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Connecting to Fire Element

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So it makes perfect sense that connecting to the Rahu Element is what needs to be done… but like all things Rahu I find it difficult to do that… specifically connecting to Fire. (My Rahu is in Sagittarius)

What are some practical ways of connecting to Fire? I definitely feel like I stay in the breezy, airy, easy going ways of Gemini more often. I have Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter, Moon & ASC in Libra… so I have lots of Air… but I also have Venus in Aries and Mars in Leo… so there’s a fire there that I have felt particularly when performing music (my favourite thing)

Does anyone have any suggestions of concrete practical ways of stoking that fire and keeping it alive throughout the day? I feel when I’m angry or aggressive there’s a fire there… but I don’t think it’s good to try to be angry and aggressive  everyday just to feel that. 

Any help is appreciated!

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I also have Rahu in Sagittarius ????

From what I understand, the only true freedom we have is to heal our bad lajjitadivasthas. Anything else will be just what fate wants us to do, and we may feel like we are the ones doing it due to “illusion of freewill”.

However, the more we heal our bad lajjitadivasthas, the more we inch towards Rahu. After we wet our hands enough with the house cusp Rahu is in, we start digging into the sign Rahu is in, and get those sign related experiences and qualities in our life.



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@anand Thank you!

I know that lajittadi Avasthas are one of the things we have control over. But in the Healing Rahu and Ketu course, the language Ernst uses for each video about each Rahu placement indicates to me that it’s always something we have to choose to do in order to move towards Rahu. It definitely sounds to me like he’s saying to choose to do this rather than that, etc, etc. 

And I’d love to hear more about your experience and thoughts about the 3rd House Rahu placement in Sagittarius. It’s an opposite flipped around spot and I feel you when you say your life is a balance between rationality and spirituality. I’ve definitely had that experience.

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I know that lajittadi Avasthas are one of the things we have control over.

My current understanding is that is the only thing we have control over ???? 

But in the Healing Rahu and Ketu course, the language Ernst uses for each video about each Rahu placement indicates to me that it’s always something we have to choose to do in order to move towards Rahu. It definitely sounds to me like he’s saying to choose to do this rather than that, etc, etc. 

Yes, I have wracked my brain a lot over this too, and I have come to the conclusion that knowledgeable people talk like that because they cannot keep adding the disclaimer that we have to solve our bad lajjitadivasthas in every statement they say ???? Maybe @ernst can confirm or comment on this ???? 

We all have an illusion of free will, and when we act as per the illusion, if the act is based on spiritual awareness, we automatically heal some of our bad lajjitadivasthas, albeit at a slow inflationary rate. So, it is always better to act on the good advice we get to hear because of our good fate. I think this is the basis of all the spiritual discourses.

However, it is more effective to heal the bad lajjitadivasthas in a targeted manner as per the lajjitadivasthas course. I think we get to Rahu (balance Rahu/Ketu) faster that way, akin to doing meditation/yogic practices. But only a small percentage of people work on the lajjitadivasthas directly (because we need fate to lead us to those waters), so knowledgeable people at least want people to evolve at a relatively slow inflationary rate using the route of illusion of free will, the other option being the infinitesimally slower evolution naturally due to fate. 

And I’d love to hear more about your experience and thoughts about the 3rd House Rahu placement in Sagittarius

I remember being on the badminton court (3rd house) and thinking, I will not have any thought about how I am moving or what shot I am playing, the only thought I will have is to play the "right shot" (Sagittarius).

While singing too, I slipped into a technique (3rd house) of not having any thought except for the pitching of my voice (the right thing - Sagittarius). 

I spent so much time trying experimenting (3rd house) with spiritual advice (9th house) in my day-to-day life, it became a natural routine to me. 

When my spiritual guru (9th house) blessed my older twin baby who was born with a hearing loss and said he will heal it but also asked me to refrain from giving my kid surgical implants, I anyway followed medical advice without any conflict in my mind (3rd Rahu).

The list is endless...I am pretty much all the time trying to look at spirituality with the lens of rationality.



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@anand Thank you! That is also fantastically interesting and helpful.

I went through my Rahu Dasha when I was 7-18 and throughout that whole time I was in Basketball (mainly because I am extremely tall at 6 feet 9 inches). By the end of the period I realized I was completely not interested in the game, and I stopped playing to focus on music instead. The whole time I was pretty deceived into believing Basketball was my thing. My Rahu is in Jyeshtha so there was always this kind of antagonistic competitive nature amongst teams and whatnot to be the coolest and the best player. 

Do you find you have a strong reluctance and apathy towards communicating with people via social media? I find my social media channels always have a ton of messages from people… but it’s always such a chore to just respond to them (even though I love them all and I consider them all my friends to a degree). There’s just such a strong indifference and boredom towards messaging people about things that aren’t related ti subjects Im not INTENSELY interested in. Haha.

Thank you!

Amit Bhat
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Ra in sag in 3rd house means you have to train yourself to manifest your personal ideas and desires and that will validate the truth of philosophies that you hold which is ketu in 9th. So you have to eventually build that fire within to pursue your own ideas and make this switch. Once done you will know your philosophy is really working or not and make adjustments accordingly. Then Rahu Ketu will come to balance.

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@amit, @astraltate

I have Rahu in 3rd house too! I have Libra asc, and my Venus is also in Aquarius.

I have pada in Gemini, with a double argala. My 3rd house Rahu also has double argala. I have Jupiter-Mercury in Pisces which is further adding Manifestation to my 9th and 3rd.

And, my life pretty much revolves around the axis of rationality and spirituality. I have been this way since long before I discovered astrology, and now it makes sense to me why I am the way I am!



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@amit Thank you!

What are some practices for “cultivating the fire” as you say? I know that I can make myself angry and aggressive if I think certain thoughts and say certain things… it kinda feels like a fire to me… do you have any suggestions for concrete ways of building that fire?

Amit Bhat
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You have to try to realize what are the hidden subconsious desires or ideas that you like playing around and then start focusing on them. As you put your energy behind it, the fire element will start to grow. 

If you meditate daily and learn to make the mind silent and still, then those hidden desires will start coming out to conscious mind easily.

For anger and other bad habits, there could be some bad LAs. Healthy Fire element is not aggression and anger but constant streaming of inner inspiration flowing up in your mind, so as soon as you wake up from the bed, it grabs your attention. 
