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Astrology placements & attachment styles

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(@Anonymous 21350)
Joined: 4 years ago

I think a study on seeing which are the most common placements in relation to the different attachment styles - secure, avoidant, anxious & disorganised would be really interesting! I wouldn't be surprised if lots of people have already started research on this topic, but I don't think I have all the astrological information (and psychological) to conduct big studies. I'd start with looking at the moon & aspects - but there's probably lots of different factors to take into consideration that I haven't learnt about yet ????

Has anyone found any studies on this topic? ???? 

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  1. It’s an interesting question but I think it depends on so many factors that it would be hard to determine the attachment style that a baby will develop in future years. 
    I would consider moon for sende of self worth and how receptive is the child to love (we all want it but we are not all able to receive it so immediately you may have a hint for borderline personality in which you want someone to come closer but at the same time pushing away)  moon also to see if mother was or will be present or if they may get separated or have a feeling of separation but then you also need to consider how strong the sun is to be resilient and have a strong sense of self and confidence, Mercury to see how well the person will interact and make friends if they can learn to trust others, venus to see if the baby will have the capacity to heal. Also look at all the malefics influing the moon to see how much anxieties and how they will handle them.  Then look at their lagna sign if it’s movable or fixed to see if baby will adapt easily or not to the changes. But also you have to analyze the parenting style of the parents which if they received love an attention will easily transmit it - so you would have to analyze the relationship of the parents with their own mother figure... and what their life circumstances were at the time of birth and early parenting, if they had opportunity of being constant figures or absent - did they went to stressful dasa periods, were they having to work long hours away from home, etc. ...very complicated steps to determine just those 4 categories.

However as an astrologer having the personality picture, and the psychological knowledge (if you understand about Bowlbys theory) then you may infere it,  (and catalogue  the person into some of these 4 styles) but not the other way around since there are so many factors that could influence the attachment and relational habits that a baby will develop

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(@Anonymous 21350)
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@veronica thank youuu for your response 🙂

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Hi Lis, have you studied the Lajjitaadi Avasthas? It's not about attachment styles per say but it can give you a lot of insights on the state and behaviors of an individual based on the state of each planet. Also, Rahu and Ketu can give lots of information on people's security paradigm and what they cling to for safety. 

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(@Anonymous 21350)
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@mona yes i have been studying them, there's so many but one day I'll get through them all hahaha

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I watched some videos from Karen White in YouTube about astrology & attachment styles-

They are trying to figure this out and they do it from the psychological perspective and Bowlby’s theory-  then take it to the astrological one- as I suggested before, that’s the way to go. You first determine the attachment style of the person through one of the various tests available and then try to figure out what is causing it from and astrological perspective.

interesting to mention that rahu and Saturn aspecting the 1st bhava may produce a loner / same as Sun and Moon in the 12th

Kuja dosha also a marker for pushing people away, and ketu in the 7th making the person very sensitive

moon in virgo, very critical that can end up pushing away others. Also 4th lord showing a lot of the attachment style (like it matters if its Mars or Saturn sitting there)

Then moon being aspected by Mars, Rahu and Saturn may bring some challenges. W Rahu & Moon probably you dont want to feel your emotions- pointing to the insecure style - not being able to trust yourself or life. Venus in Mars sign could be a lot of abuse suffered in life which leads to avoidant style

But they also admit it would take a lot of research to find out which attachment style the person gets basen on their chart. They analized a few charts and not sure if they continue w this topic but you can watch on youtube and then come back to keep learning about the avasthas  😉


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(@Anonymous 21350)
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Posts: 41

@veronica oh thats cool! I'll have to check her videos out. It does definitely seem hard to pin down exactly what attachment style someone has based on astrology, also taking into consideration people can have different attachment styles at different times and multiple attachment styles at once. I guess the general thing could be to figure out if the attachment style is healthy or unhealthy, then anyone who has unhealthy attachment style placements it could express it's self in any or all attachment styles.
