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Hi Ernst,

So, going to Rahu means exiting out of the collective unconsciousness to experience oneself as an individual consciousness. Would that be a correct way to paraphrase it?

Then, what does it mean to go back to Ketu? I can understand about it when we die, but how does it work while still living? Have you covered it in one of your courses?

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@manisha, I have Ketu in Gemini, if I focus on the word "communication" about that sign, and if I embrace Rahu in Sagittarius, instead of communicating about facts and information, in a social butterfly way, I communicate instead with purpose and focus. Or I communicate intuitively, maybe channeling (who know where that will take me ????).  So, the core, communication, is still there, but it's improved. Just an example of what I understand of going back to Ketu and something I can personally relate to. 

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Thanks, Mona. That is the obvious answer, and Ernst has covered it well in his Rahu-Ketu courses.

I was enquiring about it on the energetic or subconscious level. (With Sun-Saturn conjunction, I have to make it challenging for myself, otherwise what’s the point? ????)

I understood what moving into Rahu was about on that level and I get it now and I am ok with it. I was trying to figure out what it would entail with regards to going back to Ketu. A merging of some sort, but how? - that was my question.

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@manisha You may want to look into the outer planets for that. I find more and more (for myself) that they are inseparable from Rahu/Ketu. I feel like this is where the real work is (and that Pluto was talking to me all night last night, tiring and weird ???? ...)

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Thanks, Mona. The outer planets is the first thing I look at. It represents what is hidden and that is what I am trying to find. Chiron was the first thing I was introduced to and I connect with it on a very deep level. Pluto and Saturn are my best friends and they are never far from me ???? 

Perhaps with Rahu in 1st, I am unable to define clearly what I am searching for. I can feel the connection that I am looking for, but since I have not tasted it or experienced it first hand, I cannot express it in words as to what it is that I am looking for. Once I connect to it and can give form to it in my mind, I can define it as well as I can through the limited expressive quality of language. The words I use might be the same, but the level could be different.

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ketu is the flag of the territory known, conscious level. 

rahu is the foreign of the territory, unconscious level.

when I put the known in the unknown, the ring closes! samaadhi! ❤️ 


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Thanks, Bhima. You might have something there. But it will not just be the known going into the unknown, but also the unknown becoming the known. I need to contemplate more upon it.

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I like this explanation if you can help you.

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Thanks, Bhima. That was quite a coincidence as I was thinking on similar lines this morning.

I was likening the planets with Ketu as my children and how much time and energy they have been taking from me. And the little rascals that they were, they caused more problems than help. Finally I had had enough and I started completely ignoring them for the past year.

They seem to be behaving much better now, but I am wondering how long to leave them in time out ????  Or maybe, they’ll come along on their own later on when they need something from me. LOL.

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???? ???? ???? 

Your love for them derived from detachment makes them grow like the vegetable kingdom in the moonlight...wonderful! ???? ???? 

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???? ???? ???? 

Yup, I am learning to practice tough love. That’s a new one for me. LOL.

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Ketu's Mace ???? 

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Handle with care! ???? ???? ???? 

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As for outer planets, it is not good to have Pluto conjunct the 11th Campanus cusp. At least I wouldn't recommend it. The networks we build and profits we gain will crumble, turn against us, or scatter like the wind.

Or maybe Pluto just doesn't do well in Venus signs. Maybe there are Lajjitadi Avashthas of the outer planets that have yet to be discovered? This wouldn't help unpleasant house cusp placements though.

Pluto would probably help us the most in the 6th or possibly the 8th. Neptune might be nice and at home in the 12th, and possibly the 4th or 8th. Uranus would probably be the most fun in the 5th, and maybe the 2nd, 3rd, or 11th. But this is just a guess.

I would think the outer planets would cause the most turmoil, difficulty, or isolation in the quadrants (maybe Neptune in the 4th could be very spiritual, though.), as they are the pillars of a stable and successful worldy life. I know someone with nothing but outer planets in the quadrants and they have an extremely painful and difficult existence. Not very grounded.


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@mitryendra80 From what I understand from Ernst's outer planets class (going through it right now), outer planets are not causing events to happen but it's what we are going through internally when positive or negative events happen (based on Dasa we are in) and related to the house it's in. If Pluto is joined the 11th cusp and, due to the Dasa you are in, if you have a negative experience with your peers, your ego will feel threatened and Pluto will show you what part of your ego is in the way of your happiness and what attachment you should let go of in this area of life. But, if it's a positive event, Pluto will help us build a stronger inner confidence that will also allow us to let go of some security/ego attachments. So, am not convinced it is "good" or "bad" to have outer planets in any specific house.  I haven't gone through the class re: outer planets in houses so I may be wrong but something tells me that Pluto will always give us a hard time for example if we don't harness its power. My 2-cent 😉

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Pluto in the 3rd house is pretty difficult too...mine is conjunct Mercury.


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@kam Could be the Mercury conjunction that is causing the trouble.

Mercury is a manifesting planet ruled by Vishnu and likes to manage things, keep daily life running smoothly, make social connections and freinds, and maintain sensible rules and boundaries. Basically a pleasant rajasic planet. It is easy to see how Pluto's agenda can be at odds with what Mercury likes to do!

I'm not sure how this would end up playing out in the 3rd house specifically. I guess the most tangible results would be seen from how close it is to the Campanus cusp.

My Pluto is exactly conjunct, to the degree, the 11th cusp in a Venus sign, but with no conjoining planets.

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@mitryendra80 I don't have Kala yet, so I'm not sure about the exact Campanus cusp degree. But my Mercury-Pluto conjunction is within a 1° orb (Pluto 8° and Mercury 9° in Scorpio) Transiting Uranus is opposing my Mercury exactly right now from Taurus.

It feels like everything I try to focus on and manifest gets destroyed. It can feel really awful at times. My Mercury is also part of a Parivartana yoga with my AK, Mars.

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@kam So your dealing with both Scorpio and Pluto energy. It may be considered trite by some to link Pluto with Scorpio, but they do seem to share a few similar themes, at least in an 8th house-type way.

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Hi Kam,

If you don't have Kala yet you can use Lada Duncheva's chart calculator to find the house cusps. She was Ernst's student and uses Campanus cusps as recommended:

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@mitryendra80 Thanks! I actually did that as I was writing my last reply but wasn't quite sure of the accuracy. My 3rd cusp begins at 20° Scorpio, while my 2nd cusp begins at 21° Libra. So my conjunction is quite far away from that 3rd cusp, it seems.
