Hi! If someone can be so kind to answer -- is a planet conjunct Rahu much worse and more painful than Rahu rasi aspecting a planet?
For example, we all know how rough Venus and Rahu are together. What about Rahu rasi aspecting Venus? And since Venus is the karaka of marriage, will marriage be delayed with the rasi aspect?
I assume yes, but I wanted to clarify with those with far greater knowledge 🙂
Thank you!
Rahu conjunction is indeed worse because it impairs the ability of the planet to function well.
Rahu rasi aspect would cause delays and how much depends on it's dignity.
Ernst said that Rahu Venus Dasa often gives separation and it is usually a very intense period for many people. But he also said sometime it could also be great for the few others. I entered my Rahu Venus 10/9/2022 and it will end 10/9/2025. I was a bit worried at the time. I looked at my Shodasavargas for the position of Rahu and Venus and they actually look pretty decent, in certain varga like D-4 and D-10 are actually darn good. I am really pleasantly surprise that my Rahu Venus has been going quite well overall but especially in the financial areas and work. I looked at the Varshaphala for every year as well as transits to see what i can expect and also for confluence. So don't get despair when you enter Rahu Venus. Look at all the Vargas, transits and annual solar return to see what is there, the aspect, the dignity, the conjunction and the houses that Rahu Venus are affecting...
I do expect separation in my career in Rahu Sun which is right after Rahu Venus. But here instead of losses it will be a completion of a cycle as I plan to retire...
Keep also in mind any planets that are very close to Rahu, even if in a different sign. Those will also take some time to develop healthily.
As for Rasi aspects - Amit said it beautifully already. But do look out for any rasi (and planets in it of course) that is being aspected by both Rahu and Saturn. Those will be extremelly challenging throughout the life of the person.