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ketu & rahu conjunct bhava cusps - rahu 5th house

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(@Anonymous 21350)
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I was wondering if anyone could explain what it would mean to have a "loss of dignity". It's part of the last sentence in the passage for rahu conjunct 5th cusp.

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Hi, as Angela mentioned, the 5th is the 8th from the 10th so interruptions/crisis/breaks in career/status can cause loss of dignity. This can happen especially if there is some planet shaming involved. If you go to the Heart of Parashara course and listen to any video re: shaming, Ernst explains it in more details. 


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@mona @angela.wilson @lisa

Thank you for all of this discussion. It is great!

I have an example from my own life as I have Rahu with the 5th cusp.

I used to write books and I was part of a literary sub-culture that was also a community/group. I got a lot of external approval for my lit persona but it wasn't the real me. I even published books that were not authentically me for external approval. This seeking external approval through my writing began early in childhood with trying to get attention from my mother (Rahu also in 4th house).

During Saturn maturation I went through a very dark suicidal time and no one in my community showed up for me! I was sort of shunned and all alone! At the same time the universe deleted all my social media accounts that had my big literary persona following and erased all my followers! I also was shown all the ways my lit career was in-authentic in so many ways and totally not supporting me at all aside from external validation from others.

I definitely felt a "loss of dignity" and shame. I found myself sort of a "nobody" suddenly, without my persona. Since this also happened at the same time as my Sun Dasha I was forced to find out who I authentically was, independently from groups. 

I guess this started early for me with Saturn maturation instead of Rahu (probably since Saturn is conjunct Rahu). But around Rahu maturation a similar scenario happened again. But it was way less painful this time and I was able to embrace it, as I had found astrology, and was able to understand what was happening.

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I would also say that I was successful in coming out from the other side of these lessons because Saturn and Rahu's lord is Mercury who is in pretty good shape and Mercury helps Rahu. 

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@rhiannon Thanks for sharing Rhiannon! That's a great story. I actually wonder how you feel about cusp versus house. Do you have the 4th cusp with Rahu as well or is Rahu in your 4th house with the 5th cusp? From what I understand from Ernst's teachings, he is looking at the the cusp and not on the house (at least, this was the case in the first/old Rahu/Ketu class). The sign being key as well. My cusps and houses are aligned so I can't relate to a potential dichotomy (for lack of a better word). Do you feel Rahu in the 4th as well? I kind of know you do given our previous exchanges but I don't know if you have your cusp there as well or "just" the house;)

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@mona Good question, Mona. Yes, Rahu is in my 4th house with only the 5th cusp. So it was curious to me as well that Ernst's descriptions of Rahu conjunct the 4th cusp AND the 5th cusp were very spot on to my life experiences. The Rahu conjunct the 4th cusp video was so 100 percent spot on that I kept getting chills while watching it! 

My 4th cusp is still very close to Rahu even if not in same sign. It is in the last quarter of Leo and Rahu is only 8 degrees into Virgo.  

I would be very curious to know if anyone else has had the experience of Rahu influencing a close cusp although it is in a different sign if anyone else wants to chime in?

I would love to know if this is something to consider when reading other people's charts. 

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@rhiannon You may be spot on re: how close the cusp is to Rahu. As far as other's experience, I can only speak for a friend that I did a Ketu/Rahu reading for and she has 5th and 6th cusps into her 6th house and the Ketu in the 6th house piece was a lot more relevant than the 5th cusp one. I've known her for years and I didn't see much of the 5th cusp happening, or to a much smaller degree. But it's slightly different than your situation so I would love to hear other people feedback on that as well!

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@mona Do you remember if Rahu was closer to either cusp in the sign?

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@rhiannon I just checked and her Rahu and Ketu are much closer to 11th and 5th cusp respectively... But they are in the 12th and 6th house with these cusps as well...

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@rhiannon and at the end of the day, I think we can all learn from all the axis. I learn a lot about myself listening to other Rahu/Ketu placements even though I don’t have them in my chart. Which makes me wonder about Rahu/Ketu in the Vargas. They are probably very relevant as well. Ryan Kurzack made a video on that on YouTube I believe.

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@rhiannon Actually this video (#61 The Ketu castle and the Rahu jungle) may explain why you feel the Rahu influence on your 4th cusp:

1 hour 7 minutes:

(@Anonymous 21350)
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@rhiannon oh wowww omg yes I love it, every story i read just gets better and reminds me of other similar experiences with my placement. There have been times where I guess I was lured into different taboo groups (kind of eerily in a cult way even) and probably experienced a loss of dignity that way. Not having clear or strong boundaries to assert what was right and wrong for me at the time. Valuing feeling connected to lots of people and having lots of support over being alone and true to myself - at the time I was definitely more scared of being alone than having the wrong friends. 

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I have the same feelings as Venkat about Astrology and feeling a loss of dignity about studying it and trying to practice it along with card reading, publically and professionally.

Yet, I have my Rahu placed in Aries in my 8th house, along with Jupiter, while Ketu is in my 2nd house of Libra with the Sun and Venus.

I'm wondering if the "shaming" I feel could be due to Rahu and Ketu recently transiting Cancer/Capricorn, which are my 11th/5th house cusps, respectively. 

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(@Anonymous 21350)
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Posted by: @venkat_r

"Loss of dignity" means Rahu would force you to do something that won't be easily accepted by your support circle or your circle won't validate you as much as you would have liked to.

I can definitely see this since coming from a partially conservative family, but also having to choose friends over relationships situations etc. Also not being able to reveal things to different people if they're in the same group.

You explain the loss of dignity really well 🙂 I can totallyyyy relate now!
