1. My Rahu is in the 8th and Ketu in the 2nd, and Rahu in Taurus (Bharani) Rasi with Ketu in Scorpio (Swati). Reversed.
2. In addition, I have Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon all in the 2nd house but in the Scorpio sign. Reversed house/sign.
3. How should I interpret when the houses and signs occupied by Rahu/Ketu are reversed with Grahas in the 2nd house reversed with the Signs?
I'd like to know your understanding of these placements
Thank you
I assume you are a Libra Lagna, it always happens (my son is Libra lagna with Ketu in 11th in Leo 5th sign and Rahu in the 5th in Aquarius 11th sign).
So, a couple of things I understand with this:
1. For Libra people, the Rahu/Ketu axis becomes more of a seesaw movement through life, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It also makes Libra lagna people less easy to pin down (I find). The Scales is about harmonization and the reconciliation of opposites. This translates into the Rahu/Ketu axis (it's the only sign where this happens). This pushes the issue of developing inner harmony, the part of ourselves that is not bothered, offended, not shocked by anything.
2. The houses Rahu/Ketu are the areas of life, the terrains where Rahu/Ketu will be experienced and the signs are the part that needs to be healed. So with Rahu in the 8th, your playground is develop trust in the fact that, whatever life throws at you, you have the inner resources to deal with it. Those are the experiences that will show up in your life (maybe such as attracting people that betray you, as a general example). What needs to be healed in Rahu in Taurus and this is quite vast but an example would be to develop a sense of self-worth, a sense of personal values rather than seeking it through others. And, in doing do, attracting the people who share the same values. So, through Rahu in 8th house experiences, you learn to develop Taurus qualities.
3. Same with the other planets, when I look at the planets, the house is the area of life where a planet/sign combo is going to play out. From a very practical standpoint, the 2nd house is about money, finance management. Signs and houses have similarities but they are not the exact same thing. Also, the signs will tell you how and why a planet operate a certain way, the houses will tell you where this is all happening.
Hope that helps.
Sounds like a very interesting, quite karmatic chart/life, with all those planets in the same axis and even the same Rasi.
I just dated a girl with her Ketu in the 2nd house and could feel how I reached her protecting glass wall; not letting things in that would force her to question her life and to start to give up control. A frustrating experience, since I couldn´t use my astrological knowledge to tell her; not in a direct way. E s p e c i a l l y not with her having Rahu in the 8th; a person who´s already sceptic about astrology; her trust could really be hurt if I would start telling her about her Rahu and Ketu and trust issues...
With that said: having the bhavas the other way round as you do should help you to find a balance while working this out; to me it seems that you are on both ends; it´s a constant coming and going. Rather than a big wave carrying you into our Rahu area, as it is for most of us, it seems more like many small waves little by little eroding your nodal theme... If that metaphor says anything to you.
Also remember what Ernst teaches us about the Ketu/Saturn conjunction as a good foundation for spiritual growth. It´s so unpleasant staying in your comfort zone that you´ll rather risk your life (that´s how it feels!) in the Rahu house. So to me it seems that you are set-up for a deep and productive Rahu/Ketu experience in this lifetime.
I haven´t thought about the fact that the Libra ascendent alwas has the nodes working in this balanced way; but how fascinating that it completely relates to the balance metaphor that the Scales stands for!
Thank you for articulating your thoughts and understanding of this axis and signs. I do feel intensely and emotions run deep, but as you are suggesting, sometimes it is better to not be stuck there and just live 🙂 Though lately, I have started trusting in nature a lot more and pretty much accepted that whatever happens is for the betterment, and I try not to get 'stuck in it for too long of a time.