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Ketu Maturation and "Omen"

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I am currently in my Ketu maturation with a mixed state of being super fine to very happy to not happy at all. It´s like roller coaster. I am writing due to a current incident which throws me into an extreme place of doubting my Ketu placement (in house 4 in Taurus).

I have a garden which I really love very much. It is  a place where I find peace, where I retire from everything. I love plants, I love to garden in an ecologic way, I prepare my own plant medicine and enjoy observing the animals and insects which seem to feel very well there. This garden is a part of a community, one of these very typical in Germany, where you have one garden next to the other. Today I have again received a letter in which the steering commitee of this community is serve notice that they don´t like how my garden is looking. This and a strange violent incident in the garden of my neighbour is causing a lot of turmoil emotionally.

Last friday a deer was found in the garden of my neighbour. It was injured and bleeding. So there was a hunter coming stating that there is nothing that can be done and furthermore there would be too much deers in that area so he shoot the deer into the head. He had to do that three times. I was not there but it was told to me. Today I felt how sorry I am for this poor creature. This and the incident with the letter felt like urging me to finally sell my garden and use the money for travels.

I felt incredibly sad about that but how can I go on with this kind of management? This goes hand in hand with the longing for more travels in far countries. I always have been a very "homie" person, single mother, job which provides money but no sense and inspiration, keeping everything good and nice at home for my small family.

I am curious about other reflections of the Ketu maturation and how this takes place in some of you. I also have Jupiter in Aries in the 3rd where Rahu is transiting actually. I ask myself if this is the reason for this outburst to expand in other directions too- like a Rahu thing would feel... and if this and Venus in the 9th could be an indicator for more travels...

Thank you!


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I got the impression that you were wondering whether the rectification of your chart is correct, but that was not what you meant by stating that you "doubt on the placement of Ketu..." I guess?

I think you are reading the omen and situation well.

The deer has different meanings in different cultures, for example where I live on the border of Guatemala, it has to do with the four directions, stability and balance. But it´s generally a symbol for vitality. So maybe your fourth house is getting stagnant, yes, and it´s time to explore the world. The deer being shot so close to a representation of your 4th house seems like a warning to me. If you stay you might become stagnant and loose vitality - and that is of course exactly what Ketu tend to be all about.

I find it interesting how your "mother" / "staying home" and "father" / "traveling" houses, the 4th and the 9th, are intertwined. Not only do they share lord, but Venus in the 9th is an indication of father too. (I know that since I have that placement too, and I have recently come to understand how import the paternal energy is for me on the spiritual path. I have often had female mentors and gurus, and now I have a VERY qualified - but I have been stuck and not able to advance. But recently  I got a visit by an "abuelo" - a grandfather - and his masculine energy unstuck me. I needed his blessing for to advance.) 

From what you tell and from the fact that you have Venus in the 9th too, I suspect that something similar is happening in your life. That you need a bath in "father" energy for to advance in life.  Why advance? Because that is what the 9th house is all about. Finding the flow.

An elder, masculine spiritual guide might be good for you. Not that one should ever look for one actively, according to my experience. And not as if most of those seeing themselves as gurus aren´t false... But still. 

Traveling sounds like a good idea.

Send me a message if southern Mexico and Guatemala is on your route.


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Haha, just to avoid misunderstandings: I´m happily married.

THAT was not what I meant by "a bath in father energy". I mean, it could be misunderstood.



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@staffan Hi! Thank´s a lot for sharing your thoughts about that! You were right, I mean something like this crumbling down of castle fences, often described in Ernst courses.

The meaning of the dear from your culture is very interesting for me, Thank you! There is so much behind that for me with what happened. The natural habitat being not welcomed here. The contrast between city and the natural animal kingdom. The interventions of us humans and unapropriate dealing with disbalances. I crave for a place more in balance, probably inside AND outside.

AND it´s really about balancing out the female and male qualities- as said by Ernst regarding the Rahu/Ketu placements in 1st/7th and 4th/10th house. The female and male energy in me are there, obviously but not in a balanced way, I have Rahu/Sun and Mercury in the 10th in Scorpio with cusp 8. I feel that going into Rahu has definitely a male factor with an underlying female quality of water sign. 

The intertwining of Rahu/Ketu houses with the neighbour houses- I would like to know more about that if existent. I am not sure if it is the current Rahu transit triggering Jupiter in the third in Aries and Venus and Pluto in the 9th in Libra. I have a lot of encounters, since that transit with people from the past, sometimes from 20 years ago.

An astrologer once said to me: "Your mother/father is only a symbol, you don´t really need them anymore". We have these qualities in ourselves. But in a twisted way. And choosing female/male Gurus can be an expression of that. I became a bit sceptical about Gurus, as since childhood my parents, each of them presented different ones to me, buddhist ones, christian ones, People they followed, but people that in the end weren´t right for me. Just to an extend but not fully, there were disappointments too.

I am more and more having the impression that really all the answers are lying within ourselves. But we can have beautiful and revealing encounters with teachers/Gurus. Same with relations, I learn so much through that, in a sometimes painful way of course.

If I will go to America- I will definitely activate my contacts there, thanks a lot 🙂 (And I didn´t misunderstood you!)


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@tamarap I agree. Most people calling themselves a guru or a healer are self-appointed and do far more harm than good I think. I´d even say that it applies to the vast majority and that it´s hard to find one that is actually chosen for this tasks by God/the light beings. I have seen at least spiritual leaders/self proclaimed healers crumble, tell me about it... I clearly have a special capacity for triggering that just by my autistic presence. False spiritual leaders and healer tend to wear masks, and autistic people don´t only see through the mask, we tend to not percieve them at all. So they end up feeling threatened and start doing a lot of stupid things. 

One person that I learn a lot from and that I believe would never call himself a guru, maybe not even a healer, is our dear Ernst Wilhelm. I don´t think his flawless - who is? - but I think he has an honest approach and a lot of wisdom to share.

As for our need of mother/father I agree, but I also think that the influence of elders, especially from a traditional culture, may catalize the process when it comes to balancing our male/female energy. I think that we are quite cut off from our true male/female energy in modern society and that it´s hard to go beyond ourselves not having the feeling for, an emotional reference of what it really means being embodied as a man or as a woman. Personally I´m convinced that modern women, for example, cut off themselves from their female energy by using trousers most of the time, for example. The use of a long skirt or dress helps women to be in touch with the energy of the mother Earth, and the way this clothes fall along your bodies helps you to flow more with that energy, while clothes us trousers and a bikini cuts it off. It´s just an example.

I also think that the spirit of grandfather fire is a masculine energy that has helped women to be in balance throughout the times. It´s a male energy that vitalize and soothes. Today we ask in an sarcastic way whether a woman´s place should be in the kitchen, but I believe that when there was a living fire - a male elder - in the centre of our homes - that was a perfectly fulfilling place for most women to spend a big part of their lives. That it was where they wanted to be, especially - and here I make a reference to the tradition where I live - since the grandfather fire is seen as a weaver, an energy that brings people together. What need was there for to go out playing a role in the worldly arena, if the hearth brought the relevant people into her kitchen and most political and other issues where solved there, and she was the priestess of the Fire with the sacred task of keeping everything in place?

Do I dream about an ancient, already passed time? Oh yes, very much. Do I believe that it can come back? Only if there is like a complete cultural collapse before. Do I think that we can gain the balance back without the woman finding her way back to the grandfather fire? Possibly not.

So, if you are going to travel, I want to give you this recommendation for what it´s worth: Keep an eye open for elders, men and women. And keep an eye open for the grandfather Fire.

Also in Mexico where I live there are some spiritual traditions related to the Deer. Maybe it´s something for you. Not sure whether one should ever actively look for medicine though, in my experience it´s better to let the medicine find you.

When you say "your culture" maybe I should inform you that I´m actually Swedish, but live in Latin America since 2004 and in Mexico since 2024. My wife is a Mexican, partly of zapotec origin. I have walked a spiritual/healing path in the lakota/dine, maya, huichol and shipibo tradition.


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@staffan Hi, I agree with most of that, but the thing with the trousers :)...I don´t feel that, I think its material and the spirit/energy doesn´t know any physical obstacles like fabric...

Modern culture does not provide the conditions for elders really being such an important part of families, communities. I  sometimes talk to my grandmother which passed away long time ago. I have a strong connection to her. And this way I got answers. The male ancestry seems to be VERY weakened in my family, lots of drug abuse, one ended as Clochard in Paris. The other was treated very badly by my grand grand mother and so on. It just doesn´t feel like a strong line.

I think regarding the whole emancipation movement of women today that it´s not only about finding and honoring our female side but really balancing out both, female and male. Men aren´t at there natural place neither. And it doesn´t help when women got so extreme to this movement and become men hater. Really not. Same as with women in high position in politics- Sometimes I got the impression that they rather personify overtly male behaviour than really providing the female qualities there. Because that is what rules.

Ernst said in his videos various times, something coming from Daoism I think, that at the end we have to stick to the female, Yin. The Water Element. 

Very interesting what you say about spiritual healing paths in Mexico...there is so much to discover...

And to come back to my first questions: Even if the Ketu fences crumble- be aware not to destroy the Ketu castle completely by merging with Rahu places :D. Everything has to be balanced. I was really thinking of kind of destroying that to rush somewhere else. I am still to find out how change can be possible without leaving a total pile of rubble. Could be necessary sometimes maybe but...

And then the question- Is Ketu rather an inner state? Especially for house 4, concrete stuff like a physical home- a place where you always return to, where you feel happy and in peace. It can be a place within oneself too.

But Enough of that- thanks for sharing !

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@tamarap I never said that the fabrics has anything to do with the energy being cut off. I just want to make that clear.

We are not on the same wavelength and I both understand and respect that.

Good luck with your decision!


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@staffan it wasn’t meant that way, was not my intention at all to make you feel offended eventually. Thank you for your insights!

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@tamarap No problem, if you where trespassing any limit it wasn´t with many inches. Nice of you to apologize anyway, I appreciate it.

It´s more about the impossibility of a fruitful conversation when you speak from very different perspectives. I come from an old world and live in an old world. 


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Hi Tamara,

As taught in the Healing Rahu & Ketu course, Ketu maturation asks to be okay with oneself. If one isn’t okay with oneself then there’s healing to do in that area because it’s ultimately about finding freedom from the self-abnegation that happens due to conditioning from society. So I would say that it’s really about learning to be okay within yourself regardless of what’s happening externally. Peace isn’t really found outside of ourselves. It’s an inside job.

The truth is that all answers are inside us but due to conditioning, some forget. I don’t believe that one needs an external guru because it’s way better to find the guru within. That’s what I see Ketu focusing on most, especially in the 4th and Taurus. Taurus is about resourcefulness and the 4th is the inner foundation of you. Venus being in libra is dignified and allows for this process to be achieved easier especially as it’s rasi aspecting supporting that house. 

So regardless what you decide to do in the external, whether you sell your lovely garden or keep it, ultimately it’s not about that; it’s about feeling okay with yourself and with your decision. Find the answer within yourself and trust that going forward. 

(also, as I understood the story, the deer was shot at your neighbor’s garden, not yours. So perhaps the deer has more to do with your neighbor’s process and you’re just the observer of that.)

I forgot to mention one thing, in the moments when you feel unhappy, it’s best to just sit with that feeling. I would suggest a state of external inaction in order to be present with that feeling, whatever it is because it’s there for a reason. Wanting to travel is an omen to get away from feeling discomfort in the moment. So instead of fleeing/going away, be present in whatever arises. Realize that it’s a temporary feeling and be free from wanting to get away from feeling discomfort or unhappiness because that’s what needs to be healed. The way to heal it is to be present and go through it. If you run away from it then that’s when trouble happens because Ketu maturation is just to be okay with yourself (inside yourself) no matter what. Ketu is the moksha karaka and teaches us that feelings and all external things are temporary. Hope that’s helpful to you. 

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@suzanstars thank you! It’s good to be remembered of the inner dynamic of the placement. It was very helpful 🙂

Some thoughts on the deer: In regards to Omen I think that an Omen is sth which comes strongly into your awareness, which has an impact on you in some way- not intellectually but in some way calling the attention differently than sth else.There are so many encounters with animals here for example as we are living at the border to a small natural area. But not all of them have this "Omen" characteristic for me.

The neighbour herself might be indifferent about what happened whereas I had to really work that out for myself (in meeting the deer in meditation and apologize for what had happened), which helped a lot to come into balance again. It is a city here and very industrial (The hugest chimical company in the world is only separated from where I live, through a river!). It´s a sensitive co-living with natural habitat where nature is more losing than anything else.


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I have Ketu in the sign of Cancer which is the natural 4th house, but with another cusp. I am well into my Ketu maturation at 52. There’s a few things that I have learnt about myself when it comes to emotional sensitivity, and why I had been told from a young age to develop a thick skin.

Before Ketu maturation, I would have been feeling the same as you have been feeling - very emotional and very sensitive. What I have learnt is that being too emotional and too sensitive actually holds a person back from being emotional and sensitive. Just listening to people in trouble used to render me completely useless to help anyone because I would start crying.

To take the example of the deer, it was already injured and bleeding when it came into the garden. The hunter took action instead of sitting there commiserating about the loss of life. I am sure he felt empathy for the deer, but he didn’t let emotions control the actions that he knew had to be taken. I hope one day I can make such tough decisions too without going into a melt-down first.

As an omen, deers are very sensitive creatures. They flee at the smallest disturbance. Cancer’s crab is also one that scuttles sideways. The sensitivity and connectivity of the Moon makes us be more careful around others and take care of their emotional needs. But unless that sensitivity is tempered with the logical action of Mars, we cannot be of much use in the world.

With regards to where you are now in maturity, I would think back and see what transpired when you were around 27 years old, give or take a year either side. See if what you are going through now has a common thread running through it. Compare what you did then and what you are planning to do now. If it’s a similar thing, then maybe try handling it differently this time.

With your garden, I understand the emotional turmoil you are going through. I have been through something similar with regards to something that I own. What I did was refused to give in, but also looked around and asked for opinions for different options to keep what I had. Eventually it came down to changing a couple of my beliefs. I am not completely happy with the solution, but it’s the best that can happen at the moment, and I am not taking action based on emotional turmoil. It is not a long-term solution and I will keep looking at the possibility of different solutions.

In this example the thing that helped me most was allowing myself to air my frustration fully to myself. We want things the way we want it, but sometimes Fate has something else planned. The raving and ranting (to self) helps tremendously to release the pent-up energy that comes from, perhaps, our childhood when we were not allowed free expression.

Eventually, whether you sell and travel or whether you stay and figure a way out, the end result will be that you will learn and broaden your mind’s horizons.

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@manisha thanks a lot for your thoughtful reply! It resonates with me and I will definitely check what was I doing at 27…

…it was in 2002 when I was going to live in Barcelona for some years- one of the best times of my life before I got married 

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I used the age of 27 based on what I thought your age might be now. Glad it brought some happy memories. But I should have asked to check for the common theme from 18 years ago give or take a year either side.

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@manisha Why the 18 ago? I am just curious...interestingly this was the year I left Barcelona because I followed the man that I was going to marry, back to Germany- and was trapped in very unlucky relation during 8 years since then...sth to meditate about, thank you!

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Rahu would have been approximately at the same place 18 years ago. 8 years after that, Ketu would have started to come close to where Rahu had been.

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@manisha It is really interesting to see that in the context of the cycles- very much! Thanks a lot, it is definitely sth I will study more. Having Rahu transiting  my Jupiter in Aries and so Ketu my Venus- this has a strong relational aspect. In both Rahu transits 18 years ago and now, there comes into play a man (Jupiter) triggering highly the wish to change living place. In the first time- it was a going back to my origin country, where I lived before. This time it´s the way round, having that craving of seeing more of the world, travelling more into far away countries to get to know other people, cultures and landscapes. I know that I have to find the balance inside of that. And looking for my real purpose and inspiration, instead of following impulsive reactions. Through this person right now (an adventurous man not wanting to bind into relations with women), a door openend inside of myself- it´s like wanting to expand into other directions more and at the same time the need to do that in a balanced and thoughtful way. Thanks a lot Manisha- this was such a good hint!

Ernst Wilhelm
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@tamarap Its common in Ketu maturation for the ketu house to become lost or to have to leave it, or have it taken away or disrupted and 4th house rules gardens. Ketu is our safe place. Ketu matuarion is about being okay wiht ourselves no matter what. So to help that, our safe place may be lost. 


The safe place is a place of PERCIEVED certainty, it's not certain, but the child and/or parent minds see it as certain. The truth is, there is no certainty, there is only the deleopment of feeling Certain that one can be ok and happy in an uncertain world. that is relaly what being OK is, thats the goal of ketu maturation and the rest of our lives after that. To learn to be certain of being okay and happy in an uncertain world! 

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@ernst great! Thanks for always adjusting the things into the right place in this simple and straightforward manner👌🏻

