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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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WHere you are getting Feb 11, I am getting

1 min ago

6 hours ago

8 hours ago

14 hours ago


mabye delete your browswer catche?

4 Replies
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I cleared my cache and tried opening the website in different broswers like Scott. But the issues persists.

I'm not sure why it's defaulting to Feb 11th. But the fact that it seems to be the same strange date for Scott, Dr. Rajan ans myself (and whoever else might be having this issue, if they do), to me seems to indicate that it might not have been something we changed on our ends. 

I've also noticed something new. If you take a look at the screenshot I made, next to "Forum" there are four icons: the clock, the flame, the checkmark etc. The clock is blue ("newest") showing that we should be seeing the newest post on the whatever forum we're on. 

Not sure what is causing this strange issue. You said you changed some settings a few days ago, right? I wonder if something happened in the process and whether resetting the forum settings would solve the issue. 

If not, we can all keep using the Recent Posts tab. I just wanted to chime in to show that it's not just Scott and Dr. Rajan who are having this issue. 

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@francesca-2 @ernst

I have also tested this on multiple browsers (logged in and logged out) and have the same issue for the main forums page. I've noticed that if you click the blue "newest" clock icon, the forum section will refresh with the newest posts shown. It seems pre-selected by default, but for some reason isn't populating posts correctly on the initial page load.

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@anna @ernst

Yes, this worked! Thank you, Anna. By clicking the little blue "newest clock" icon/button, it refreshes to the latest page with the latest posts. When I hit the "back" button in my web browser to go back to the forum it goes back to the Feb.11 style. 

I also have noticed that you have to click the blue "newest clock" button on every forum topic. So, for the cards forum, Remedials, Kala software, health/nutrition ect. all have to be refreshed every time you go to it. 

If that is all that takes, I am fine. A bit odd though. 

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Cool, that worked! Thank you for mentioning that!

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

For some reason its stuck on not refreshing on some computers. I don't see any controls that determine that other than the clock which is already one. So for now, I will just let it rest and see if it resolves itself. I didn't change any options to the forum until after this problem started. 

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Same problem on my end using iPad and android phone. Main forum page seems to be stuck on the posts from Feb 11 and no new posts are showing. But new posts are displayed under Recent Posts tab.

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Same problem here. I actually switched from Firefox to edge which I had never used for the forum but the same issue remains.

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Same! Still haven't refresh from 11th Feb

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