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Lipoma - Jupiter?

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Hello Everyone,

Was speaking with someone and they mentioned that their husband had lipoma's removed last week. I inquired on his birth data, because I know 2 other people that have issues with lipoma's.  In all 3 cases, the Sun just happens to be in last 10 degrees of Aries. And Jupiter is beat up, one of them not so bad, but two of the charts Jupiter in very rough shape either shamed with Su/Ra or conjunct Sat.

Where I'm struggling is to find the "other offender", it looks like it could be Moon or Saturn, but not finding perfectly consistent results in all 3 charts. I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this and what they might have determined. I don't recall anything on this specifically in Medical astrology course, but might have missed it.


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Hi LTmoon, 

I have A LOT of painful lipomas and my Sun isn't in Aries.  It's in Gemini and my Jupiter is around 29 degrees, I think, in Leo.  My Moon and Saturn are beaten up:  Moon/Ketu in Libra 4H and Saturn/Rahu 10H Aries. 

I don't know if this is accurate or not, but my sense has always been that it's my Moon/Saturn issues that cause problems with getting toxins out of my system.  My lymphatic system  can't move the toxins out so it encapsulates them = lipomas.   I also have a lot of edema.  

Another part of the problem is my skin.  It's not taut enough so even if the lymphatics are working, the skin isn't providing enough pressure to squeeze/process the toxins out.  Mercury rules the skin but I'm not sure if Mercury rules the elasticity portion of the skin or not.

So there's quite a few contributions, I think, to the formation of lipomas:  inefficient lymphatic system, inefficient toxin elimination via kidneys and liver,  skin that isn't elastic enough, and probably even a few other problems.  

My Sun, Venus and Mars are all in Gemini 12H.  Mercury in 1H Cancer

I would love to hear others' thoughts/analysis!

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I forgot to say that I also think lipomas can result from excessive hormones, particularly estrogen.   

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@clairec Thanks for the response. Yes, definitely mercury rules skin and also "containment", after this post I was reexamining the charts, and can say that they all have low chesta bala and or dig bala to both Me and Jupiter, with Moon aspecting + a little Sat in the mix. 

All 3 of my examples are male, and only the 1 with the Saturn conjunct Mo/Sa would describe his as "painful" for the other two more unsightly. Person with the highest number, was born on Full moon / eclipse Su/Ra shaming Me and Jupiter in Aries - opposite Mo/Ke in Libra.  I wonder about hormonal issues... cannot confirm but might make sense.

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Mine are, thankfully, pretty small.  I have quite a few up and down my spine/back. 

Painful lipomas are Dercum's disease which is fairly rare and usually affects women more than men.  It's actually quite dangerous to have them removed, at least for Dercum's patients, because anesthesia and the trauma of surgery can cause even more lipomas to grow.  Lactic acid from strenuous exercise can also be a huge problem for those with Dercum's.  

My birth details, if you want to add my chart to your comparison group, are 6-6-68, 8:44:31 Pasadena, CA.  

Best to you,


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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@clairec Yes, thanks for the birth data it's helpful in overall analysis and understanding. I believe I saw in a post, that you had worked with Ernst and got some direction and maybe doing some healing. From your chart I can see that you have been in Saturn's dasa since 2007 and are coming to the end of that in just a few more years.  I'm curious did most of your health concerns show up since 2007 or earlier?

I am also a Cancer ascendant, and in early part of Saturn dasa, so asking for personal reasons. No doubt that I have heard Ernst mention that Cancer Lagna is a tough one for health, since both Saturn and Mercury rule two difficult health houses. Saturn 7th and 8th, and Mercury 12th and 3rd all difficult places. If either or both afflicted, then we are in trouble! And your Saturn is definitely afflicted and Merc struggling.

Your chart, the challenge of Ke with Lagna lord Moon adds extra burden overall to your body, until you are able to heal the emotional/past traumas. Mercury is HuRT by the Moon + it's a traumatized Moon! Also Merc has ZERO help from friends so struggling, it has decent chesta bala due to being Retro which gives it a little extra "self will" and ability to find some answers for yourself, or make the right connections, even though many obstacles to find it.

In your D1 Jupiter is in ok condition, *but D30 it is in Lagna joined Ra/Ke so troubled there and is the lord of Merc. in Sag joined Mars. 

Your chart is a great comparison chart, and I definitely see how some of your symptoms could make sense. For now, I'm leaning towards Jupiter/Mercury afflictions by Moon or Saturn. But would still like to hear others thoughts too.

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Hi @LTmoon,

Things definitely got worse with my Saturn dasa.  I had some health struggles before 2007 but nowhere near as bad as afterwards.   2007/8 was a pivotal year for me.  I had a significant loss of a pet that shook me to my core (because of my guilt attached to how she died) and I finally got the courage to end a marriage that wasn't right for me.  I've basically been living in a dark, deep cave for the last 15 years...very isolated.  Over the last 6-8 months, I've started to peek out from under the blanket that's been over my head.

Yah, LOVE my chart... I'm laughing hysterically!   🙂

My older sister is coming up on her Saturn dasa and her body is starting to morph as well.  We both blew up like balloons without any big changes in our caloric intake or exercise.  So far, she doesn't have the lipomas, though.  And it's all been water retention.  Very bizarre.  

My constant state of anx definitely smoothed out a bit after my Ketu and Rahu maturations...more of a resigned acceptance and an underlying amusement at the show.  😉

Yes, Ernst was so gracious and helped me through his medical astrology practice.  I think his remedies catapulted me to the positive changes I've been seeing over the last 6-12 months even though it's been about 2 years since my last remedy from him.  There was a lot of deep 'stuff' that needed(needs) to be worked out.  🙂   I'm so grateful to him!  I have quite a few medical 'things' going on (chilblains lupus, dercum's, lipedema/etc.)  but I feel they're all stemming from the same deep place of simply wondering why the heck I'm back here (alive on Earth) again.  I remember thinking/feeling That even when I was very very young so there's always been a big disconnect between my spirit/consciousness and my body.

It really helped me significantly to be alone as much as possible during my Saturn dasa.  I'm not sure what would have happened if I weren't able to be by myself as much as I am.

I hope my experiences help you!  Thank you for your insights into my chart and feel free to reach out if you ever want to ask about my Cancer experiences as you embark on your Saturn ride.  I've definitely learned more about myself during my Saturn dasa than any before it but I had to learn to be easy with myself and stop being so Type A.   🙂

Wishing you all the best!



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@clairec Just saw this. How are things going?



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@staffan Hi! I've been following your posts. I'm not a serious astrology student (Jack of Diamonds) so I'm not confident enough to post very often. I saw that your wife has lupus. I'm so sorry. It can be so frustrating.

In July, I started taking tirzepatide and it has been LIFE CHANGING. The amount of inflammation that has been reduced is mind blowing. I don't know how it'll affect my chilblains which is a symptom of the form of lupus I have. I usually get chilblains when the weather changes so we're coming up on when it normally happens (and then it happens in spring, too.) My head is also a lot clearer since starting tirzepatide. I still have a lot of nerve pain and it hasn't changed the lipomas but I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually does.

I'm coming up on another Rahu return and then shortly thereafter another Saturn return. AHHHH! I'm still an emotional wreck but physically I'm doing better so I can focus a little more on my emotional and mental health.

I wonder if tirzepatide would help your wife with her lupus symptoms. Most of my inflammation was from lipedema and dercum's disease. There might be some studies online about tirzepatide and lupus that you can research.  Feel free to ask me anything and I'm wishing your wife relief from the medical rollercoaster. 🙂

edited to remove some sensitive info.

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@clairec Thank you very much,, but Lupita prefers natural medicine, from which she has very good experience.

Happy returns! My own - third - nodal return is coming up next month, but that too you might have read in other threads, maybe.

And Saturn is nothing to be afraid of... I´m actually working with Saturn mantras right now and find it quite quite  soothing.

