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Right Lord of Objective for Career Questions

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Hi Ernst and all,

I've been practicing lots of Tajika Prasna and I'm still not sure about which lord of objective to choose for career questions.

It seems like depending on which type of question is asked, you could look at either the 6th, 10th, or 11th lord.

Is this correct?

6th lord - switching to a different employer (but not necessarily moving up in the world, not being promoted, sidestepping)

10th lord - career changes, moving closer to one's own kingdom, fulfilling one's career aspirations, doing what one feels one is meant to be doing (more about the action you are taking rather than the external validation)

11th lord - getting a promotion, being chosen as a politician, having one's hopes fulfilled even if one does not get the job one asked about (more about external validation, someone else chooses you)

I still don't fully understand the different between the 10th and the 11th in this context.

Also, what would be the lord of the objective if a person wanted to start their own business. Would it be the 5th?

These types of questions seem to be very common, so I want to make sure I get it right.

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Btw, there was a really funny glitch in the system and it says that Mattias @meyes modified this post 12 hours ago ???? . Very impressive. Even though I just posted it a few minutes ago, he already knew what I was going to ask and modified the post ahead of time ???? .

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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any question where the person gains more control in their career look at 10th house, so self emplyment, own business, is 10th house. Promotion also focus on 10th. The important thing with prashna is to not focus on the question exclusively. So if a person says, will I get self employed? Look at the prasna, if its applying to the 7th lord and then the 10th lord, say, you will get a partner and then start a business. But if its applying just to the 7th lord and not the 10th lord, say, you will start a relationship instead. So read the prasna, always read the prasna, just dont look for yes or now. If the lagna lord is in the 12th with the 8th lord, say, you have a calamity and end up in the hospital so you wont start your business now. 

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Posts: 282


Thank you, Ernst!
