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Rahu's D1 Rashi Chart Lord in D12

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Greetings Rahu/Ketu healers and/or Ernst,

What is the significance when the Lord of Rahu's sign from the D1 is debilitated in the D12, the most important varga for Ra/Ke?

In my case Ra is in the 9th in D1, so that already shows karma with parents and ancestors, as does the D12, where the D1's 9th lord is debilitated.

I didn't see a video that mentions the effects of the placement of Ra/Ke's D1 lords in the D12.

Much thanks,


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Kristiana Y
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Hi Mitryendra80,

I was left with the impression that you should look at the dignity of the lord in the varga. I cannot tell you a specific video/audio course of Ernst's because frankly it is a lot of info and sometimes it really is better for him to clarify (at least for me, he speaks in riddles ;)). However, Ryan Kurczak has mentioned to examine the lord in the Rasi in the varga in question. Maybe examine both and see what applies for you in terms of concrete reality (Rasi) and what to your D12 - your heritage. Hope I made sense here!



Amit Bhat
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Normally we see rasi lord checking in navamsa for determining yogas. 

Not sure why we should check one varga lord in other?


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Posted by: @amit

Not sure why we should check one varga lord in other?

Because D12 is the most important varga for Rahu and Ketu. So I thought that Rahu's D1 lord would still have significance in the D12, along with perhaps the D12's own Ra/Ke lords placement in its own varga there as well.

But since my own Rahu is in the 9th of the Rashi D1, I would need to give the navamsha importance as well since the D9 is related to the 9th house domain in general. But 9th house is also parents, and the D12 relates to parental and ancestral karma as well.

I wasn't trying to determine any yogas. I just wanted to see if there is any insight, experience, or thoughts others may have about a lunar node's D1 lord being debilitated in the D12.

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I guess I should have framed my question as: "What is the the significance of the placement of Rahu and Ketu's D1 lords in the D12", instead of asking about my own chart.

This is something we could all be curious about and learn from for whatever chart we are working with.


Amit Bhat
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There are key factors in D12 - 12th cusp, its lord and pada, then similarly bhavat bavam 11th cusp factors, then ra/ke factors, then we can analyze 4th and 10th cusp factors... they should be sufficient enough to give a good idea about karmas with parents... 

D12 is indeed an important varga...

Kristiana Y
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@mitryendra80, i am watching now healing rahu and ketu 3 and in video 72 Ernst is saying that you should look at the varga that corresponds to the house that Rahu is in in the Rasi. So in your case, yes examine D9, the important bhavas as per Jaimini and the lords and aspects of course. 


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Yes a fox omen recently directed my attention to Rahu issues in the navamsha.

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