Eminent Member
Joined: Mar 9, 2020
Last seen: Jun 2, 2024
Topics: 6 / Replies: 4
RE: Calculating avasthas in Vargas and some more!

Thanks Ernst. Since you mentioned in individual vargas the most important to look at are dignities and deeptadi avasthas, do we need to consider laj...

4 years ago
RE: About conjunction of planets for Lajjitadi Avasthas

@ernst Thanks for the reply. Its indeed interesting. It does make sense in the one chart I looked at but I will definitely apply it to the other chart...

4 years ago
RE: Question about the planets placed within a degree of two adjacent signs

Hi @ernst, In parashara system, does such scenario of planets withing a degree but in different signs get evaluated in any way? Its not a conjunct...

4 years ago
RE: Minneapolis City Riots

I had written about it in my notes, sharing it here: Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde. So they are powerful. If we look at the dignities, Sa...

4 years ago