360 vs 365 days das...
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360 vs 365 days dasa

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2 Users
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 Kali yuga is 432000 years. Multiplying 360 by 120 years gives 43200 days.

Does this indicate the sages probably  meant 360 day year for vimshottari calculation instead of 365. Some dasas change between these days hence predictions of the timing may vary . 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3480
Joined: 12 years ago

ALL years are 360 days. There is no year that is anything else. THe question is, what type of day are we talking about and th us what type of year. THere are 4 types of days and thus 4 years:

a savana day is from sunrise to sunrise. 360 sunrises is a year.

a lunar day is 12 degrees of moon motion relevant to the sun, 360 of these is a lunar year, however, it gets more complicated than that when actually using it.

a solar or Saura day is the time it takes the sun to move 1 degree relevant to the equinox, thus one tropical degree. 360 solar days is a solar year. This equals 365.25 savana days. 

A nakshatra day is the time it takes the stars to rotate around the earth. this is about 4 minutes less than a savana day. 360 of these days is a nakshatra year and its a bit over 359 savana days long.

