aware of what good venesian comfort means nor they are settled in their true self. So that will lead to poor choices which they will be ashamed of later. 

Also Sun Venus Rahu will be venus starving the sun too, so the poor decision making of venus can lead the sun (goals) astray too... Then Sun will shame the venus for that...

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I have a Sun/Mars/Venus combust in Libra and I can relate to what has been said before on this thread though am pretty good at rejuvenation, probably because my Venus is proud as well. Bosses usually drive me nuts indeed and over step (overworked underpaid type of pattern) though I always kept a great relationship with all of them after I left. Probably because I think a Sun/Venus agitation can make people quite diplomatic. The main pattern I see in myself is actually the opposite: not sacrificing my comforts and rejuvenation habits for my vision. It’s like Venus is always telling my sun “don’t do it, it’s going to be too stressful, you need to take it easy or it will affect your relationships, what will people think of it?”.  It may be due to my Sun being debilitated in Libra though...

Another weird quirk of mine is that I adore design and love art and fashion but I have little tolerance for design that don’t fit my style or my liking, especially when it comes to architecture and interior design and I can be highly critical in that area????

@Amit, you mentioned that when Venus is agitated it is also starved but my understanding is that Venus is only starved in the sign of Leo and very rarely by aspects because of Venus/Sun position in the sky. Kala indicates my Venus is proud and agitated, not starved. So, while a Sun/Venus conjunction in Leo could lead to a starved/agitated Venus, I don’t think this is the case in other signs or did I miss something? 
Hope this helps!


Amit Bhat
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“In enemy’s Rasi, enemy joining, enemy aspecting, in that case Kshudhita is caused; and so it is also known
when Saturn joins.” Kshudhita “starved” Avastha is in effect when a Graha is in an enemy’s Rasi, joined with an enemy, planetary
aspected by an enemy or when joined by Saturn, thus there are four distinct possibilities that form Kshudhita

Since you have a proud venus, that will make up for the starvation. 

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@amit Correct, but in the Heart of Parashara class/Sun starving Venus video, Ernst mentions that the pure starvation of Venus happens when Venus is in Leo, and therefore not that common.  Not sure why the starvation rule wouldn’t strictly apply, but after listening again, my understanding is that any “true” starvation is when Venus is in Leo. I personally don’t relate to a starved Venus but definitely to an agitated one. @Ernst, can you help shed some light? Is it because, even when joined, the aspect is likely to be weak? Thanks! Mona

Amit Bhat
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Ernst has integrated lajjitadi, deepatadi and vimshopaka and explained to use all three together.

Svastha “self-abiding” Avastha
Svastha literally means “self-abiding” and refers to the idea of being sound, healthy, confident, comfortable
and in its natural state. A Graha is self-abiding when in its own Rasi. A self-abiding Graha will experience 100% of
its Garvita and Mudita Avasthas and none of its Trishita or Kshudhita Avasthas.

That's the reason you won't be experiencing starved avastha of venus.

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@mona @manisha 

My Venus is starved + combust conjunct the Sun in Leo. My Venus Dasha went from around age 14 ish till 33-ish and it was absolutely terrible and traumatic. I made really bad choices/decisions (Venus) and had many terrible destructive relationships. As soon as Sun Dasha started my entire life changed for the better. Every single part! 

So glad Venus Dasha is over! LOL. 

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@rhiannon Hurray to your Sun Dasa then! 😉 Your Sun in Leo must feel at home now!

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Does a Venus that is secure make up for it being ashamed, starved, or agitated?

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@kam my understanding is that yes any planet that is proud, secure, delighted helps any starvation/thirsty/shame. But it’s not cumulative or eliminating, the person can therefore experience these multiple states but the overall experience is not as bad if it includes some good ones in the mix.

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@mona thanks for your reply! My Venus is quite beat up being with the Sun and Ketu in Libra, but it's nice to know it's not fully down for the count.

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@kam What I like about the Lajjitaadi Avasthas is that you can always look at the planet(s) that support(s) your "beat up" one, like Venus in this example, as well as what planet(s) your Venus supports so that you can use your Venus in healthier ways. I like to think of it as a chess game where you "move" or leverage the healthy Avasthas in a strategic way. Easier said than done but it's nice to have a map for getting unstuck.

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@mona  The analogy of the chess game is a perfect one. It is like playing against your own mind.
