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Hi Ernst

Can you share your view or experience in management or controlling progression of dementia (not cause specific) beyond conventional medicines?
Though it can't be reversed, I still wanted to check if you are aware of any means to control it.


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Ernst Wilhelm
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The problem is you are dealing with the nervous system and nerves are slow to grow. The best thing I think for it is homeopathy. One of the main things a homeopath uses to determine a remedy is loss of mental abilities, forgetting a word, just simple things like that point towards a remedy and of course, these are often early signs of dementia. A classical homeopath in the Kent or Vithoulkas tradition is the way to go. 

Dementia is the result of deep inner conflict. Dementia people hold onto some very wrong ideas from youth. The inner conflict from these ideas overwork the mind and it begins to break down. So healing lajjitaadi avasthas is a must.

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In the case I'm looking at, there's indeed a Saturn-Moon conjunction in 6th rasi (Libra). The native is already at a senior age (70), so not sure if the avasthas can be healed now by self effort

(She developed atrophy post haemorrhage due to aneurysm rupture followed by surgery. There has been a gradual decline in cognitive function, though behaviorally all is good.)

One homeopathic doctor has suggested Gelsemium Sempervirens. Will observe and update its impact.


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@ernst Are there any special avasthas typically involved? I would guess an afflicted Moon for example...?


Ernst Wilhelm
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@meyes Look for sun starving Saturn as a foundation for anything that involves mental illness, meaning more readily deterioration of the brain as compared to deterioration of the organs which is emotional illness and indicated by moon starving saturn. Look for bad avasthas in aries and to mars secondly. And aspects to aries of planets in bad avasthas.

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I wasn’t diagnosed, but from I have read, it is possible that I experienced the early stages of dementia due to a prolonged extremely stressful time. I reached a stage of moderate decline and was heading towards moderately severe decline. I got to the stage where I had a hard time even remembering words to form sentences.

Circumstances were not agreeable for me to move into Rahu during my Rahu maturation even though I desperately wanted to do so. Because of the responsibilities I had to shoulder, it caused me to ignore my Rahu needs, which caused the disconnection with my body. That was the major cause of decline. Also, there were some beliefs that I was not able to break out of before the decline.

It has taken 5 years and a major examination of my life to get me back to about 80% of the mental faculties I used to have. The first 2 years I spent in complete isolation reconnecting with the needs of my body. I notice that I still do not have access to certain functions of my brain that used to be second nature to me, but I am 100% positive that I will get them back. It just might take me a bit more time to recreate the neural connections.

So, I wouldn’t say that it is not reversible, but that is only based on what I have experienced. I don’t know how doctors treat it and how others view it. I did not use any medication or see any doctors for any treatment. I knew I had a problem and I kind of experimented on myself to get the results that I wanted. Basically, without my brain I would rather be dead. Since I was not physically dying, and a slow death of the brain was not acceptable to me, an overhaul of my life was the next thing on the list. I would also say that things in my life were falling apart anyway, so I had the time and leisure to focus on myself.

I know someone in their late 70s who has dementia. Unfortunately, I can’t get close to her to see how I can help her as her husband gets in the way needing attention for himself that I do not want to cater to.

P.S.: I am curious about your doctorate. Are you a practitioner or a specialist?

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Posted by: @manisha

it is possible that I experienced the early stages of dementia due to a prolonged extremely stressful time

Interesting to note that you could sense the changes happening and took definitive steps towards controlling it. Must have been tough to realize that there's a decline in one of the most important functional organs of our body.

As Ernst mentioned in some video, getting over Rahu maturation may happen only by small percentage level in one lifetime. Taking a break and isolating must have been helpful considering how much our brain is receiving all the time.

Posted by: @manisha

So, I wouldn’t say that it is not reversible,

Being reversible or not depends on its stage and if there are physical changes in the brain. As Ernst mentioned, nervous tissue doesn't have strong regenerative power (being a more differentiated tissue), so after one stage it gets more difficult. I'm sure in your case its too early and is more functional without obvious structural changes in brain.

Posted by: @manisha

P.S.: I am curious about your doctorate. Are you a practitioner or a specialist?

I'm a medical practitioner in India and have been a medical advisor with different Medical Equipment manufacturers

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It’s good to know that there are working professionals on the forum who can give us a better understanding of the challenges they face in their fields of expertise.

When I was taking a break and isolating, I actually increased the work load for the brain, but in stages. At the beginning, I visited a psychotherapist, who asked me to research certain things. At that time, research and thinking, which is my favourite thing to do, felt like a chore. That is when I realised how much I had deteriorated. Needless to say, I ditched the therapist, who was unable to understand the state I was in and hence could not help me in the right way.

As Ernst mentioned, nerves are slow to grow. Neuroplasticity of the brain is also well known. Epigenetics is another way. I think external help can only help to a certain level. The rest depends on the individual. On the other hand, the small amount of external help also needs to be of the right kind.

I find that there is generic responses from professionals that might or might not help an individual. To give an example, recently there was a possibility of my losing vision in one of my eyes. I went to the specialist who had their set of procedures and remedials. I wasn’t happy with it and did not want to risk or invest in something that as the specialist mentioned might not work. So, I did my own research and went to find my own remedials that sounded right to me.

I still went to the specialist for check-ups and 6 months later, we found that the problem had diminished. Had I stayed with the recommendations of the specialist, would the eye have gotten better? I don’t know.

One thing my experience has taught me is how efficient the body and the brain is in healing itself, once they stop fighting each other. But as you mentioned, it depends on how much of the neural connections between the two have been severed. Also, how much our state of mind plays into creating our reality.

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Posted by: @manisha

I did my own research and went to find my own remedials


That's tremendous, and I agree too that body can heal itself, we just need to know the ideal ways to keep it healthy and regenerating.

Can you share what type of healing/remedy you found effective for the sight issue?



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The simple answer is that when doing my research I found that the liver is connected to sight. But as you are aware, if it was that simple, there would not be such a crisis in people suffering from problems that even the doctors are unable to cope with it.

I am running Jupiter MD at the moment which is trying to kill me in one way or another. When I found out the connection between the liver and eye sight, I checked the manual and the different levels that I was going through had the possibility of problems with the eyes. So one reason got eliminated.

At the moment, it seems that I am being immersed in Chinese culture. They talk about the balance between the 5 organs. Ernst’s course on the Five Elements helped understand more. Chinese medicine associates 5 female organs to 5 male organs. As I had also been contemplating the differences and similarities between the masculine and feminine energies for the past 5 years, it was easy to add what I had learned to it. So not only does the balance have to achieved between the 5 organs but also their 5 counterparts.

To add to that, a body is made up of different layers. At the moment, we are majorly dealing with the mental, emotional, energetic and physical components. As the chemical reactions between the organs get balanced, the balance between the different layers needs to be achieved.

The physical body shows the symptoms, not the cause unless there has been a physical injury. In that case only treating one layer does not help. If there is still garbage coming in through any of the layers, healing is not going to happen and a relapse or reoccurrence of the disease occurs. As Ernst mentions, the mental process does help resolve things much quicker, but it depends on how much damage has already been caused in the physical body.

For me, I went with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. It’s been six months now and I was told at the outset that it would be a long recovery stage which I was aware of because of my Jupiter. When I started, the doctor could hardly feel my pulse which mirrored the state I was in. When I started taking the herbs, I felt the difference straight away, so I continued. I am still not my usual self yet, and my treatment continues.

In addition to that, I have been working holistically on the other layers too. There are times when the transits are helpful and I can make a major leap, other times not.

I also found that a part of the brain is also associated with vision, but that is not my focus at the moment. If I can get myself to the state of not needing to use glasses, now that would be true healing.

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The layer concept is definitely interesting, Ernst dealt with it in the previous Lajjitaadi course as well.

Medically also, Liver is a major contributor to health. its the main detoxifying organ in the body and its functions is what one always check in all metabolic derangements or toxic states. Liver is energized by Jupiter through the Ether element

I'm not exposed to Chinese system but will be interesting to look into. Do keep us posted for anything more you find helpful while using the system


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???? The way I am going, most probably next time, it will be some obscure healing technique!!! Haha.

I am not sure if the Chinese system covers the layer system. It was something I had already started working on (stumbling and bumbling would be the right words) five years ago before finding Ernst’s course. When I read the manual, it validated what I was doing and added more knowledge. The more we know, the more fluidly we can use it.

Yes, it seems that Jupiter is a really important planet, associated with ‘prana’. When we block things that breathes life into us, is what causes us problems.

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