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Meridian Query

18 Posts
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Amit Bhat
Posts: 885
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Ernst 

You taught - Yin and Yang organs work in pairs and pair ruled by elemental graha. Like Jupiter rules the pair of Liver and Gall bladder Yin yang meridian. So if Jupiter is afflicted means Liver and Gall bladder will not coordinate properly with each other?

Then you mentioned each meridian is separately ruled by a planet also like Liver by Jupiter and Gall bladder by Mercury.

Then you mentioned 

Each meridian is ruled by the Rasi falling in the Yin or Yang half of
the zodiac that is ruled by its elemental Graha.

So Liver and Gall bladder meridian also shown by Pisces and Saggitarrius respectively.

So, do you mean like physical manifestation of Gall bladder is seen by Saggitarrius rasi but it's ruler is actually Mercury?

Thank you 


17 Replies
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Gall bladder is not Mars?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The confusion comes from the fact that the 5 elements operate in two ways and with each way through the planets differently. In the creative cycle or the world manifesting out of consciousness as per sankya yoga mercury is ether, venus is air, mars is fire, jupiter is water and saturn is earth. So in this sense mercury is the foundation for the liver and gall bladder's creation. A good mercury will indicate birth with these organs healthy, it means the ether was strong to create. It also shows the strength of the senses. 

then life is sustained through a flow of energy through the meridian where Jupiter is ether, saturn is air, mars is fire, venus is water and mercury is earth. This is the flow of energy through the meridians. and so here jupiter's signs represent the yin and yang organs of jupiter. THe dig bala is the movement from one to the other, the chestha bala is sag meridian and ucca bala of jupiter is the strength of the pisces meridian. 

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Amit Bhat
Joined: 5 years ago

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Posts: 885


Thanks Ernst, that's so beautiful and revealing...

So for creative cycle also do we see the different balas of Mercury like  uchha, chesta etc.. for initial physical health of liver and Gall bladder respectively. Like an exalted but combust mercury person will have healthy liver but unhealthy gall bladder to start life with. And if good dig bala yet good flow of energy between the two.



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

no, don't use those strengths for that. For that use shadbala. 

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Amit Bhat
Joined: 5 years ago

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Posts: 885


Okay Ernst.

So, if say mercury and Jupiter having bad deepatadi avasthas, that would show disease potential with liver/gall bladder and their energisation respectively right ? Or bad deepatadi planets to be considered for extra ordinary meridians only ?

And if mercury having good shad bala  but there are say bad deepatadi avastha planets in mercury rasis, would they indicate problems with organs ? Like say if bad deepatadi planet in Gemini can mean problem with liver and in Virgo, problem with gall bladder? 

And similarly if bad deepatadi avastha planets in Jupiter rasis, that means some defect in energisation mechanism of Yin and Yang meridians? Like bad DA planet in Pisces means disease potential in liver meridian energisation and in sag means disease potential in gall bladder meridian energisation?

Thank you 


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, so in the case of bad deeptaadi avastahs it means the circumstances are draining the meridian. So if an alarmed planet is in a sign, the stressful circumstances are wearing away at the meridian. Once ht eperson can get out of those circumstances, they will feel better. With the lajjitaadi avastha, its the attitude and  behavour of the person, not the circumstances causing the problem. So getting away will not help, they need to heal inwardly. 

2 Replies
Amit Bhat
Joined: 5 years ago

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Posts: 885


Okay, thank you Ernst. That is very useful way for judging and healing the health of meridians.

Do we have to worry about bad deepatadi planets in mercury rasis affecting the health of liver and Gall bladder as you said initially good shad bala mercury will make them stronger on its own ?  And that we should see avasthas of planets in Gemini and Virgo  for seeing the health of spleen and stomach meridians only ?

Thank you  

Amit Bhat
Joined: 5 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 885


Hi Ernst 

Would the good/bad lajjitadi avasthas of elemental planets reflect the following emotions in their corresponding organs? To me courage with Kidneys is a kind of revelation as that shows a good LA Venus means a courageous man as normally courage will be associated with Mars and fear with saturn. However Venus is virya - vitality. So courage born out of strong vitality? In India, they call such a person as Ojasvi. In TCM, they give this type of theory of emotions associated with Yin organs. 

Ju - Liver - Compassion/Anger

Sa - Lungs - Grief/Delight 

Ve - Kidneys - Courage/Fear

Me - Spleen - Desire/Worry
Ma - Heart - Joy/Depression 
Thank you 
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