Hi Ernst, hi all,
I have a question regarding the Navamsa and Saptamsa charts attached below.
It is a women's chart below 35 with Saptamsa without any relationship or marriage agenda in Ra dasha. However, the Navamsa has Venus in own sign conjunct exalted Sa (Darakaraka and 9th lord) and Rahu in the 5th house and 9th from Venus.
In this case can we predict marriage solely on the Navamsa, despite being at a younger age, where you have mentioned that Navamsa is not as active as Saptamsa?
Or we just use the rule that Ra/Ve always will give relationships and marriage and we just see how easy/frustrating it will get based on the Vargas?
Rahu dasa gives marriage and children more often than any other dasa. So if there is even a hint of it, it can do it in a good antardasa. So yes, being in 5th from venus is enough. So unless rahu is somehow causing marriage to be impossible in the rasi, there is a chance to get married in Rahu dasa.