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Possible diagnosis of a hidden infection

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I'm trying to determine a possible diagnosis-  I suspect "infectious arthritis" from the following:

Sag. lagna on D30 with Saturn in 7th Gemini (lungs and hands) - Ketu in 2nd Capricorn (joints),   Mars & Jupiter in 10th Virgo -and Sun (bones)  debilitated in 11th with Libra.

This started  few months ago as hip stiffness (again, Mars with Jupiter possibly expanding, inflammation of Virgo area- or not sure if  it's due to Sagg.  lagna which rules hips while Mercury in lagna ) the new symptoms now include unusual pain in both hands while working(Gemini)

Everyone says it's normal age symptoms or due to frequent excercise (Mars) so no reason to search further cause except that there's one last hint, this happens while running Mars- Ketu period. And in the rasi Ketu is in 6th Aries

After a test for mold resulted positive for some strain called aspergillus - I learned that the symptoms for aspergillosis include joint pain & chest pain among others. Searching in reverse -  a common cause for infectious arthritis is aspergillosis which results by breathing this type of mold (lungs- Saturn).

Very hidden cause because mold spores are not visible  as ketu

A little further - supposing the diagnostic is accurate this type or arthritis may get cured but Mars Venus period will start soon,   Venus is the healer however it's in the lagna (debilitated) and since Sag. rules the liver this may require cautious while using antibiotics?



2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Your analysis is good. But remember, Venus is delighted in VIrgo even though debilitated and so it can help you get better.

Arthritis and any disorder caused by a high toxic load is best managed with fasting or cleansing diets. I have seen arthritis cured within a week of fasting. Antibiotics damage the healthy bacteria of the body and their destruction is the biggest cause of disease and weakness, so its not ideal to take antibiotics unless in a life threatening situation because the cost to the body is very high. 

If the mold infection cannot be managed by fasting then yes, antibiotics may be necessary. Molds are not always easy to remove from the body and many things are caused by mold toxins. 

Dietary wise Garlic kills molds, sunlight is very important and if you dont get a lot of sun, get a vit d supplement, no sugar is a must, taking milk thistle herb capsules or artichoke extract capsules helps kill mold as well. 

So there are lots of ways to help get rid of the mold without harming the intestinal bacteria. 



Posts: 119
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Joined: 5 years ago

Thank you, will start immediately with the dietary advice and try to get a medical test to confirm -  it's good news that it''s curable
