Hi Ernst
Is it possible to treat Spondylolisthesis and slip disc problems with homeopathy?
Thank you
It can help, but for that its neccessary to get the proper physical therapy. I recommend the pain free book by egoscue to start with.
@Amit, I always recommend the Alexander Technique. It is not physical therapy so an Alexander Technique practitioner cannot manipulate and put something back into place but, once that done with other techniques, it's a wonderful tool to prevent further injury since it's a movement re-education tool designed to help us get rid of bad movement and postural habits in a holistic way. It's done wonders for me, including on a knee pain that had been nagging me for years. Not all practitioners are created equal, like in everything. Am lucky that mine is a friend and neighbor and she's perfected her art and developed her own version of AT. She consults online so if that person is ever interested, feel free to let me know.
Find a good rolfer.