Obviously with either zodiac, the return transit time would be different. Especially with outer planets but also with Saturn. So, which astronomical transit is more correct here? Ones typical first Sa tropical return transit would be about 4 days prior to the sidereal transit return.
In older charts for countries (like the US), the tropical Pluto return happens about 2 years prior to the Sidereal Pluto return. The final Pluto return, sidereally is going to happen on 12/30 this year.
If one uses the tropical zodiac, it is tropical the whole way through. But it is an interesting thing here. Sidereally, due to precession, the returns gradually happen later. But it is not like the zodiac stretches...It is 360 degrees regardless.
You can test this simply with outer planet's transits. They will happen at very different times when using sidereal or tropical.