28th October Lunar ...
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28th October Lunar Eclipse with Ketu

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Dear Fellows,


I am going through emotionally heavy times in my relation since especially this weekend of the lunar eclipse on Saturday. I wonder, if anybody could say something regarding the impact this eclipse can have on my Ketu in Taurus (4th house) and Ketu-Maturation since this November. I saw Ernst Video about this lunar eclipse and could find myself very well in it, regarding deep fears poping up. Thank you 

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@tamarap Hard to tell without studying your chart and aspects from transits or what points get activated by the Full Moon Eclipsed in Taurus, but just based on Ketu in the 4th , that can get you proned to emotional heaviness especially with Venus (one relationship indicator) being DB during Eclipse, and ruling your Ketu.

Other general things that come to mind:

- For Aquarius Lagna - Sun rules 7th of relationship and it is currently in Scorpio, an emotionally deep sign, where it suffers temporary guilt and shame due to rasi aspects from Mars and Rahu

- We all had a planetary war in Scorpio going on during this Eclipse and a couple of days after, it's between Mars and Mercury (Mars wins) so that could cause some arguments and break ups for some people and even a shut down in communication (maybe check if Mars and Mercury are your AK or DK?)

Hope that helps you get a head start in finding answers.

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@mirela Thank you for these ideas! -I know it is a difficult question. I thought that there might be an aggravating effect for me having Ketu in Taurus plus maturation. Actually my Sun sits together with Rahu and Mercury in the 10th- and I have Saturn placed in Leo. Nice party I guess... I will dive into the Rahu and Ketu Healing materials and probably come to new conclusions. My AK is Sun, DK Venus.

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@tamarap Hard to tell without studying your chart and aspects from transits or what points get activated by the Full Moon Eclipsed in Taurus, but just based on Ketu in the 4th , that can get you proned to emotional heaviness especially with Venus (one relationship indicator) being DB during Eclipse, and ruling your Ketu.

Other general things that come to mind:

- For Aquarius Lagna - Sun rules 7th of relationship and it is currently in Scorpio, an emotionally deep sign, where it suffers temporary guilt and shame due to rasi aspects from Mars and Rahu

- We all had a planetary war in Scorpio going on during this Eclipse and a couple of days after, it's between Mars and Mercury (Mars wins) so that could cause some arguments and break ups for some people and even a shut down in communication (maybe check if Mars and Mercury are your AK or DK?)

Hope that helps you get a head start in finding answers.

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@tamarap Hard to tell without studying your chart and aspects from transits or what points get activated by the Full Moon Eclipsed in Taurus, but just based on Ketu in the 4th , that can get you proned to emotional heaviness especially with Venus (one relationship indicator) being DB during Eclipse, and ruling your Ketu.

Other general things that come to mind:

- For Aquarius Lagna - Sun rules 7th of relationship and it is currently in Scorpio, an emotionally deep sign, where it suffers temporary guilt and shame due to rasi aspects from Mars and Rahu

- We all had a planetary war in Scorpio going on during this Eclipse and a couple of days after, it's between Mars and Mercury (Mars wins) so that could cause some arguments and break ups for some people and even a shut down in communication (maybe check if Mars and Mercury are your AK or DK?)

Hope that helps you get a head start in finding answers.

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Its generally not recommended to have Ketu in the 4th.

Popular remedies for this are wearing silver, worshiping Gauri, and keeping/feeding a dog.

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@mitryendra80 thank you! I was smiling reading “it is not recommended…” as if I choosed it this way :). Actually I have chosen it!

The main thing, is to use the energies of the axes in the most constructive way. Fortunately I fell over Ernst Courses exactly in my Ketu maturation. I consider this a very lucky incident for dealing with all this now. I cannot thank him enough for these treasures here! I have one thing I want to leave here as an idea or tool, dealing with their Rahu/Ketu maturation: If you can remember your dreams. It is very useful to write those down , if you think they have to offer you a deeper meaning. I looked at my dream journal today, and can say, that the symbolically most interesting dreams fall into the beginning of my Ketu maturation. For the Rahu maturation I still didn´t check the time. I examine the dreams for a more deeper understanding of my wounds and desires.  

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@tamarap For me its been irresistibly enticing dogs that are either partially shape-shifting or funny-shaped in some way.

It started during Mars maturity (Mars is only a couple degrees away from Rahu in my chart and is the closest planet to it) and has greatly increased during Rahu maturity.

Dogs always seem to be linked with Rahu/Ketu and being charitable to a dog is often recommended for Ketu problems.

Dogs=trust, loyalty, and comradeship. I need a friend and comrade, but I know this without dreams telling me. Mars represents comrades too. I guess I just have to give it to myself and others.

The dogs could also just be lonely, playful, out-cast astral entities that want some attention, love, or fun, so they are perceived as dog-like by the dreaming mind.

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@mitryendra80 Thank you for sharing!! It is something really beautiful, when animals come to you in your dreams and in "real" life, for companionship. Sometimes this encounter has also a deep meaning. Now that you are writing this, I remember an encounter with a dog in my mothers french village. I have never felt a special affinity towards dogs, really. I thought I like cats more. But I fell in love with this being, immediately, and so did the dog. There was an immediate connection between us. And it happened in 2021 when I was 46. This connetion had sth. mysterious- This anmial reminded me so much of the Tarot Card "The Moon" (The ones with two Dogs on the left and right of the path guiding into the mountains on the top), because at the time I studied the Tarot. There were situations with her, which seemed to tell me: This is on one side a tamed and friendly animal, but on the other side there is this untamed wildness, like in ourselfs, the wild, dark and untamed qualities.

So, Thank you for having reminded me this encounter and especially the connection of it to Rahu/Ketu.

Which does not mean, that everybody has to meet a dog in this phase. I think this is quite individual still. Actually since 3-4 years (I am 48 now) I have had two other encounters from the animal world, a male Lion and a female, white Horse. They are both like Guardians and stand for certain qualities. Before, I never had this connection to Lions. But he appeared in a really tough situation. He appeared EVERYWHERE, in the news, in the streets, in the stars as zodiac in front of me and even on a creme I used to treat my sons wound!

Once I had a dream of a bunch of chicken in a Box. One of them turned into a young, red Lion, who strangely wore his tail in front. He was so jolly, funny and extremely friendly to me, that I had a big smile on my face when I woke up.

Since then, I nurse these companionships. Sounds maybe crazy, but actually it is very helpful and enriching.
