7th House Lord Retr...
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7th House Lord Retrograde and Combust

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Hi Ernst and Everyone!

I'm very new to this, although I studied some western horary before, so please forgive me if I'm jumping ahead of myself.  

So the chart was a relationship question regarding if the husband, who had cut off communication with the wife over 2 years ago, would contact her again.  All of the first 4 principals of Lagna lord aspecting 7th house and 7th lord aspecting Lagna, aspecting each other etc., match up.  The probability was about 75%. So I would class that as an initial yes, there would be contact in future.  Possibly longer as the lagna is pisces but assisted by the D7 lagna being Scorpio. The Lagna lord is between Moon and Saturn in the 11th (Capricorn). The Moon is moving towards the Lagna lord. The Lagna lord is moving towards Saturn.

The part that stands out is that the 7th lord is Mercury retrograde and combust in the 9th.  This makes some sense as the husband is in a foreign country and there isn't a lot he can do about the situation. Venus is in the 7th but moving towards combustion too although not combust yet. As the Sun rules the 6th and Ernst mentions that the 6th represents divorce could it be that there would be some future contact but more with regards to divorce.  The fact that the 7th Lord is retrograde and moving away from the lagna lord and the Moon seems to be significant too as I also remember Ernst saying that retrograde planets are stronger.

I would really appreciate any comments and Ernst if you would confirm the 7th lord combust and venus approaching combustion to Sun, ruler of the 6th would mean?




3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I think you analyzed this one very well. when the 7th lord is retro, the result is the away person will return. But yes, not return in a desired way in this chart, and yes, likely for divorce due to the 6th. 

Posts: 13
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Hi Ernst

Thank you so much for replying. I'm very proud that you think I analyzed it well!  Obviously a very simple analysis but I feel I have learnt a lot.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

its a complex prashna, you did great. 
