You said in a Rahu-Ketu in relationship course that people focus more on Rahu. Did you say that generally as evolution in their life after relationship or is there a rule where people tend to focus more on Rahu's position after getting in a relationship?
Relationships always show us where we are not balanced in the use of our male and female energies and so we are forced to develop rahu more.
in this case they will look for a more masculine woman, or at least a woman who offers stabilty, however, it won't work out that way due to the ketu in 10th from sun.
Like will it even out tendencies and level out the person or give them a double whamy and make it even worse?
Ketu in 10th from sun is not desirable in a man's chart as it will cause him to not be solid and confident in his actions and direction. He will be more wishy washy, commit, but then realize, its not what he needs.