Hello everyone,
I am trying to understand a little bit more about the underlying causes of heart arrhythmias in people with otherwise healthy hearts and lifestyles (women in particular). Astrologically, I know from the Anatomy course, that Mars, the Moon and the Sun are all related to the myocardium (deep dove into them for a while), but I feel I'm missing some simple, important correlations/aspects.
How would you approach the chart of a person with heart arrhythmia? What type of transit/dasa you think could trigger this?
I know my question is very general, but I'm trying to refresh my take on the subject.
Thank you.
For Heart Arrhythmias look for indications of people lying to themselves about something that the truth is too painful to acknowledge.
Lack of alignment is bad avasthas. If they relate to rahu, so much the worse.
Just a couple of associations.