Scorpio and astrolo...
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Scorpio and astrology

3 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 694
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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago

I´ve made a contact with a woman interesting in helping me to introduce Cards of Truth in Spanish. Her 11th house is in Scorpio, with a prominent Mars there. Am I correct if I relate Scorpio to ockult science, being the natural 8th house, or is that a western thought that don´t apply to the vedic view? Libra in 10th doesn´t seem to be a bad thing neither, her 10th Lord being in her 6th, Gemini, conjunct her Sun, not combust...

(Also her Lagna lord Saturn is in her 11th; her Saturn being beyond it´s maturation. Her 6th lord Mercury is in her 5th, Taurus, interchanged with Venus in the 6th, maybe that´s too much of a bummer?)

Best regards


2 Replies
Leah T
Posts: 20
Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Your making me think too hard... LOL!  So, Capricorn Lagna and her Sun (the 8th Lord) is in Gemini the 6th house?  If so, that would definitely give the person interest in the occult, and some capability to share it.

Did you pull cards or prasna? Is your question about the person or about the plan?


Posts: 694
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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Well, whether my feeling is right, that we could do something astrology related together. So about both I think. Yeah, I should do a prasna, true Leah. Not that I´m very experienced...


