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Shifting Focus During Meditation

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Greetings yogis and meditators,

I have always read that for regular deep meditation, you should either rest your attention on the brow center if you are an intellectual type, or the heart center if you are an emotional type. It is often advised not to change the center to which you rest your attention once you start meditating regularly.

Well I am both emotional and intellectual, but I don't do a meditation that specifies an energetic center on which to rest attention. However I do often get a warm pulsating feeling in the heart area and it feels right to rest attention there.

But I go through other periods where I start naturally feeling an inward magnetic pull in the brow area and feel naturally guided to rest attention there for a while.

Is it healthy and Ok to just go where it feels natural, which for me is sometimes the brow and at other times the heart, because that seems to be the best way energy can be unblocked and released wherever, whenever, and however it is needed?

Or is it really better to discipline ourselves to pick and stick to just one energetic center and stay there consciously from then on instead?



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And for those who would remind to check the bhakti and moksha influences using Jaimini in the vargas, many planets are involved there in my case, so not a simple choice.

I also know about Tau and Lib in the heart chakra where the Moon and Saturn are exalted. And Leo and Cancer in the 3rd eye where Jupiter is exalted. The case could be made for either or both.



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I don't believe there is an option for editing a title of a thread topic, but I think it should be titled; Energy Center Focus During Meditation.

"Shifting Focus During Meditation" incorrectly implies that I was solely speaking about shifting between the heart and brow during the same single meditation session, which I wasn't. 


Amit Bhat
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Heart center has love and devotion while agya chakra has concentration. Both are interconnected and involved in a deep meditation. So you rest your concentration on agya and feel the devotion/love of heart simultaneously if that is emerging out too. Like a driver who is listening to his favorite songs and enjoying them yet maintains a good concentration of looking ahead. 

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@amit Thanks.

Good perspective.

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I think its totally okay to go with what feels natural as opposed to following a set of rules or procedures regarding "meditation". 

I used to do all kinds of intense and specific practices, They work for very specific things. But that's when I was really trying to break through. With that I had a specific goal for my meditation. That is totally fine too. 

Now a days, my favorite method of meditation is after the gym, sitting with my spine comfortably straight and strong, and just reveling in the gym afterglow. Not having any type of attainment for this meditation, just simply enjoying that nice energy feeling. I also don't do it regularly, just when I feel like it.    The gym really takes that sexual energy and releases it through the body instead of concentrated in the sacral. Sitting there afterwards really hones that energy that is now in the body, and lightens and circulates it. 
