Union of Rahu and K...
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Union of Rahu and Ketu

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So I have a simple question for you all, is the point of venturing to Rahu, the fulfillment of the desires in Ketu?

Like for example: At the more superficial level, someone with Sag Ketu in the 9th might have a grand vision, but Ketu being the supreme liberator, it is never enough, so the way those ideals would be realized, is by putting the self-effort through trial and error to make them come into fruition (Gemini Rahu in the 3rd). 

It almost seems like the union of the nodes is what all of the spirituality points to. Ketu is the past, Rahu the future, but their union is freedom from that, leaving only the eternal present moment, which is absolute and total liberation. And this brings up the main question, cuz Ketu's ultimate desire is liberation, right? So the entire point of Rahu is really just for Ketu to evolve it's own perspectives.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it's what I'm getting from the Healing with Rahu and Ketu courses. 

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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I made a reply to this and deleted it after further consideration, hopefully this will be a better response.  I have Ketu in Sag. and Rahu in Gemini with a different house axis.  FIRST - if Rahu has more graha's situated near it, OR Rahu dasa comes early in life the individual will experience more Rahu than Ketu and be familiar with it when it matures, and vice versa. Also, conjunctions will shift the pattern slightly, so every chart is somewhat different. Upon Ketu maturation, there will likely NOT be a "choice" to experience Rahu, life will throw you there willing or not.

It does seem like Ketu has "desires", but I think that what feels like a desire for Ketu is actually Rahu/Gemini devouring anything that comes insight of the axis. I recall from one of the courses, Ernst commenting that he "loves Rahu Gemini people", because they will buy all his books, so it's good for HIS bank account!*(Not mine - LOL)  There is a cliché' about jack of all trades master of none, have you heard this? In the case of Sag Ketu X Gemini Rahu, I think this is a "focused" example of that phrase. Focus being on the house associated with Ketu and Rahu being the "jack".  I believe in order to create union with this axis, Rahu needs to settle down and THROUGHLY learn and gain skills in what inspires the individual, live in dharma with the skills and knowledge behind it, not dabbling in knowing a little bit about everything related to ketu domain. 

If this is personal to you perhaps you will relate, if not here is an example. As a Rahu Gemini in 12th, I can promise you that I have given away more books than I have read, and taken more classes, seminars or trainings than I will ever revisit or master. Before age 45+/- information was my "junk food" and it was all consumption but not true knowledge or skill. Now that I am beyond Ketu/Rahu maturation I see the error of my ways, and perhaps still have enough life to heal that. 

For any individual with a Ketu/Sag/9th X Rahu/Gemini/3rd I would think has looked at many philosophies/ideas/religions/political ideals but never developed a deep knowledge of them or the will and skill to practice or perhaps communicate them. I hope this helps, or that someone that has a deeper understanding can offer a better explanation.


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@ltmoon I got the idea of Ketu desiring with the fact that the Ketuhouse never feels good until one explores Rahu of course. I personally have Ketu in the 9th (with Jupiter) - Rahu in the 3rd in the Pisces-Virgo axis and when I was younger (mind you I'm still pretty young, nowhere near the Ketu/Rahu maturation lol) I would obsessively gather knowledge, explore philosophies, spiritual concepts, hop from one to another, yet it's only recently that I started to put the self-effort to practice them. One thing is to read about the power of meditation, another is to actually practice it and experience it. Thank you for your response!


Ernst Wilhelm
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The goal of Ketu is 100% okayness with ourselves. When that happens, we can be okay with ANYTHING that happens in the ketu house. So for a person who has ketu in the 7th, once they are okay with themselves, no matter WHAT their partner does, they are okay with it. And vice versa, if they are bothered by things their partner does, it shows they are not okay with themselves. So whatever house ketu is in, we cant be okay with that house until we are okay with ourselves. Rahu and going to the rahu house gives us the neccessary perspective to see the things we need to see about yourselves in order to be okay with ourselves. So we can say, the desire of ketu is to be at peace instead of critical, insecure, or doubting about the ketu house, and that only happens when the real goal of ketu is achieved, being 100% ok with oneself. 

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@ernst Is it a good idea to look at this in cases where Ketu is in the 10th from a man's Sun or in the 4th from a woman's Moon, for purposes of improoving their capacity for being happy in relationships?


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@ernst Oh ok that makes a lot of sense, which is essentially what liberation is right? 100% okayness with what IS. That's kind of why I mentioned the whole duality thing and "union" of the nodes tho. If one knows the Rahu and Ketu houses are merely a reflections/projections of each other (Rahu-Ketu were even the same entity at some point), and they become okay with them, then they should reflect each other in that way, right? Like in your example, the individual might end up with challenging partners, just so their partners reflect onto them that they are not ok with themselves. However, the moment they realize this and become okay with themselves (the Rahu house), the Ketu house would transform, since both houses are merely reflections of each other. Thank you for your response btw!

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Hello Ernst,

you said: "The goal of Ketu is 100% okayness with ourselves"

With what wants Ketu to be 100% okey when he is in the 6th house? And what is Rahus lesson to be learned when in the 12th?


Ernst Wilhelm
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@narottama teh goal is always the same, okayness with ourselves. The house is just where we learn that, the area we practice. The sign is the part of ourselves we have to be okay with using if we want to get more detailed. So read the meanings of that sign, especially I find the Jaimini results to be helpful.

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@ernst Thanks for the answer. As I am still very much suffering from the OCD I cant figure it out myself and since I am not sure if tropical or sidereal and since it is very important to my healing to be 100% OK with myself and I think this plays a major role in my healing I would like to ask you if you can tell me the essence of Ketu in the 6th either in Capricorn or in Aquarius. Could you pleae help me and provide me with that information?

Ernst Wilhelm
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@narottama Ketu in 6th holds the deeep idea that the material life has to be ordered, lined up, perfect... OR ELSE. of course, that will make the material life and the world which is so material, very stressful. T hats the thinga bout ketu, it alwasy makes us stress over the house its in. That house HAS to be right, or else, so we stress about it. And that stress will cause us a lot of problems and wear away at us. The answer is alwasy the rahu house. The 12th in this case. By embracing that house, I am going to rest, let it go, let it slide, leave it behind. forget about it, surrender it, go to sleep, go on vacatino, etc etc. a person is free from that stress. The idea is, it does not have to be perfect, I can just let it go somehow. so thats the house work that needs to be done. The difference between aquarious and capricorn would be that capricorn gets stuck holding huge burdens that they cant get away from. They have to just deal with it until its done. Aquarius does not have theburden, but it gets VERY Little for being there. There is a lot of lack and nothign can be done about it. With capricorn, there is a lack, but there can be somethign done and so its a huge burden to do it. with aquaruis there is a lack, nothing can be done, so you learn to live with it. 


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@ernst Interesting, that at the same time - Cap female and Aq male sign.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@konstantin_23 yes, it is interesting. and mars is exalted in capricorn and no one fights harder than the person who can't get out. Thats when a person makes one last superhuman attempt for as long as they can before succumbing and in that attempt can win against overwhelming odds. Sun Tzu said in the art of war, when attacking an army, make sure there is always a way out for them, or at least that it appears that tehre is a way out. That way they will fight to get out, but if not, they will fight like cornered rats with nothing to lose and our losses will be much higher. that's capricorn. You can also look at mars in capricorn as mamma bear, who is the most ferocious when protecting her young. Also, there have been examples of women lifting cars that they babies were trapped under.

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Thank you very much Ernst. I appreciate. Thats a very good explanation and very helpful for me. 

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Dear Ernst, I was thinking about what you wrote and I realized that I dont understand something properly. The part with the 6th house and the 12th is clear to me.

"Ketu in 6th holds the deeep idea that the material life has to be ordered, lined up, perfect... OR ELSE. of course, that will make the material life and the world which is so material, very stressful. T hats the thinga bout ketu, it alwasy makes us stress over the house its in. That house HAS to be right, or else, so we stress about it. And that stress will cause us a lot of problems and wear away at us. The answer is alwasy the rahu house. The 12th in this case. By embracing that house, I am going to rest, let it go, let it slide, leave it behind. forget about it, surrender it, go to sleep, go on vacatino, etc etc. a person is free from that stress. The idea is, it does not have to be perfect, I can just let it go somehow. so thats the house work that needs to be done."

I can really relate to that and thats defenitely what I am experiencing, upon other aspects of this OCD issue. I try to be perfectly clean but it does not work and to just let go and stop or accept its OK that its not perfect is so difficult for me but 100% what I need to do, to let go. So that information is very helpful. In connection to that, what is or are the planets that produce fear? And what can the planet Mars contribute to that? In one course you said that Mars makes a person very critical of oneself. So if Mars influences Ketu in the 6th trying to be perfectly clean would that contribute by trying to be even more perfect?

Now what I dont understand.

"The difference between aquarious and capricorn would be that capricorn gets stuck holding huge burdens that they cant get away from. They have to just deal with it until its done. Aquarius does not have theburden, but it gets VERY Little for being there. There is a lot of lack and nothign can be done about it. With capricorn, there is a lack, but there can be somethign done and so its a huge burden to do it. with aquaruis there is a lack, nothing can be done, so you learn to live with it."

You say Capricorn caries a burden. Aquarius dont have a burden but there is a lack. What means burden of Capricorn and lack of Aquarius? Could you give some example? Whats the burdon of Capricorn and the lack of Aquarius?



Ernst Wilhelm
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@narottama Fear is part of every pathalogy, so part of every bad avastha we can say there is a fear attached. The 8th house makes fears deeper. Saturn rules fear as a foundation to our existence, the fear of death, the survival instinct. Thats a healthy and realistic fear and out of that fear is what the other fears grow out off, and these are unhealthy fears as they are based on the bad avasthas. Ketu is very linked to saturn, and to the Sun. so there is a huge survival mechanism with respect to ketu's position and so it carries saturn fears as well. Mars is courage, a weak mars lacks courage and so succumbs to fear, but in general, whatever mars aspects, we can muster up courage towards. The burden and lack of Aquarius is not specific. With aquarius, there is just not enough, but its survivable and there is not a lot that anyone can do to make things better. With capricorn, its only survival able because of the huge effort made and if the effort is not made, someone or oneself, dies.

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@ernst Thank you Ernst. Thats helpful and interesting. I think for me at the moment the most important and which would help me the most is to deeply understand that " Its OK when its not perfect" and "to let go somehow". Thanks for all. It helped me.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Its essential to ALWAYS look at this. 

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@ernst If you don't mind me asking, how would one read the nodes in the Moon or Sun chart? Does any of your courses cover that?

Ernst Wilhelm
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@dippsta If you want to use those charts, just read rahu and ketu in the hosues from them. But i never do.

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Posted by: @dippsta

It almost seems like the union of the nodes is what all of the spirituality points to.

This is my conclusion as well.  It would seem that this would be beyond notions of liberation or bondage, rather wholeness as a fluctuating indeterminacy.

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