Rahu in 7th house
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Rahu in 7th house

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When someone has rahu in 7th house and is never married / married and divorced / never had sex/ never had relationship/ married but stays separate , does it mean they failed to learn the rahu lesson in this life and will come again to fulfil this ? As rahu would want them to fulfil marital duties as per my assumption. The point is try again and get into second relationship but my question is what if there is no relationship,is that utter failure and then just going towards ketu again where one is comfortable with oneself. What if one is so tired of relationships that one somehow already comes to know that they don't want to be in a relationship or it's not their priority anymore as I'm assuming being in a fulfilling relationship is coming from deep subconscious desires of theirs. What if they somehow remove their desire without being in a relationship,is that possible? 

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Ernst Wilhelm
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IN the end, it does not matter if a person is successful in a worldly sense where Rahu is at. so when rahu is in the 2nd, it does not matter if they are ever successful in relationships. All that maters is that they learn what they need to learn about themselves when they encoutner the rahu house. So rahu house is where we learn the things about ourselves we most need to know and wont learn any other way. if we succeed in that, rahu is succesful.

and we never have to worry if we did enough rahu or not, it will suck us in as needed, kick us out as needed. We are not having any choices about the matter. 

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@ernst This is something that has been on my mind ever since I started studying astrology and Rahu. I have it in the 7th house, but so far I have not been in a sexual relationship. I had a business partnership in my Rahu dasa and I visited many foreign lands, and both these are 7th house things.

So I am wondering - is Rahu in the 7th specifically about sexual relationshps? Does a person HAVE to have a sexual relationship when they have Rahu in the 7th?



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@astroalex this is my question too. Would love to hear from Ernst

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@astroalex I think the context of how Rahu will affect you if by looking at where the lord of rahu is, what house and who it's with.  Also, if rahu is with any other planets.  But I could be corrected.

I have rahu in the 7th in Taurus...my venus is in the 4th with sun and jupiter...and I find that I am always traveling domestically and internationally, learning about myself through the eyes of my husband, whether it's a critique or appreciation...and in my business, people think I'm absolutely amazing...but I think that only because the sun is opposite an empty 10th house Leo, which is also my AL.  

Right now, I have been pulled into traveling the country in an RV with my family and that happened to begin when transiting Rahu entered my 7th house again this January.  There is no escaping learning about myself through my partner now.  There is no where to go...and such a small space.  I feel like we are so mirrored right now, it's uncomfortable sometimes. 

And about sexual relationships. I haven't looked into the yogas for that yet, but I have always had a great number of men interested in me and many sexual relationships.  Again, not sure if that has anything to do with some yogas I have or that I am a female and women don't really have to do anything to have a sexual encounter except be attractive. 

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@valen Well, we have some things in common. I also have Scorpio rising and Sun in Aquarius. So my Rahu is in Taurus as well and Venus is in Pisces with Mars.

It seems that something is blocking sexual relationships from happening in my life, but so far I have not been able to figure it out completely. I only have some clues. My swamsa is in Virgo and my AK is debilitated in the 7th house of the D7. I also recently learned about my Human Design which caused me to realise that my approach to relationships was the wrong one for me. So maybe that is a big part of it. Basically, I messed up all of my opportunities because I didn't know how women showed interest and I believed that as the man I have to initiate always. Turns out that I am better off approaching the women who show me signs of interest first. So funny!

And yes, if a woman is physically attractive/sexy she will have many options for sexual encounters. The irony is, it's very likely that most of them are not going to be the ones she wants.

The RV trip sounds nice, but I understand how close proximity can be uncomfortable. In my case the current Rahu transit has me meeting new people since I started going out for a daily morning walk in the nearby park. Most of them are dog owners, which is great, because I love doggos.



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@astroalex Ernst recommended a book called "Pluto" by Jeffrey Green in one of his videos, I can't remember which one, but I got it and it describes Venus and Mars through the signs.  So, here are some things from that book that might pertain to you....

Venus in Pisces tends to create a carefully constructed persona and what it really wants is for a partner to look past the persona and see the real person inside and be accepted for who it is.  There is a lot of going back and forth between what's religiously/spiritually acceptable vs. what is natural in a relationship and natural to the person...this causes all kinds of guilt/atonement/passive-aggressiveness, etc. So, the key is for the venus in pisces person to accept themselves without judgement based out of "man-made moralities of a religious nature" and they can then attract a healthy partner.  The author noted that for evolution to proceed, Virgo must be embraced...I find it interesting that your swamsa is in Virgo.

Mars in pisces gives a native many lifetimes of what seems to be extremes on the sexual activities spectrum (possibly a lifetime of heavy involvement in sexual activities and another of abstinence) until they come to learn the difference between profane and sacred sexuality.  I'm not sure of where you are in that spectrum, but the author also notes that the soul's desire is to experience the descent of spirit into flesh relative to their sexual practices, in the end.  You might attract those who are in the same cycle as you...they may seem pure and gentle when you first meet but you get to know them and it's a different story.  The author says that there is a tendency to reject partners, even energetically, if you haven't figured out your own self-judgement and resolved it.  

Disillusionment is one of the hardest things for humans to grapple with so that is why virgo must be embraced, to create a consciousness that is able to analyze and intellectually discriminate so they can understand any desire or fear that arises from within and the circumstantial reality that these desires and fears create.


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@valen All this resonates. Thank you for sharing.

I can say that I see modern relationships as limiting, full of unhealthy expectations and obligations that come from the Ego. I think Venus in Pisces wants to experience the connection without the attachments that bring up questions like "What are we?", "Where is this relationship going?", "Are we exclusive?", etc.

Mars joining brings the hunger for the physical side of a sexual relationship into the equation. In the 5th it has caused me to feel shame about wanting to experience sexual freedom with another person and I have shamed others for wanting it or having it. I still have this hunger and I don't think it will dissapear anytime soon, if ever. Right now I am leaning towards the "profane" way of expressing it, but on my own.

The way I see it Venus/Mars in Pisces is looking to experience a deep intimate connection with another that completes in the physical by being present in the moment. Then maybe it can return to abstinence as it has no need for anything more. I don't know if that makes sense, but this my current understanding of this combination.


Ernst Wilhelm
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Rahu in 7th is about benefiting from a partner and you will find two types those how have no benefit but get sex, and those who don't have sex. Its not somethign that makes a person get a lot of sex in general unless there is some strong sexual yoga involved. Rahu is about learning of one's real qualities by spending time working in partnership, and partnership can mean many things. 

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@ernst This makes a lot of sense to me. I have Rahu in 7th in Taurus and its lord Venus is in Pisces, conjunct Mars. So Ve/Ma is a passionate combination that relates to the 7th house. On the other hand there is the marriage denying yoga of 7th lord in the 5th, and Venus is also shamed by Mars, although it's exalted and has the highest Shad Bala in the chart. All this is very confusing to me though and I don't really know how to judge it. 


Ernst Wilhelm
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@astroalex Yes, so the 7th lord in 5th exalted is largely responsible. For something like that you need toexamine the dasas to see which influence is dominant at any time of your life.

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@ernst Ok, so I am now running the Jupiter Maha Dasa and Saturn Antar Dasa. Ju is DB in the 3rd house of the Rasi chart and DB in the 7th of the Saptamsa. Saturn is in Scorpio in both charts in a GE dignity. They are rasi aspecting each other, but it does not look like something worthwhile can come out of it based on dignity. Mercury is in Capricorn as well in a Friend dignity in both charts. So that can bring something a bit better, but maybe not much better as Mercury is Combust, although not agitated, as my Sun is in Aquarius. Honestly, I don't have high hopes.

Am I reading things correctly here?


Amit Bhat
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Jupiter db in d7 in 7th looks the key issue.

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@amit Yes, it's also my AK. A definite weak spot for me.


Amit Bhat
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Being AK means there is focus on this area especially more if Jupiter connects to 7th cusp or 7th lord in rasi too...

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@amit It does, it rasi aspects the 7th cusp and it rules 7th lord Venus. 


Amit Bhat
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It will be good to focus on healing any bad avasthas especially of bhukti or maturing  planets because they degrade the experience of life. Having no good concrete reality is still OK but having bad LAs suck our life force 

Ernst Wilhelm
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@astroalex yes, I think you are reading it well.

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@ernst  So for example, if a woman with ketu 1 if financially independent, should she be willing of the money to be spent more by the husband

Ernst Wilhelm
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@kabir Generally speaking, that is a biological thing and relationships don't work as great if the woman is paying for more than the man. As the woman gets older, its less of an issue.

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@ernst Of course my soul knew I would fight tooth and nail to not be in a dependent relationship, so it gave me rahu in the 7th, Saturn in the second and moon in the 8th...just to make sure I wouldn't be able to be financially independent.  ????

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@valen Moon in Gemini? If so, then we have very similar charts, same lagna, Sun and Moon. 🙂 


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@astroalex Wow.

Sometimes I look at my chart and wonder how different my life would be if my Venus were in pisces and maybe if my Mercury were somewhere besides Capricorn.  I like Mars in scorpio though.  🙂

It's amazing how different each chart is based on the vargas and different placement of a few planets.  We may have some similarities in our life path, I guess.  This is an interesting perspective, to look at similarities based upon sun, moon, lagna and nodes.  

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@valen I also think about what it would be like if I didn't have Saturn in my lagna, or if Jupiter wasn't DB. But then I remember that I wouldn't be the person I am if they weren't where they are. 🙂 

You are the first person that I have come across that has these three positions the same. I wonder how common that is in general.


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@astroalex I think we have four positions the same if your mercury is also in Capricorn.


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@ernst If you don't mind me asking Sir Ernst, What if there is a Saturn (Rohini Nakshatra) Rahu (Mrigasira) conjunct in 7th house Gemini ? They are about 14th degree's apart, Is this going to be more likely not to have relationship as saturn is it's own home and since rahu is expansion.
Rahu per say expand the nature of Saturn, which restricts a person from having relationship?
Or is this a possible sign of exploring more into promiscousity and whatnot? Though, the further they are, atleast 10 degree's apart,
would that be considered, atleast a healthy conjunct? Of course, there is a lot to consider from it, but normally at this placement itself,
what are you thoughts if I may ask?

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I know someone with Ketu and the Moon in the 7th. They too have never been in a relationship or had sex either. It could be a Node thing.

Ernst Wilhelm
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saturn and rahu are both delayign and seperating factors. the person does not want to go to the house with these two planets joined. There are a lot of fears and things will not work out at first and this will just give more reasons not to go there. 

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Fear and Separation is the most prominent in the conjunct, I will remember that. @ernst Thank you so much for the quick response!
