Mercury Adult, what...
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Mercury Adult, what's friendship to mercury?

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I have Mars Mercury conjunction in the 7th House moveable sign. Mars is exalted. I find that i have very few close friends. I have "friends" and they come and go. I kept in touch with only a very few friends from college. I think because it is in the moveable sign, the "friends" i have they come and go, and it does not seem to bother me. My 7th house is very busy so i am always surrounded by people even though i prefer to be alone. I get together with friends now and then and have dinner or travel but I really don't have the need to be surrounded by people. Actually people they drain my energy. To recharge, i need to be alone. I am not anti-social or anything, but being alone does not bother me...I prefer to study alone and think for myself instead of group study especially as i age. Solitude gives me the peace and tranquility i seek away from my busy life...  



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I guess we as astrologers, or "esoteric people", are a bit different. Spending time alone is almost like a requirement. 

I'm somehow in the middle. If you take all the houses in perspective, Mars is just one factor, that matters for sure but it's only one factor. 

Also they say Mars is the celibate. Being celibate gives you more time for friendship and competition I guess. Most of my friends who aren't celibate don't have as much time to spend with their friends. Marriage life can be also very different for some people with drama around the corner or competition. 

I search on for Mars in Cap yesterday, with Mercury deb in Pisces. Just to confirm the theory. I got 3 females in Drama/Gossip series that are well known in America. Those are highly competitive environment, with a lot of friends. 

We may also need to take into consideration that Mars is exalted in Saturn Sign, so maybe if the sign or lord of Capricorn is bothered while mars is strong it can also create problems with Friendship. I'm looking at Saturn in Aries for example. Or shamed planets in Aries, Scorpio. 

I was looking at Brad Pitt chart for example. There is a lot of shame happening in his 2nd house of Capricorn, but Mars is exalted at the same time (creating the shame). Also Jupiter in Aries in the 5th making him lucky or have faith in Battle (Troy movie) or at a poker table or in his many war movies. If we look at his movies he has done both. With many friends around him, but also being the lone warrior and sometimes even a "failed terrorist" in Fight club, but still with many friends around him to support his crazy ideas. (Mercury shamed lord of the 10th and 7th)

Also there is this, Moon in Scorpio, moon is the social planet but debilitated in Mars Sign. What if  the lord of the moon is conjunct Saturn in this case. This create many layers of drama?

This Actress here has this :

One of her movie description (I didn't watch it):

"Sara (minka_kelly), a college student, meets Rebecca (leighton_meester) and shares a room with her. They start off as friends but things turn deadly as Rebecca becomes obsessed with Sara and begins to target people in her life." Rebecca in question have Mars in Cap but her moon seems to be shamed in Aries by the Sun.

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My 2 cents:
It seems "friend" is one of those words that can have different meanings, depending on context and the values of a person. You will often hear people say "I just saw a friend of mine! Well not really a friend-friend, but a friend from work", or we use qualifiers like "true friend", "close friend", "casual friend". 

Could it be that Mercury is related to casual superficial friendships - people we communicate with on a friendly or frequent basis such as neighbours, colleagues, casual acquaintances, associates from work, hobbies, mutual interests?

While Mars would rule close, long-term friends - people we can rely on "in battle", comrades, those we can call in case of an emergency or problem, because we trust they will have our back? This can also include colleagues whom we're very close to and often team up with.

I reckon Moon would also be involved when it comes to any type of emotional relationships with other people. A good Moon makes people love us and want to help us, want to be around us, and it is a social planet. Who do you call to come over to your house and eat ice-cream together, laugh and cry together after your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you? Your emotionally-closest folks, those who will talk sweetly to you because they love you and they see you need support - that would be Moon in my view.

So a good Mercury would help your communication skills and friendly attitude, it would help you treat others fairly, be fun to be around, which will make it easy for you to be on good terms with many people throughout life. 
Similar story with a good Venus - if you're tactful, diplomatic and charming, you will leave a positive impression with most people you come into contact with.
A good Mars would help you develop trust-worthy solid friendships with people you can truly count on. You would be there for others in times of need, and they will know that and return the favour. 
And a good Moon would help people be emotionally bonded with you, feel close to you and want to spend a lot of time with you - as you make them feel good while also unsconsciously sparking an impulse in others to want to take care of you and make you happy. 

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That's not just 2 cents here, thank you. Well explained 😀 

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@lorris you raised a very good point about Mercury so often being in bad avasthas, and not having that many friends. My observation has always been that most humans are very poor communicators, in so many ways. That being said, I have Mars as an AK so being frustrated by people's illogical thoughts and actions is pretty much my default mode 😀

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Maybe I can share a few thoughts. I have a well delighted Mercury in Ge and it's the best planet in terms of delight in my chart, perhaps its needed to handle other parts of the chart lol. It has some agitation from the Sun, but it is also retrograde. I still face some Dig bala trouble which I am working on, but otherwise pretty robust. My father has an exalted Me with only an aspect of Sa. No friends or no enemies delighting or starving it. A close friend of mine has exalted Me as well.

-Mercury exalts himself; So the planet of friendship don't need friends to exalt himself apparently. 

<> I have never seen them need friends to be Ok, but both of them I know so well with exalted Me also have Sa in 8th, so it could be Saturn dig-Bala helping it. I personally do like to be around good friends.

-Mercury only friend is Venus, and only by conjunction, so while searching for mercury exalted you will find only find a "weak" Ucha Venus in Virgo helping mercury. 

<>Yeah, in the case of people I know Ve isn't even helping in Virgo. It's either in Leo or Li or Sc. But, I know of a great to hang out with person who has a Me, Ve in Aq. 

-Mercury with Jupiter, harm Jupiter at the same time so not really helpful if you consider Jupiter at the same time.

<> True, I have this as well, but in my case, the delight to Me itself has figured out the harm it is causing to Jupiter. For ex: understanding the PAC course. This happened exactly for the reason Ernst mentioned in video, growing up around lack of finances. Therefore, every action needed to bring some reward. But now I realize, learning astrology, writing, playing gives me joy, but I don't care to make money out of it.

- Mercury is an adult, so help yourself and other will help you when you are at the top for your "game" (mercury game)

<> Not really, I am in a very low situation right now, had an impact due to market and workforce reductions. But, able to go around talking to people to figure out a path forward. Others are willing to help in what they are able to in their capacity. Even was able to gather info about a plan to move forward but involves learning new things and patience. I see the avasthas playing out as well - everyone I speak to just tells : "you will figure it out" as a matter of fact which reinforces it in my consicousness.

- Mercury is the smallest, Jupiter the biggest. Both likes the 1st house, are linked to manifestation through the throat or the first element (element course)

<>I think its more like both are moist in Graha sutras. Ju when in good shape is easier I think, they take less effort to figure out , they somehow know, but Me has to try to figure out

-Logic would makes us think friendship is social yet mercury doesn't seem to be oriented that way, either from Avastha or Dig bala. I wonder why this is the case.

<> No one I know that has a good mercury cares about the number of friends or number of close friendships formed. If it comes, they take it otherwise don't expect it or stress about it. The trait I notice the most is they are friendly to everyone they come across and generally have a few very close friendships (including myself). Agree with Ernst's response on the part of Mercury being friendly. 

-I disagree a bit Ernst on this, Mercury doesn't seem to be the planet that helps the most or he is not helped himself, since it's often not delighted 

<> My experience has been different. It's been saving me from Ra, Mo even before I knew anything about astrology or started on my healing journey. It's not afraid to explore options, and just waits until options become available. Not sure if a good Me helps the most, but certainly helps when it is in good shape like any other planet does 🙂


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