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Calculating avasthas in Vargas and some more!

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I completed watching Vargas in depth course videos and wanted to verify what I understood. 
Calculations which are done only in D1 Varga i.e. Rashi Chart(since it's an actual sky that we see)
1. Conjunctions of the planets
2. Combined relationships (natural + temporal) between the planets
3. Planetary aspects 
4. Shadbala, Ishta/Kashta, Shubha/Ashubha, Digbala
Calculations done in each varga:
1. Lajjitadi Avasthas
2. Deeptadi Avasthas
3. Jagratadi Avasthas
4. Dignities of planets
All these are done as per the signs the planets are in(not conjunctions or aspects for vargas other than D1).
Please correct me if any of the above is incorrect. 
For example, if in a Navamsha(D9) chart, we see Rahu, Mars and Venus in one sign it won't be calculated as Lajjita(ashamed) avastha for Venus in D9, if these are not actually conjunct in a sign in D1 chart. Is this statement correct? 
One more thing, I remember this from the lajjitadi avastha course I guess:
Lajjitadi avasthas are calculated as per the natural relationships between the planets while dignities of planets are calculated based on composite relationships between the planets. Is this correct?
Studying Vargas really shows such an enormous depth a planet at a specific degree in the rashi chart has! It also got me thinking - is there any deeper meaning behind the exaltation and debilitation degrees of planets with respect to the vargas these degrees fall into? 
Vargas in depth course covers up to Dwadasamsa (D12) varga. Did a course on remaining vargas happen already?  
3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Urmila,  a few minor corrections:

Shubha Asubha is a calculation that takes into account 7 vargas. It is a variable that is same in all vargas, but it is based on varga calculations. 

The most important to look at in individual vargas are dignities and deeptaadi avasthas. 

Conjunctions depends on the technique in question, so sometimes we do want to look just at rasi conjunctions, and other times at varga conjunctions. It will be clearly shown in the techniuqe.

yes, lajjitaadi, as well as jagradadi are based on natural relationsip, dignity and deeptaadi on combined. 

There doe snot seem to be a meaningful relationship to the exaltation points and the vargas. 

I only did vargas 1-12 so far. 


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Thanks Ernst.

Since you mentioned in individual vargas the most important to look at are dignities and deeptadi avasthas, do we need to consider lajjitadi avastha of a graha from D1 varga and carry it to other vargas or calculate it independently for each varga?



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

carry it over into other vargas. 
