Is a Rahu conjuncti...
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Is a Rahu conjunction worse than a Rahu rasi aspect?

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Hi! If someone can be so kind to answer -- is a planet conjunct Rahu much worse and more painful than Rahu rasi aspecting a planet? 

For example, we all know how rough Venus and Rahu are together. What about Rahu rasi aspecting Venus? And since Venus is the karaka of marriage, will marriage be delayed with the rasi aspect? 

I assume yes, but I wanted to clarify with those with far greater knowledge 🙂 

Thank you! 

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Amit Bhat
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Rahu conjunction is indeed worse because it impairs the ability of the planet to function well.

Rahu rasi aspect would cause delays and how much depends on it's dignity. 

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@amit Thank you so much Amit! I really appreciate your responses to my question. This makes a bunch of sense.

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Ernst said that Rahu Venus Dasa often gives separation and it is usually a very intense period for many people. But he also said sometime it could also be great for the few others. I entered my Rahu Venus 10/9/2022 and it will end 10/9/2025. I was a bit worried at the time. I looked at my Shodasavargas for the position of Rahu and Venus and they actually look pretty decent, in certain varga like D-4 and D-10 are actually darn good. I am really pleasantly surprise that my Rahu Venus has been going quite well overall but especially in the financial areas and work. I looked at the Varshaphala for every year as well as transits to see what i can expect and also for confluence. So don't get despair when you enter Rahu Venus. Look at all the Vargas, transits and annual solar return to see what is there, the aspect, the dignity, the conjunction and the houses that Rahu Venus are affecting...

I do expect separation in my career in Rahu Sun which is right after Rahu Venus. But here instead of losses it will be a completion of a cycle as I plan to retire...



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@tuyetv Hi Tuyet! Looks like I had my Ra/Ve as a baby and I will have my Ve/Ra well into the later years of my life, haha. 

That's so beautiful that your dasa has been great :). God blessed you! I hope those financial gains keep growing. Thank you for sharing, I love hearing examples from people's personal lives -- it's very helpful. 

Wishing you the best on your next Sun AD. I hope you retire peacefully and wonderfully. 

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@curioussoul - Thank you! Although I am very good at what i do , but yes after 40 years i am ready for the next chapter, explore new territories.  I have been thinking about retirement and had some idea of the time frame. The amazing thing is astrology (Dasas, transits, Varshaphala and COT...) actually confirmed the time that i will retire. The systems work beautifully together. Not all breaks and ending are bad as i have learned in my 40 years of working. Sometime you just move on to a different job that requires different set of skills. It is good to move on and learn different things, and those very changes made me realize all the skills that i have in me, and now i get to use them....



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@tuyetv Well said! For some reason 'change' is looked down upon by many people. At least in my experience in my culture, etc it is seen as a failure. Yet I see it as the complete opposite. 

After all, from the micro to the macro, everything is in constant change and evolution. 

So I completely agree with you. It is GREAT to move on and learn different things! 

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@tuyetv thank you for this response. I would love to talk with you one on one about this if you would be so kind to converse on this subject. I'm entering my rahu-venus dasa (as a native rahu-venus person) in 2 months starting 1-18-2025. it's been so perplexing to dissect in my divisional charts.

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@motsh for every Dasa i always look at the Shodashavarga so for my Rahu Venus i looked at the position of my Rahu and Venus in all the Vargas to see the sign, the house, the aspect, conjunction to get the feel of the good and the bad areas. Of course, it is important to know your D-1, yogas, avasthas too. For me D-2, D-4, D-10 and D-30 are pretty good. My D-7 is not good and i have always known that so yes a few separation from friends. Health wise my Venus is exalted in D-30 so in general Rahu Venus should be good. But after Rahu Venus, it will be something else. I also look at D-16. Then i look at the solar return Varshaphala and analyze it. I know i plan to retire so  i look at transits in my 10th house for separation. So it is really just a lot of analysis, looking for confluence in various astrological system to get the feel of each year....




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@tuyetv would you mind looking at mine for what you see? It doesn’t seem good for any of those from my eye. But I’m only 6 months in… I am concerned, honestly. My mental health has been teetering

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Keep also in mind any planets that are very close to Rahu, even if in a different sign. Those will also take some time to develop healthily. 
As for Rasi aspects - Amit said it beautifully already. But do look out for any rasi (and planets in it of course) that is being aspected by both Rahu and Saturn. Those will be extremelly challenging throughout the life of the person. 

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As an anecdote if you will - the Sun is the strongest planet in my chart, highest in shad bala (over 600) and exalted in Aries in the 9th house. But it's 14 degrees away from Rahu. Well let's just say, consistency and a stable path of building my kingdom have been evading me up till now, and I'm at the ripe age of 36 🙂

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@nkan Interesting. Would you mind elaborating on that? Bad avasthas, not the right dasa, or is it just Rahu influence that in some way gets in the way?


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@staffan well you know how the joke goes, healthy people with working lives rarely devote themselves to astrology 😀  I just never could find my work with a big W, where I felt consistent sense of purpose. Rahu is in the 8th house but conjunct also the 9th cusp so things breaking down, having to start over (I've tried settling down in 6 different countries), being "poor and roving" and feeling a lack of purpose were to be expected I guess, especially with Rahu being in Jupiter's sign. Mercury is also very low in shad bala (80%) so bringing ideas to concrete realization has not worked out very well for me. 
My Sun doesn't really have bad avasthas, just a bit of starvation from Saturn (42 varupas) but still racks up a total of 104 points in the LA calculations.

I'm now going deeper into the COT system and, well, My Sun is with the 10th cusp and Pluto in the Mars card, which is King of Hearts 🙂 My Sun card is 9 of spades, as my BC is 9 of clubs. My ego never stood a chance lol. I also have my AK Mars starved by Saturn and joined with Uranus and Neptune in the 2 of Diamonds.

Ever since giving up my former career which I hated, and devoting myself to astrology fulltime, I feel a profound sense of peace, joy and connectedness. The decision only came about after some traumatic events (8th house).

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@nkan What a dinner table for lovers of PAC and cards etc that you served us! Yummie... 😉 I asked a question about Jupiter in the 8th ruling the 9th and 12th and you kind of asked one of my questions: From your example it´s reasonable to believe that embracing the 8th house can save us from that house more negative aspects.

Even though, typicaly, it took you some less wanted 8th house events to get there.

Happy for you! And the cards, yeah, for me it´s the best study path, given that you connect to the cards: learn the CoT and have a fully working system already after 6-12 months, and then add more and more astrology to it little by little.

About your chart: I think that 42 varupas of starvation is more than a little do, I´d say it´s considerable. But having the Sun in exaltation and in a Mars sign should make it easier to deal with than in other positions, I guess.

9 of Spades falling in King of Hearts sounds like a powerful egokiller, indeed. Very good from a spiritual point of view, obviously!



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@staffan With Jupiter ruling 9th and 12th and being in the 8th, I would imagine anything that allows the person to see things from a higher perspective - philosophy, spirituality, anything that connects him/her to God, will be beneficial, even if a person can't escape the more painful parts of their destiny, it will certainly help them deal with the ups and downs of life. And this can take many forms by the way, I can honestly say that aside from astrology and philosophy, my connection to animals and nature has been what always brings me closer to universal love, to God. Especially profound animal friendships. It's a beautiful thing to experience, and every person will have their own avenues to get there. For some people this can also be a deep connection to another person, as 8th house is the emotional bond between two people, and sharing everything with them.

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@nkan Wow! Yes, my son is going to have a tough life, no doubt. But he´s very well protected too. Powerful spiritual guides.

About nature in spirituality. In this very moment watching a documentary on wolves. 

Both Jupiter and Saturn are doing poorly in my Rasi and several vargas, but are both exalted in D30. I recently learned by Ernst somewhere that the trimsamsa has to do with nature. Also Saturn is conjunct my AK in the D9.

I very much walk a nature path too. Long before I discovered spirituality in an active way I wrote and sold articles about nature and lived alone in the forest, drawing and taking notes on what was going on in it. My connection to nature is what has taken me through many times. Good to meet a fellow on the path.


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@staffan How beautiful, thank you for sharing Staffan. Living alone in the forest is so cool -- how long did you do it for?

I find much peace in nature too. There's an infinite amount to learn from her.

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@curioussoul That lasted for almost two years. I was 21 or something, before the landlady wanted her house back. 300-400 meters from the closest neighbour, in a pine forest just by a lake. Think "Boundary waters", but in a much smaller scale and with no wolves and bears.

I once heard the trees speaking to me. Or "heard", I guess it was psychic hearing that I haven´t experienced that clear since. I guess that was a start of something, although I didn´t get the realization until years after. The human capacity for denial of the obvious is incredible; since the event didn´t fit into my world view I just didn´t take it into account. A peculiar thing that meant nothing, according to me.

Before that, since the age of 7-8 basically, I more or less grew up in a peculiar organization of young nature/biology nerds. "The field bilogists" they call themselves or "Fältbiologerna" in Swedish. Ornithology, botany, entomology, mycology - name it... For a while I had a special crush on dragonflies... Plus we tried to save the world, raising alarm about climate change on an early stage. But I grew out of it, I´d say to a more spiritual relation to nature. I think the environmentalist´s efforts are doomed as long as they keep objectifying nature, that is looking at it through a scientific lense primarily, and also speaking from a utilitarian point of view. "Water is a resource..." Well, if water is a resource we should use it, right? What about: "Grandmother water"? We lack a language for that, that can be used without being ridiculed.


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@nkan Haha, thank you so much for sharing this. Adding on to my reply from your first comment -- I totally relate to not having a stable path! It's funny because it forced me to let go and let life flow. The instability is fated, and it's not such a bad thing sometimes 🙂 

How are you doing emotionally about it? 

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@curioussoul oh yeah, I think on a certain level - everything is exactly as it should be, and how it was meant to be all along. As for the instability in my path, it has been fun and exciting at times, empowering even, other times - the most painful thing emotionally and extremely humbling. The ego hurts the most, of course. When you learn to see things from a higher perspective, and opt out of victimhood, things become very peaceful and beautiful. 🙂

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@nkan Well said, and I couldn't agree any more!

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@nkan I remember Ernst pointing out that a kingdom does not have to be one with fix borders or walls. Wandering around may be one´s kingdom. I´m pretty sure he said more or less precisely that.

Maybe you did find your kingdom after all, or created it, not realizing that it was it?


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@staffan Do you happen to remember which course this quote is from? No problem if you don't, I will watch and rewatch all of them eventually, God willing 😀 

"Maybe you did find your kingdom after all, or created it, not realizing that it was it?" - your guess is as good as mine 🙂 internally I have always strived to live authentically, no matter the cost, but I think it takes me longer than most to really figure out the basics of "who am I, what do I really want, what actually works for me". (which is ironic given how proud me and my family were that I started school early due to being a "gifted child") When Ryan Kurczak said "if you have Rahu with Mercury, you will make lots of mistakes and that's OK" (not verbatim), I felt very seen and relieved lol

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@nkan Yeah, an afflicted Mercury can really mess things up for us.

I suspect the (semi-)quote is from the Lajjitaadi avasthas master course, when he speaks about the Sun.

Being intellectually gifted and academically educated can certainly create problems. It feeds our arrogance and tends to assure that our (false/not spiritual) ideas are right. As a 5 of Clubs I struggle with my Pluto card being a 4 of clubs; fix ideas and being right doesn´t work for me. Yet I do anything to be right many times, and the world seems to prove me right - I believe - so it´s a hard thing to overcome. Being humble doesn´t come easy.


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@nkan I just happened to hear him saying something similar in a video I hadn´t seen before. It´s number 38 in the PAC course; 13 minutes in he speaks about the "kingdom" concept and says that it is "something based on who we really are and that can´t be taken away from us." "If you are a buddhist, it may be a tree!"


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@staffan very interesting, thank you. Perhaps I held a slightly limited view of what "kingdom" truly means.
Every single course holds so much wisdom, I can't wait to explore all of them.

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@staffan I just remembered something - there is a very gnarly bandhana - bondage yoga in my chart, Rahu Mercury in the 8th, Saturn Mars in the 6th, and it involves my AK Mars being starved there in the 6th. Probably this contributes more to the obstacles, delays and ups and downs than the Rahu proximity to the Sun.

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@nkan So yet another member in Ernst´s Sa/Ma-conjunction club... 😆 I´m only partially a member. Sa DB in Mars´s sign and a son with the conjunction in the 5th...

So what is the yoga? Interchange of Lords? 

But yes, tough positions and yes, Rahu by itself doesn´t cause delays. 


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@staffan It's one of the yogas with pretty negative connotations, taught in the Jaimini course. Causes one to be stuck in life - the condition and type of planets involved in it determine the degree of damage it can do to a person's life. Happens when there is an equal amount of Grahas on both sides of the 1st-7th house axis. Obviously when it involves Mars, Rahu and Saturn, it was never going to be fun lol.
And yes, I am indeed part of the Sa-Ma conjunction club 🙂 since it's in Capricorn both planets are in good dignity, however they are in the 6th and my AK is starved by Saturn so lots of action going on there 😀

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@nkan Right, right, argala... I should have thougt about it.

I´m into gemstones right now (and hopefully for the rest of my life). A gem for Mars in Capricorn should help you not only to strenghten Mars/AK, but also to get unstuck. Since it's a movable sign. I would actually had recommended you a Mars gem for Aries - the most action minded sign and FIRE - but there are no.

Multicolored Dumortierite for Mars in Cap.



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@nkan It wouldn´t cost you much to wear a red garnet though. It´s for Sun in Aries and it should be Mars energy, but it's still a reminder about your goal in life, and it's Aries, so:action.

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@staffan Somewhere in the updated rashi sutras course, Ernst mentioned an updated color scheme for the rashis, which he was experimenting with at the time, and has since found working better and making more sense.

This would not only be used for gems, but also for for all bright solid modern colored objects like clothes, cars, walls, ect (and predicting them).

This works better for stones too, as Aries rules over Magenta and related variations such as maroon, fuschia, and "process red". Many untreated rubies are closer to magenta than solid red. So are some tourmalines and even garnets and rhodochosites.

Sag is solid red like Aries used to be.

Gemini is Cyan and this would cover many stones like aquamarine, turquoise, amazonite, chalcedony, natural light blue topaz, and the bluer varieties of chrysoprase, etc.

Aquarius is solid deep blue.

Cancer is purple. Ernst considered pink more appropriate with the waxing moon, though.

Scorpio is orange, at least with waxing moon, but possibly brown with waning moon.

Pisces is still clear, but Ernst was considering black when the moon is waning.

Taurus is still white. Leo is still yellow. Virgo is still scintillating. Libra is still green. And capricorn is still multicolored.

This may be fun to test with predicting, prashna, dashas, with various objects.

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@mitryendra80 Wow, I don´t remember this. Have to check it out, utterly important information of course, thank you!


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@nkan Hey Nadya! How would it be possible to have an equal amount of Grahas on both sides of the 1-7th axis if there's an odd amount of grahas? I'm asking because I have an almost equal amount of planets on both sides of the axis! :0

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@curioussoul Hi, the number of Grahas we look at is in the individual bhavas. So the pairings are: 6th and 8th, 5th and 9th, 4th and 10th, 3rd and 11th, 2nd and 12th - these are the signs/bhavas that are equidistant from each other in regards to the 1st 7th axis. So say you have 1 planet in the 2nd and 1 planet (including Rahu & Ketu) in the 12th - that forms a bondage yoga.

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@nkan Excellent explanation. Please Nadya, remind me: if there is a planet in the first (or 7th), does it break the yoga?


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@staffan as far as I know nothing breaks the yoga. That being said - it's a fairly common yoga. The number of planets and the condition of the planets I think changes how severe it is going to be.

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@nkan Ahhh, gotcha! Thanks so much for clarifying.

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@staffan Haha, that last sentence made me laugh. Thank you dearly for sharing this.

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@nkan Thank you so much for your response, Nadya. Luckily I don't have any planets close to Rahu. But what I do have is Venus my AK in an angle and in her own sign getting rasi aspected by Saturn and Rahu. 

That Rahu has indeed caused ups and downs and both of them aspecting created losses in life...and a lot of confusion and mistakes in Venusian areas. I've grown and learned from all of those. I'm entering my Venus maturation period soon, too!

Luckily my Venus is doing well in my D9 and is not afflicted :). 
