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Confusion with Ashtakavarga

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Hey all 🙂 

I'm just starting on the ashtakavarga learning and am a bit confused by how it is read. I have parasharas book and I've found that the planets in beneficial/supportive placements dont line up with what is presented in the video- this could totally be because of my own lack of knowledge with how this works but I'm getting really confused.

I'm wondering how best to synthesise reading this for my own mental clarity. At the moment I am reading it like when looking at the suns ashtakavarga for example I would see that when the sun is in the 1,2,3 etc house from itself it is in a benefic position. So reading it like when 'x' planet is 'n' amount away from 'y' planet it is in a supportive/unsupportive position. Therefore this can be applied both natally and in transit. 

I dont have the Kala software, so perhaps that is where some of my confusion is coming from because I havent seen how the charts Ernst has created work in action, but from watching the videos I'm a bit confused about if I am looking at the chart and placements for a specific person and what is specifically supportive for their chart or if I am looking at the theoretical/overarching placements that would be true for any chart.

In the video course 'exploring ashtakavarga' video 2- 'calculating ashtakavarga' I can see on the charts that for example at 16.25 when comparing P with VM, in the parashara chart system moon from mars is different to what I can see in the hora sastra book. Eg in the video chart it looks like the moon from mars would be beneficial in 3,4,5,8,9,11,12. However in the book it looks like it would be 2,3,5,6,10,11. I know Ernst talks about the discrepency between P and VM, but this is between the parashara chart in the video and what I am seeing in the parashara hora sastra book. Can someone please confirm if I am reading this correctly or perhaps I am missing something that is causing this confusion? 

Another example mars from venus using the chart at minute 21.19 in the same video it looks like if mars is in taurus - it would be benefic from venus in 5,7,10,11 whereas in the book it looks like 6,8,11,12. 

Can someone please help clear up my confusion? I'm wondering if I have a faulty book or I'm reading the charts all wrong.

EDIT : also just wanting confirmation for example if Jup is in Leo and Sun in Gemini - that would mean the sun is in the 11th from Jup correct?

Thank you!!

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4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

The way its written the Parashara is extremely confusing. I would suggest reading the ashtakavarga in Phaladeepika or Jataka Parijitha or Brihat Jataka. 

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Ahh okay cool, thank you! I found this online full PDF of Brihat Jataka so I will follow that-

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
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please be aware that there is a 2 point difference in ashtakavarga from parashara and brihat jataka. Kala has both options. Phaladeepika, Jataka Parijata and BPHS use the same method. Varaha mihira is slightly different. I use the parashara however its something i think needs more testing. KN Rao did test extensively and decided parashara was more accurate but he was using sidereal signs and of course that changes ashatakavarga quite a bit. 

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Ah okay I will keep that in mind, thank you!
