Ernst, in your course, you had mentioned that a client didn't want to quit caffeine and complete your alternative therapy to get her "Fire" back, and that this is typical of a starved Mars--not feeling like you have enough "oomph" to get through the day. You never mentioned the therapy.
Would you please tell me the specific alternative or therapy to enhance "Fire" and energy for those of us with a Starved Mars who want to get off caffeine?
Yes, this is very important and has caught my interest.
What do you think Ernst?
Would just a simple thing like being physically more active like through exercises/sports would work to enhance Fire of a weak and starved Mars
Or do we need to something deeper at the 'Energetic body' level as Mars denotes the nervous system?
Excercise h elps everything, we dont function right without excercise. the first thing everyone should do is execrcise. its a foundation of how everything in the body works, MOVEMENT. Without taking care of that very normal part of having a body, things will not work right in any system including the emotional and mental system.
the main thing is to stop forcing the body to giv eup energy it does not have by taking caffeine. So by eating good there is less exhaustion in the body, and by resting when it needs rest and not using coffee the body will readjust. The problem with coffee taken regularly as a stimulant is that then the body is always behind the rest it needs.