What is the Karaka for trucks? Venus for vehicles, Jupiter for heaviness and long distance, Mars for power?
Recently, big heavy trucks have been coming too close to my car and sometimes my car gets hemmed in. This never happened before, only recently since Venus entered Capricorn. I want to check what is happening.
Vehicles are venus, jupiter is the space in the truck and mercury is transportation of goods, so you need all three of those.
Hi Manisha,
I don't know about an official truck karaka, but with Mars and Pluto transiting together with Venus, the main vehicle karaka, I would at least chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra 3 times before starting your car before driving. They are all transiting your Asc./Rahu/Jupiter at the moment.
Not to be alarmist (I can't personally or specifically predict anything), just might need a little extra grace and protection around this time because thats what I did during difficult vehicle transits a few years ago. And of course you could also do it at home 11 or 21 or 108 times daily if you want to or have the time. I'm not good at that kind of discipline and consistency though.
However this is an excellent opportunity to become closer with Jupiter energy, as Jupiter is swashtha right now.
You may want to look up the connection between pranayama and strengthening a weak Jupiter, since it is involved with your ASC and Rahu, which would directly involve physical vitality making the energy field more robust. (you mentioned negative and pessimistic energy drains you in a very tangible way.) Corey Dowds wrote a brief article about the connection between Jupiter and pranayama.
If you've experienced lifelong energetic intrusions, it might feel good to experiment with "growing" prana in the ascendent. To produce a vital protective energy field as a vehicle in which to live and travel. Particularly brhmana or tonifying breathing exercises could be helpful, starting slowly, naturally, and carefully.
Since Jupiter is transiting your 3rd house it may be a good time to take up tai chi or even martial arts. (I like to think of Pisces as a rashi of Taoism, the water sign of the "Watercourse Way".) Especially if Mars is also weak, since Mars is a karaka of the 3rd, which we know as the house of martial skill and getting around in daily life/short term travel.
In fact, Jupiter's grace, as it transits it's own sign in your 3rd, may be protecting you during short-term or regular travels right now. So maybe harness that protective Jupiter energy if you can. Perhaps you will feel rewarded and reborn when Venus gets exalted there in a few months.
If I am to survive much longer or avoid becoming psychopath, I need to take my own advice and start Jupiter rehab myself, if possible, as mine is not only doubly starved in D1, but also debilitated in two key vargas including the trimshamsha, which Ernst says is even more fated than the D1. Then there is the 8th misery yoga with Saturn in another one. In fact Saturn and Mercury have all but kicked Jupiter out of my life this past decade and it feels very pathological and wrong.
Good Luck,