Ketu in the 12th ho...
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Ketu in the 12th house and lying tendencies.

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Hi @ernst and all,
I am helping a friend whose son is 11 years old with a Ketu/Rahu axis in the 12th and 6th house respectively. He is having issues with his kid lying frequently, mostly around his homework performance but also when involved in pre-teen conflicts. I wonder if Ketu in the 12th can explain those lying tendencies, either because of the security paradigm to retrieve into a fantasy world or as a way to avoid dealing with 6th house matters such as homework, chores, dealing with conflicts, … 
My friend is the dad, who now has full custody, the mother being bipolar/paranoiac and who kidnapped the kid to Italy for 2 years. After a legal battle, the kid finally came back to his dad in the US, this was about 3 years ago. The mom is in the US as well and she is lucky that she is allowed to have her son every other week-end, but she's not easy on the kid emotionally. The dad is doing his best but tends to push the kid a lot into school work, tutoring, punishment when caught lying,... So, my other question is whether it is healthy to be thrown into the Rahu jungle at such a young age (beyond what life already has to offer in that arena). Would the recommendation to the dad be to take it a little bit easier on the kid instead of being harsher and heavily focused on 6th house matters? Am not suggesting he encourages 12th house escapism (except maybe by suggesting an age-appropriate meditation practice?) but that he teaches the child about the virtues of efforting in a more gentle way. Would that ease the lying assuming that has something to do with it? 
His Ketu is joined the Moon in Leo and Rahu is joined Jupiter in Aquarius. Apart from a mutual Sun/Saturn starvation (by aspects), his lajiitaadi Avasthas are quite good. 
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
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Hahaha. Definitely looks like escaping from Rahu tendencies. 

Where is his Venus? If the father can get him involved more in what he would love to do, and show him how the 6th house things would help him become better at it, it will bleed into other areas of his life.

With Rahu-jupiter in Aquarius, most probably the boy is feeling out of his depths in groups and can't see his way around it. The Sun-Saturn starvation must be causing him to indulge in self destructive tendencies. The situation at home would also have affected him adversely and all this might be a cry of help for some TLC. 

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@manisha Thanks for your insights! Actually, funny you ask about Venus because Venus is his 2nd lord (Libra) and is placed in the 8th house so I wonder if this is another indication of lying tendencies (speech in a hidden house). Interestingly enough, he has Venus/Mars in that 8th house which can indicate some forms of violence (I didn't hear that from Ernst but from another source), Mars is his atmakaraka, Venus is the karaka for the mother for him. The mom has a tendency to lie (according to the dad), to go to court extensively (she is always suing the dad for one reason or another, tried to sue the school and emails me ccing her attorney when she cannot park in my driveway when she picks up her kid, a delight of a woman...). That being said, his Venus also rules his 9th house so am thinking he'll benefit long term from higher education, philosophy and psychology too (8th house stuff, he shows an interest to understand others already). And you're right, he is in need of TLC!

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@mona  Venus as 2nd lord in 8th - he is testing his worth through others. It is the energy of death and transformation. He is pushing boundaries, checking to see who is worth keeping and who needs to be removed from his life, which relationships will break and which will survive.

8th house is the private house and denotes fears and phobias. He hasn’t had enough life experience. His entire world as he knows it has fallen apart, and he is trying to control what he has control over so as to not show his anxieties.

He is 11, which corresponds to the 11th house. With Rahu and Jupiter there, he is clueless. Teenage years are so complicated!

Mars and Venus together - passionate love. In the 8th house, the intensity is increased. In Aries, it is all about him and what he wants. Can the father or a teacher or a counsellor help the boy figure out what he wants in the short term?

The father is obviously being affected by the boy’s energy, and it seems like the mother is too. The future is destined, but what is needed is attention on the present. What happens in the present sets us on the path towards the future.

The boy is hurting, and his father pushing is not helping. The boy is holding on to a lot of anger and frustration which needs to find a healthy release. The focus needs to be on what will get him to channel that energy in a positive way in this present moment.

To be able to help, the father needs to find his own emotional balance, because he too has been through some major upheaval. Could he be projecting his own insecurities onto his son?

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@manisha thanks Manisha, very enlightening. And yes, dad was beat up by his own dad growing up, lots of bottled up anger that he is trying hard not to replicate on his son. At the end of the day, luckily, they have a « good » relationship and the community we live in is very supportive and loving, including the school and he’s got a good group of friends. Aquarius stuff. My son is one of his friends, 11 as well, and he’s got Jupiter/Rahu in Aquarius too + Moon as well and in the 5th house. And, in his Rahu Dasa! Wish me luck ????! Thanks again.

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@mona  Is the dad following his own Rahu? That might help too, and he won't be so much focused on his kid. It definitely helped me with getting through to mine.

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@manisha I don't have the dad's chart, I can't say he is much into astrology but he let the door open on his son a little . So, I am approaching this with a light touch:)

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hello Mona, 

been following your posts and love the way you write and your understanding of the subject. I am also totally in love with the rahu ketu and lajjitadi avastha courses. they are true life changers. 

was reading about the chart of the 11 year old. you could look at the good avasthas of the lords of rahu and ketu and see if using those strengths would help him get through this time. 



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@rimasahdev Thanks Rina. I definitely need to go back to his chart with the Lajjitaadi Avasthas more in mind 🙂 He’s a great kid!

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@mona btw, I'm also a libra lagna with rahu in the lagna and lord of rahu with ketu in aries. 

interesting journey I've had.


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@rimasahdev am actually a Virgo lagna but I have Sun in Libra along with Mars, Venus, Uranus and Pluto so I have a lot of Libra stuff going on and 2nd house focus. So, lots of work re: how do I transcend cultural and social programming while staying secure in my own resources and self-worth.

My son is Libra lagna though and I find that everything tends to balance itself out all the time. They are hard to pin down in general. For you, I imagine that's a balancing act between who you are and how others may define you. What's very interesting with Libra Lagna is that the Rahu will always be placed in a house and a sign that balance each other's out (even though I don't equate the 1st sign is the same as 1st house, there are some areas of resonance. For example for you, Rahu in the 1st house but in the 7th sign of the zodiac, and Ketu in the 1st sign of the zodiac but in the 7th house. I imagine it's a frequent seesaw motion, adjusting as you move back and forth. My kid has Moon/Rahu in 5th in Aquarius and Sun/Ketu in the 11th in Leo. He's still young but he definitely thinks differently and he has friends that tend to be out-of-the-ordinary thinkers as well;)  

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How does the dad react to the lies? It makes me think he tries to correct him in a way that the boy feels abusive (mars-venus) and instead of reducing the problem the boy keeps hiding things and the cycle goes on. Venus may represent the dad as well, so when it’s in the 8th next to Mars 

also boy may need to get in touch to the feelings about the separation from his mother from early age (moon in 12th next to ketu, hiding what his feelings are may be contributing to the liying when being pushed in an authoritative way)


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@veronica thanks for your input. Makes dad angry for sure. And the kid may feel it’s abusive but he seems to understand  his dad’s reaction (at least when he talks to me, it’s actually quite cute, it’s like a confession for him). The (mental) abuse is strongly coming from the mom (Venus being mom’s Karaka if I remember his Jaimini chara karaka and Mars being the general karaka for the protective, fiery side of the mother). I haven’t heard anything re: lying recently so am guessing part of it is being a pre-teen. He’s also showing signs of maturing re: mom and hopefully not being dragged down by her behavior. But also,Mo/Ke as you pointed out may indicate he’s not showing all his (emotional) cards. He can himself get really angry when other kids tease him. He sees a therapist every week so I hope this helps there. I love how astrology can help with kids. It helps me understand my kid so much better!
