The Rahu/Ketu axis ...
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The Rahu/Ketu axis for Libra Ascendant

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Hello @Ernst and all,

My son is a Libra ascendant with Sun/Ketu in his 11th house in Leo, 5th sign of the zodiac and Rahu/Moon/Jupiter in his 5th house in Aquarius, 11th house of the zodiac. For all Libra ascendants, it’s interesting to see that any houses Rahu and Ketu are placed, it will be in its “opposite” sign. Does this configuration help in the process of healing Rahu and Ketu and moving into the Rahu house because of the sign’s underlying energy (especially in the case of, like with my kid, Ketu is with the lord of the sign it’s in and he is more likely to be “stuck” in the Ketu castle)?

Generally speaking, I find a lot of balancing factors in my son’s chart, maybe due to “being a Libra”. Poetically, I like to think of this sign as the bridge between our material and spiritual life. 

Would love to hear you guys think about how Rahu/Ketu play out for Libra ascendants.



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Amit Bhat
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Ketu's lord with ketu means some ketu castle past lifetime karma needs to be completed in this lifetime before the person is ready properly to jump in rahu jungle.

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@amit thanks for putting it so simply!

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This thread is super interesting. I myself have Sun, Ketu and Venus in Libra, so I'll be watching it closely. Very interesting analogy @Amit about Ketu's Lord having past lifetime karma.

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There are so many layers in analyzing your Ketu/Rahu question. I will share the little bit that i know. Ernst has a great course named Healing Rahu Ketu, and it is a mother of a course, a very long course but great information. Mastering Rahu and Ketu course in good too but not as in depth as Healing Rahu and Ketu course

With your provided facts, Ketu is in Leo 11th house with Sun. 11th house is a social house. Ketu in the 11th house is the house of social security. Rahu in the 5th house is the house of being secured of your own path. Leo is a fire sign and fire is individuality. Fire signs they tend to pursue their inspiration and do what they need to do for themselves. They tend not to be team players and don't like rules. Ketu Sun people they want to be first because that is their security 

Rahu in the 5th house Acquarius with Moon and Jupiter. 5th house is the house of self-expression, creative intelligence, an extension of the 1st house. Acquarius is an air sign, a social sign. Yet the sign itself is a water sign which means water is the connectivity that we make in order to grow socially. Rahu Moon people they are scared they can't fulfill their emotional needs. 

These people in social /group situation are very self-expressive, know what they want to do, very skilled at creating their own destiny. But they are scared emotionally that people will not accept them. Emotionally they may need a lot of hand holding (Rahu Moon conjunction).

The 5th house is where we get solid, stable and secure in our path. With Moon Rahu conjunction, i would venture to say these people need to work on being emotionally secured in order to be better connected to the group/team environment


Just some of my thoughts...











































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@tuyetv thanks for your insights! And yes the Healing of Rahu and Ketu class is amazing. I listened to it a first time and am going back a second time taking notes now. Deep new insights on Rahu in the 4th for me.

My son is very much into his 11th house for now, ALWAYS with friends yet can be critical of them and insecure if they play without him and not enjoying being singled out. He can be very shy in the classroom but he is the only kid we hear on the playground when in his athletic element (a “puzzle” for his teachers since grade 1 ????). With Libra ascendants, it probably is because it makes everything intermixed with having equal and opposite indicators at the same time (Rahu/Ketu sign and house equally opposite) which makes me think it makes those people hard to pin down.  I will go back to the earlier Rahu/Ketu class you mention when am done with the healing one. 


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hi, i was about to post a similar thread asking the same thing 🙂

Does it help that libras have worked on the same sign that they need to develop as a house in this life and the house that they need to develop as a sign? 

it is a bit confusing to me 🙂 thanks

