Negative VTN Yogas ...
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Negative VTN Yogas eg "VINASA" (Anihilation")

4 Posts
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(@Anonymous 22213)
Joined: 1 year ago

If  Vinasa, "Anihilation" is the VTN yoga for the day, and the Nitya Yoga is Vaidhriti (Poor Support) it does not sound good for a dental appointment in which I am trying to preserve my teeth does it? However I am wondering, with a yoga such as this, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT WILL BE DESTROYED?? Is it everything or only that which pertains to the houses owned by the Vara Lord Tithi Lord and Nakshatra Lord? And for the Nakshatra Lord are we using Vimshottari, Yogini or another Lord?

And how to determine the strength of the destruction?

Is it possible that nothing much will happen at all?

The date I am looking at is this coming Tuesday, 4/7/2023, 1.15pm, Sydney, Australia.

These results are gained using the Dhruva Galactic Centre, both Equatorial and Ecliptic coordinates. (True Citra gives Aindra as the Nitya Yoga - I realise that Ernst does not use this particular Ayanamsha). Vinasa VTN is present despite the change in all these Ayanamshas.

Should I  reschedule??

The actual dental problem is a badly chipped lower right molar which is not hurting me or feeling painful, plus a root canal which needs to be completed which is twinging a bit. I do not want to lose this tooth either.

It seems fairly obvious to reschedule but why I am asking is also, that the other problem is that my dentist is horribly booked out, sometimes for three months in advance. It can be difficult to get a new appointment in the next few days or week.  I suppose my other question is WILL THE CANCELLATION OF THIS  APPOINTMENT ALSO RESULT IN THE DESTRUCTION OF MY TEETH - DUE TO NEGLECT? I will not be cancelling on the Anihilation Yoga day though, but tomorrow morning the 3/7/2023 at @ 8am and the  Nitya Yoga is a nice one.

I suppose the third question I have about all of this is:









3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3198
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Kate, sorry to hear you are going through all this tooth pain. The single most important thing is a good VTN yoga, that will help remove a lot of blemishes, so yes, that will make up for the bad nitya yoga. In muhurta, there will always be a lot of bad things, the main goal is thus to make as many factors that overcome blemishes, one of those is a good VTN yoga. Also, moon or sun in 11th, lagna lord in angle or 11th, navamsa lagna lord in angle or 11th. A good lagna and good lagna lord. benefics in angles and malefics in 3/6/11. A good moon. Get as many of those as possible and you will blast through any blemishes. 

And of course, you can't wait 3 months, an infected tooth is just to much wear on the immune system. 

Posts: 2
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(@Anonymous 22213)
Joined: 1 year ago

Ernst, thank you for your reply - it was very helpful.

However, I am still curious -with the Vinasa  "Annihilation" yoga which crops up with distressing regularity - how do we determine its danger level? I often find that I get offered appointment times on these days and have to scrabble to find an alternative day. Sometimes this is not possible.

Have you ever noticed how this particular one works? How dangerous is it?

Do you have to determine where the lords are and how strong they are at any given time through the day? How important is it to avoid this yoga for all but destructive purposes? And can it ever be good?



PS your upgraded program looks good! So happy the ayanamshas are on the top of the screen at last, as I am looking at several at the moment!









Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3198
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, the worst the lords the worst the yoga, but you really want to avoid bad VTN days as its the single most powerful factor. 
