hi ernst, friends,
i am looking for the video in which the vimshopaka calculation is explained mathematically and i cant seem to find it.
also i was looking to review the bhava judgment course (with connection to deeptaadi avashtas) and i cant seem to find that course as well
please can someone attach the links to it.
thank you ernst, i am toward the end of this course and i thought there was another course referring to it as a preliminary to that one .
please can you help also with the bhava judgment course (with connection to deeptaadi avashtas) i want to go back to it and refresh my understanding and clear some gaps i have, but i cant seem to find it
The old bhava judgment course is no longer available, I suggest the concrete chart and varga analysis with Jaimini and the Concrete predictions with vimshottari dasa courses for that now.
OK Great ill check it out, i thought i am going mad for a moment.
thank you